Monthly Internal Brand Audit
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Brand Standards
Music - On & at correct level for time of day and to brand standard?
Restaurant Lighting - All Bulbs working and Ambience correct for time of day?
Is the restaurant clean, tidy & set for service, Chairs clean, Carpet hoovered, floors swept and windows and ledges clean?
Menus and Specs - Correct A la carte menu in place, clean and presentable
Menus and Specs -Cocktail/Bar, Wine/Champagne list correct, clean and presentable
Is there an allergen sheet available to guests for all dishes available?
Table set up - correct for brand/concept?
Table set up - Lamp/candle holder / cruets clean and positioned correctly
Table set up - Cutlery and Glassware correct & positioned as per brand standard
Picture of fully laid table:
Team in full uniform as per the Brand Standards
Exterior A la carte menu displayed
Bar Set Up - Bar back organised and fully Stocked. Area clean and tidy. Guest ready
Seasonal Cocktails available
Coffee Machine fully stocked & Clean
Brand approved Coffee in stock
Brand CCG - Coffee cups
Brownie Bites for Coffees prepped and ready for service
Franklin & Sons all flavors in stock
Longbottom Virgin Mary in stock
Lustre all flavors in stock
Frobishers all flavors in stock
Team Comms & Training
Winter Cook-Off conducted/planned with team?
Pre-shift briefings completed and documented daily
MPW Portal access poster printed and visible within the team communication areas
Team member able to talk through guest journey or guest journey is observed
Brand approved Coffee Training conducted within the last 12 months?
Date conducted:
Do Management have access to the Standard Operations manual (SOP) , Is there a printed copy and are they aware of its content.
Guest Experience
Is the restaurant achieving minimum responses through FeeditBack - 40 for 28 day period?
Current score:
Is the restaurant achieving target NPS rating - 60 for 28 day period?
Current score:
Is the restaurant achieving target social review rating - 80% for 28 day period?
Current score:
Are all FeeditBack cases being responded to, resolved and closed within 72 hours?