Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Document Reference Number

  • Site conducted

  • undefined

  • Conducted on

  • Audit Team

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Completed on

  • Signature

0.0 GMP Condition


  • 0.1 Is the site being audited a member of SFMCA? <br>FeedSafe Rules state that the site must be a member of SFMCA. Proof can be a paid membership invoice or current FeedSafe Certificate

  • 0.2 Are the required documents available by staff: All of these documents must be available for staff to access. Show where they are kept.

  • 0.2a does it include Australian Code of Good Manufacturing Practice for the Feed Manufacturing Industry (as amended or superseded)

  • 0.2b does it include the current version of the FeedSafe® Certification Rules

  • 0.2c does it include the current version of the FeedSafe® Standards

  • 0.2d does it include the National Biosecurity Manual for Animal Feed Manufacturing Sites (as amended or superseded)

  • 0.2e does it include the approved Manufacturing site’s quality system manual

  • 0.2f does it include relevant safety data sheets for all materials stored on site

  • 0.3 Who is the QA Officer for the site? FeedSafe Rules state there must be a staff member (QA Officer) nominated to oversee the audit.

  • 0.4 What is the manufacturing tonnage for the past 12 months? Manufacturing tonnages can be substantiated in any way agreed to between the auditor and the auditee (e.g. production printouts) as long as proof is provided. A legitimate figure must be recorded. This is a moderate NC if not provided.

  • 0.5 Does the site have planning permission from the local shire? <br>Provide documentation that proves shire permission has been granted.


  • 1.1 Has a site hazard food safety risk assessment been completed and is it annually reviewed?

  • 1.2 Does the risk assessment plan utilise HACCP principles, identifying risk areas and provide methods of managing these risks?<br>Reference should be made to the SFMCA Completing On Site Hazard Risk Assessment Plan Guide which identifies the major risks manufacturers need to manage. The seven principles of HACCP need to be used in managing risk hazards.<br>Risks must be managed through identified critical control points that need to be integrated into the sites operations. This needs to be confirmed during the audit process.

  • Are all verifications steps and documents been kept up to date?

  • Has the HACCP Plan been reviewed in the past 12 months?

  • Is the process adequately flow charted?

  • 1.3 Are internal audits undertaken to ensure the requirements within this Audit Checklist are being met between annual FeedSafe audits.<br>This Audit Checklist needs to be used to conduct internal audits through the year to ensure the compliance standard is being met. There needs to be a record that internal audits have been undertaken.<br>The annual audit must confirm that internal audits have been undertaken at least once through the year, with this being more than 3 months before or after the annual FeedSafe audit.

  • Date of last Audit ?


  • 2.1 Is a site plan for the entire premises available? <br>Site plan should identify major buildings, storage and processing areas and other features that impact on feed safety. Areas for storage of chemicals, medications and any hazardous goods should be shown on the site plan.

  • Does it identify major buildings ?

  • Does it identify storage areas ?

  • Does it identify processing areas?

  • Does it identify storage areas for non-manufacturing chemicals ?

  • Does it identify medications storage areas ?

  • Does it identify hazardous goods storage areas?

  • 2.2 Does the site have suitable drainage? <br>Reference should be made to poor drainage which resents a hazard to animal health and food safety.

  • 2.3 Are roadways maintained in good condition, dust and mud being minimised? <br>Controls need to be in place to prevent contamination of feed with dust or mud. <br>Site hygiene needs to include plans to upgrade areas immediately leading into intake and outloading areas to prevent mud and dust contamination.

  • 2.4 Can raw materials and finished feeds be unloaded and/or loaded without significant water damage resulting?<br>Damage in terms of subsequent mould growth which may present a hazard to animals.

  • How are goods dealt with in bad weather?

  • 2.5.1 Where the mill manufactures ruminant feeds, are separate receival hoppers available for handling Restricted Animal Material (RAM)?

  • 2.5.2 If there is not a separate receiving hopper for RAM, are written procedures in place and followed to prevent cross contamination of received raw materials?<br>Mills should refer to the SFMCA document Guidelines Preventing Contamination with Restricted Feed Ingredients. The auditor needs to sight the procedures and verification records.

  • SOP's sighted

  • Documents sighted

  • 2.5.3 Are these procedures verified through inspection, sampling and testing?

  • Records Sighted

  • 2.6 Is ventilation or dust extraction units adequate to prevent accumulation within mill buildings of steam, dust and other airborne contaminants?<br>Assessed through site walk through and demonstration of no accumulation of dust on mill walls, bins and equipment.

  • 2.7 Are the buildings, grounds and machinery cleaned regularly? <br>Seen through the site being in a clean and tidy condition. <br>Need to verify based on mill cleaning records that this is an ongoing standard not just cleaning the mill prior to audit. Refer to the SFMCA document Feed Mill Hygiene Guide and FeedSafe Mill Hygiene Training Module.

  • Cleaning Records Document reference number sighted

  • Were the records consistent

  • 2.8.1 Is there a written mill cleaning procedure and schedule? <br>Need for documented evidence that the mill is cleaned regularly and that the mill has staff assigned to cleaning. Refer to the SFMCA document Feed Mill Hygiene Guide and FeedSafe Mill Hygiene Training Module, this includes a section on verifying hygiene.

  • Cleaning Plan Document reference number sighted

  • 2.8.2 Is there a system to verify the adequacy of the mill hygiene program?

  • Does verification have an adequate number of review inspections by manager/supervisor

  • 2.9 Is site security sufficient to ensure that accidental or deliberate contamination of product is avoided or prevented? <br>Prevention of unauthorised site access with specific reference to access to chemicals and medications held on site. Attention should be given to security of receival intake pits and controlling people access to the site.

  • Are non-manufacturing chemicals securely stored ?

  • Are medications securely stored ?

  • is intake pit security adequate?

  • 2.10 Are there written procedures controlling both visitors and contractors entering the site?

  • Procedure document number

  • Is the procedure enforced preventing "free access"?

  • 2.11 Is there a written procedure to make all site visitors aware of their potential impact on product safety, quality and the environment? <br>Are there documented steps taken to make visitors aware of their potential impact on product safety, quality and the environment.

  • Procedure document number

  • 2.12 Does the site have a written pest control management program? <br>Need to produce documented evidence that there are regular pest control management steps in place. Refer to the SFMCA document Feed Mill Hygiene Guide and FeedSafe Mill Hygiene Training Module.

  • Is the program regular in application of baits and/or treatments?

  • Are operators suitably qualified?

  • Are suitable records kept of any baits used including type and quantities for each station?

  • Are suitable records kept of chemicals used and mixing/dilutions?

  • Is there regular reporting ?

  • Does the program include bird control ?

  • Does the program include weeds and seeds ?

  • Is there a current SDS for each chemical used in treatments ?

  • 2.13 Is waste and contaminated material controlled and regularly removed from the site?

  • What evidence used to support the regular removal

  • 2.14 Are waste containers clearly identified and maintained to ensure waste material is contained and not incorrectly used?<br>Where bulk or bag material is held for waste disposal, is it adequately labelled to ensure it is not incorrectly used?


  • 3.1 Are qualified and/or experienced persons directly responsible on site for manufacturing operations? <br>Identified through educational qualifications and/or industry experience in feed milling. An example of acceptable training is the SFMCA Advanced Feed Milling Course.

  • Does it include all 4 FeedSafe Training Modules?

  • 3.2 Are employees provided with written duties? <br>These written duties can be in the form of job description, work procedure and/or work instructions. This is more than an office based set of work instructions and need to be operational within the mill. Employee written duties need to be linked to the food safety assessment and critical control point integration through the manufacturing process.

  • Do these duties link to the CCP's in HACCP?

  • 3.3.1 Are employees trained in GMP as it relates to their duties?

  • 3.3.2 Is completed training (including GMP training) documented in employee records?

  • 3.4.1 Is there a training program and are staff adequately trained to competently carry out their assigned tasks? <br>This includes provision to employees relevant written procedures and on the job training with an experienced operator. Refer to the SFMCA Advanced Feed Mill Training Course where relevant.

  • 3.4.2 Does training encompass actions impacting on product safety, quality and the environment?

  • 3.4.3 Is there specific training related to the ruminant feeding ban including storage, handling and use of restricted animal materials?<br>Only relevant where RAM is used on site. Refer to the SFMCA document Guidelines Preventing Contamination with Restricted Feed Ingredients as a training aid.

  • 3.5 Are maintenance staff trained to identify equipment faults which impact on product quality and safety?<br>Recognition of staff experience and knowledge of the site as well as training. Specific reference to faulty equipment resulting in cross contamination.


  • 4.1 Is appropriately designed and constructed equipment installed to meet the requirements of manufacturing stock feed? <br>Emphasis on use of equipment designed for feed milling use. Emphasis on feed mixing and validation of mixing efficiency through testing.

  • Is the mixer mixability testing up to date and inside specification

  • 4.2 Is equipment in use designed and maintained to prevent contamination during the manufacturing process? <br>Equipment should be in sound condition with minimal leaks of product. Confirmed through mill walk through looking for equipment leaks. Verification of carryover testing records for either RAM or medications to be sighted.

  • Are there test results showing verification of zero carrry over? ( log records sighted if yes, leave blank if no)

  • 4.3 Is appropriate dust extraction equipment installed? <br>Evidenced by no significant build-up of dust within mill buildings.

  • 4.4 Is equipment designed and installed to allow for routine cleaning, maintenance and inspection? <br>Relates to major pieces of plant and equipment such as hammer mill / roller mill, mixer, pellet press/cooler/crumble rolls, liquid additions, packing line. Confirm cleaning and maintenance practices through viewing records.

  • 4.5.1 Is a preventative maintenance program in use? <br>Confirm through viewing records for major pieces of plant and equipment (as in 4.4)

  • 4.5.2 Is there a system of logging maintenance work when completed?

  • Records Sighted?

  • 4.6.1 Are monitoring and/or controlling devices (weigh scales, temperature probes, flow meters, etc) monitored for accuracy and re-calibrated when required? <br>A procedure for monitoring should define the method, frequency of checking and include the use of certified weights or a third party operator where required with specific emphasis on critical control points.

  • 4.6.2 Are records kept of calibration monitoring?<br>Confirm through sighting records, e.g. certificates of currency for weighbridges and trade scales as well as internal monitoring.

  • Records Sighted?

  • 4.7 Do appropriately trained personnel carry out maintenance and calibration of equipment? <br>Either by external contractors or experienced operators.


  • 5.1 Is there a documented purchasing program implemented with emphasis on raw material quality and safety risks? <br>This needs to define how suppliers are approved and added to or removed from the approved supplier listing and who is authorised to approve new suppliers.<br>Refer to Guidelines for Approving Raw Material Suppliers – Food Safety Assessment.

  • Does the program meet guidelines for Approving Raw Material Suppliers – Food Safety Assessment.

  • 5.2.2 Does the purchasing standard or purchase contract include reference to grain treatment withholding periods?<br>Refer to GTA Grain Commodity Vendor Declaration or equivalent where in use.

  • Are the GTA standards used as reference up to date?

  • 5.3 Does the site maintain a register of compliant raw material suppliers? <br>Compliant is seen to be an approved suppliers list that is linked to either their confirmed QA program, provision of vendor declarations or historic record of supplying products which meet minimum specifications.<br>Refer to Guidelines for Approving Raw Material Suppliers – Food Safety Assessment.

  • 5.4 If unlabeled bagged restricted animal material is purchased, is such material either relabeled prior to storing on site or rejected and returned to the supplier? <br>Ensure bulk RAM which is either rebagged or bags with missing labels are correctly labelled.


  • 6.1 Is every load of incoming raw materials cross-referenced to purchasing documentation?

  • Which documents use for cross reference

  • 6.2 Is a record of the origin, date of receipt and quantities of each raw material received kept on file?

  • What records were sighted

  • 6.3 Where external third party vehicles are delivering raw materials, is confirmation of what the previous load carried recorded?<br>Use of transport driver declarations may be considered to confirm whether RAM has not been carried in the prior delivery. Attention is also to be given to contaminants such as glass, metal or chemical residues. What has been done if needed to decontaminate following the prior load. In some circumstances confirmation of up to three prior loads may be required by some feed customers.

  • What document(s) show prior loads

  • 6.4.1 Does the site have a written raw material quality control program?<br>Refer to Guidelines for Approving Raw Material Suppliers – Food Safety Assessment.

  • 6.4.2 Does this program call for raw materials to be sampled and tested to ensure they comply with purchase contract and standard specifications? <br>The Risk Assessment Plan as in 1.2 should define the risks and raw materials requiring sampling and testing.

  • Does the purchasing program cover the risk elements in the HACCP plan

  • 6.4.3 Are suitably trained and experienced employees assigned the task of receiving raw materials? <br>Staff need to be competent in the task.

  • Is there a training record for the operator on the inwards grain testing and bagged raw material inspection

  • 6.4.4 Are they authorised to accept or reject raw material deliveries? <br>Need to identify who is authorised to accept or reject raw materials outside specification.

  • What position has authority to accept/reject?

  • 6.4.5 Are appropriate tests conducted when receiving raw materials (grains, soft meals, liquids, packaged materials)? <br>Appropriate with respect to whether they meet purchase specification, this including visual inspection, sampling and testing The testing needs to be linked to the food safety risk assessment (1.1) and defined critical control points (1.2).

  • 6.4.6 Are retention samples of bulk raw materials taken and retained for at least three months?<br>Hazard risk assessment, as per Section 1, needs to identify bulk raw materials where sampling, testing and retention is required. This may also define bulk raw materials which do not require sample retention based on supplier history, supplier QA accreditation and provision of lab. assay test results. <br>The 3 month retention period is a minimum, for some higher risk raw materials retention for a minimum 6 months may be required to assist in any potential recalls

  • 6.4.7 Are retention samples of packaged raw materials taken and retained for at least three months? <br>Hazard risk assessment, as per Section 1, needs to identify packaged raw materials where raw material sampling, testing and retention is required.<br>Emphasis is to be given to bagged protein meals and raw materials that may vary with delivery and imported ingredients potentially subject to chemical residues,<br>It is acceptable to not store samples on site where the supplier has provided written assurance that they have retained samples of all products supplied e.g. some premix suppliers provide this sample retention service.

  • 6.4.8 Are retention samples identified or labelled to allow trace back to individual deliveries?<br>minimum identification: Material, Date, & link to receival documents or purchase order

  • 6.4.9 Are all received packaged raw materials adequately labelled (including ruminant feed warning statement) and in sound condition when received?

  • 6.4.10 Are labelling and packaging materials assessed for quality before use? <br>Reference to the provision of RAM labelling requirement and FeedSafe Uniform Labelling guidelines

  • 6.5 Are raw materials found to be outside specification clearly identified and appropriately dealt with by authorised personnel?

  • Who is authorised to deal with this issue.


  • 7.1 Are storage areas designed and maintained to prevent damage to, contamination, unintended mixing, or spoilage of ingredients and packaging materials?

  • 7.2.1 Are storage bins, silos, tanks and storage areas clearly identified with labels or numbers?

  • 7.2.2 Is there written documentation of contents within storage facilities?<br>The written documentation can be on a silo layout sheet, silo chart, whiteboard or computer program system.

  • 7.3 Is there an inspection and maintenance program for storage silos, bins, tanks and sheds which prevents raw material quality being compromised?<br>Silos and storage areas are checked either during stock take, preventative maintenance or some other defined event.

  • 7.4.1 Are all packaged raw materials stored adequately, allowing separation of different raw materials? <br>Reference to higher risk raw materials as identified in 1.1 risk assessment

  • 7.4.2 Is a documented first in first out stock rotation in practice?

  • 7.5.1 Are storage areas clean and tidy and have steps been taken to minimise vermin and bird presence?<br>Refer to the SFMCA document Feed Mill Hygiene Guide and FeedSafe Mill Hygiene Training Module.

  • 7.5.2 Is RAM stored in designated bins or storage areas?<br>Importance relates to feed mills manufacturing ruminant feeds and also storing or using RAM on site.

  • 7.6.1 Are feed additive and medications clearly identified and stored in accordance with labels and regulations?

  • 7.6.2 Is this area adequately secure to prevent cross contamination or inappropriate handling?

  • 7.6.3 Are S4 medications kept in a locked secure area?<br>May be unlocked during working hours, there however needs to be demonstrated security controls for outside working hours. S4 use remains subject to relevant State licence control conditions.

  • 7.7.1 Are chemical treatments (e.g. fumigants, pesticides) applied as per label instructions to stored raw materials?<br>There needs to be a system that records chemical treatment use. Verify through record inspection.

  • Records Sighted

  • 7.7.2 Are the personnel who apply these chemicals trained and experienced in their use?<br>Identify in training records for staff or service supplier advice.


  • 8.1.1 Are hazardous materials such as baits for pest control, boiler water treatment, fuel and cleaning agents stored securely away from ingredient handling areas to ensure that mistaken use in feed does not occur?

  • 8.1.2 Are such materials stored close to the point of intended use where relevant?<br>Hazardous materials need to be assessed with respect to safe storage location. E.g. baits ideally are stored removed from the milling area; boiler chemicals are stored within the boiler area. This needs to be identified in 1.1 risk assessment

  • 8.2 Are all pest control chemicals used by suitably trained personnel and registered for such use?<br>Identify in training records for staff or service supplier advice.

  • 8.3.1 Are cleaning agents stored in a secure storage area and their use controlled?<br>This relates to cleaning agents used in the feed manufacturing buildings. It does not relate to kitchen, lunchroom or other non-feed manufacturing buildings.

  • 8.3.2 Is there a record of what cleaning agents are kept on site?<br>This relates to cleaning agents used in the feed manufacturing buildings. It does not relate to kitchen, lunchroom or other non-feed manufacturing buildings.

  • 8.4 Is there a written inventory control system for all non-raw material chemicals used on site? <br>Inventory control is for all chemicals used within or located at the feed mill. Examples are grain treatment chemicals and rodent control? <br>Where other non-feed milling activities take place on the site and these are physically separated from the feed milling operations, they are outside the scope of FeedSafe e.g. chemicals used in vehicle maintenance are not included in the inventory where they are stored and used in buildings separate from the feed mill. Inventory control does not relate to lunchrooms, amenities or other non-feed milling buildings.

  • 8.5 Are all non-ingredient materials managed to ensure they are not mistakenly incorporated into stockfeed? <br>Emphasis placed on chemicals which are either toxic to livestock or may result in chemical residues if unintentionally included within stock feed.


  • 9.1.1 Is there a written formulation master file, with a record of the dates of use and version numbers? <br>Either in hard copy or electronic form

  • 9.1.2 Is this master file maintained by an authorised person? <br>Confirm who is on the authorised person list and their experience or qualifications.

  • Authorised person(s)

  • Experience or qualifications

  • 9.2.1 Do formulas in use provide the following information?<br>1. The name and unique identity code of the product.<br>2. An indication as to the animal type for which the product is intended to be fed.<br>3. The precise quantity of each raw material and, where appropriate, the location of the bin or bags of that raw material?

  • 9.2.2 In mills where restricted animal material is used and ruminant feed is also manufactured, is there a system to identify formulations contain restricted animal material and is unsuitable for ruminant feeding?<br>Confirm that the identification is recognised by manufacturing staff producing feed.

  • How is this identified?

  • 9.3.1 When formulations are modified, including raw material substitutions, does an authorised person make such modifications?<br>Confirm who is authorised and their experience or qualifications.

  • Who is authorised ?

  • What is thier qualification

  • 9.3.2 Is there a system to document formulation changes when they are made?

  • How are these documented ?

  • 9.4.1 Is there a written procedure adopted to prevent cross contamination of feeds with incompatible feed ingredients and medications?<br>Refer to the SFMCA document Guidelines Preventing Contamination with Restricted Feed Ingredients and Guidelines in How to Verify Cross Transference Controls.

  • 9.4.2 Have these procedures been verified through inspection, sampling and testing?<br>Manufacturers must meet the maximum carry-over of certain coccidiostats as per (EU) No 574/2011, refer Guidelines in How to Verify Cross Transference Controls.

  • Records Sighted?

  • 9.5 Are precautions taken to prevent cross contamination of subsequent mixes; this may include records of flushing, sequencing and cleaning?<br>Evidence of documented records such as production sheets.

  • 9.6 Is there a procedure for labelling, storage and handling of reworks and returns? <br>Refer to Returns, Reworks and Waste Guidelines.

  • 9.6.1 Is there identification and disposal of classified waste products and are these labelled and segregated from raw materials and finished products?<br>The intent is to prevent contamination of feed through the incorrect re-use of waste or other products. This does not stop the re-use of feed as long as it is done in a controlled manner. <br>Audit focus should be placed on reviewing procedures in place to prevent RAM inclusion in ruminant feed and medication contamination via use of rework.

  • 9.6.2 Are reworks and returns appropriately labelled and segregated?

  • 9.6.3 Are reworks and returns containing RAM or assumed to contain RAM clearly identified as such and are only reprocessed into non-ruminant feeds?

  • 9.6.4 Is there approval for reworks release and reformulation by an authorised person?

  • 9.6.5 Is there a documented procedure for treatment of returns and reformulation into feed?<br>Confirm who is authorised and their experience or qualifications.<br>Refer to Returns, Reworks and Waste Guidelines.

  • Who authorised

  • Qualifications


  • 10.1.1 Are there written work instructions for the critical manufacturing process jobs?<br>Work instructions need to include relevant responsibility for feed safety critical control points as per clause 1.2.

  • 10.1.2 Is there a record of what is manufactured and is this also used to confirm any departure from the defined production procedure?

  • 10.1.3 Are work instructions and manufacturing procedures regularly reviewed to ensure they remain effective?

  • 10.2.1 Are veterinary chemical products in use registered by the APVMA?

  • 10.2.2 Are veterinary chemical products used according to label instructions or veterinary prescription?

  • 10.3 Are veterinary chemical instructions (prescriptions) provided by veterinarians kept on record?

  • 10.4 Are feed batching records kept which confirm that feed was manufactured according to formulation?

  • 10.5 Are there defined raw material weighing tolerances and are these monitored?<br>For example refer to equipment supplier specifications.

  • 10.6 Are there records confirming the mixer has been tested for mixing efficiency in the last 12 months?<br>The intent is to have mixers that achieve a homogenous finished product. Regular mixer efficiency testing should be conducted, preferred 6 monthly check. Refer to Feed Mixer Efficiency Testing Guidelines.

  • 10.7 Are production and batching records kept and retained for at least twelve months?<br>Longer time periods for medication use records may be required in some States.

  • 10.8.1 Are out-loading and packaging systems, including all fixed or mobile silos, bins and tanks, designed and operated to maintain separation and integrity of finished products?

  • 10.8.2 Are bins identified by labelling or numbering systems?

  • 10.8.3 Are stored finished products clearly identified by records of what is stored in each silo, bin, tank or storage area?<br>This can either be on a record sheet, whiteboard or computer screen.

  • 10.8.4 Are storage silos, bins, tanks and sheds adequately designed, cleaned and maintained so that finished product quality is not compromised?<br>Refer to the SFMCA document Feed Mill Hygiene Guide and FeedSafe Mill Hygiene Training Module.

  • 10.9 Are clearly labelled samples taken of all finished product bulk loads and packaged product runs, and retained for at least three months?<br>Preference is for a longer period, min. 6 months, in case of food safety incidents and required traceability.

  • 10.10 Is the person who performs the on-site functions of production manager/supervisor appropriately trained?<br>Either through industry training qualification (refer SFMCA Advanced Feed Mill Training Course) and/or work experience supported through on-site training. They need to be competent to perform the duties required.


  • 11.1 Are bagged finished products correctly packaged and labelled at the time of bagging?

  • 11.2 Are there defined finished product weighing tolerances and are these monitored?<br>Bag check weighing needs to ensure correct nett weights achieved. Refer NMI Guidelines on Check Weighing Products

  • 11.3 Do bag labels in use meet regulatory requirements, with specific reference to the restricted animal feeding ban?<br>Refer to the SFMCA document Guidelines Preventing Contamination with Restricted Feed Ingredients.<br>There needs to be a system of approving bag artwork prior to printing and after receiving new bags and tags to ensure all bags and tags meet regulatory requirements.

  • 11.4 Is there a system to define how to set use by date periods for finished products?<br>Refer to SFMCA Use by Date Guidelines

  • 11.5 Is there a system of checking pallets prior to use to ensure they are in a clean and good physical condition and do not damage packaged products?

  • 11.6 Are bagged products stored in a manner that does not cause product damage and enables clear identification?

  • 11.7 Are broken or damaged bags of finished product segregated and dealt with to ensure they are not supplied to clients?


  • Does bulk delivery and/or invoice documentation meet regulatory requirements, with specific reference to the restricted animal feeding ban? <br>Refer to the SFMCA document Guidelines Preventing Contamination with Restricted Feed Ingredients.


  • 3.1 Are there loading and delivery procedures for bulk and bagged products which ensures loading of delivery vehicles with the correct product, without risk of damage, unintended mixing or contamination Delivery vehicle emphasis is on the trailer carrying feed. <br>Refer to Bulk Transport Code of Practice

  • 13.2.1 Is there a formal system of allocating finished product orders to out-loading bins and delivery vehicles?

  • 13.2.2 Are all out-loading bins, transport vehicles and their compartments clearly identified through a labelling or numbering system?

  • 13.2.3 Are bulk vehicles which have carried feed containing restricted animal materials cleaned prior to loading ruminant feeds?

  • 13.2.4. Are delivery vehicles inspected prior to loading to ensure they do not contain feed residues which can contaminate subsequent deliveries? If residues are found are cleaning procedures in place? Emphasis on RAM and medicated feeds and out-loading bins and vehicles where the next load is a non-medicated feed.

  • 13.2.5 Where external third-party vehicles are loaded, is confirmation of what the previous load carried obtained? Use of transport driver declarations should be considered to confirm whether RAM has not been carried in the prior delivery. In some circumstances, confirmation of up to three prior loads may be required by some customers.

  • 13.3.1 Are delivery vehicles kept in clean, well maintained and roadworthy condition, and designed such that feeds can be kept dry and protected from contamination during transport and delivery?

  • 13.3.2 Are bulk and bagged product transport vehicle loads covered during delivery?

  • 13.3.2 Are bulk and bagged product transport vehicle loads covered during delivery?

  • 13.3.3 Are documents provided to transport drivers to identity the feed products in a given load (by compartment as applicable) and clear instructions as to the precise destination for delivery of each product?

  • 13.3.4 If delivery vehicles are involved in any incident (e.g. accident) which could result in feed contamination, is there a system for reporting and determining the resulting actions regarding subsequent product delivery, return or disposal?

  • 13.4.1 Are feed clients reminded of their responsibility to provide adequate, safe and unobstructed facilities for unloading, and the clear and visible identification of all their storage facilities (silos, bins, etc.) This can be in the form of a memo, newsletter and/or part of the customer delivery paperwork. Refer to SFMCA Silo Safety Alert advice and Bulk Feed Farm Pre-Delivery Inspection Guidelines

  • 13.4.2 Are bulk feed products delivered into correctly identified farm storage facilities? Drivers should be trained in delivery procedures and actions to take if bulk silos are unacceptable, delivery instructions are inadequate, or feed will not fit into the designated silo.

  • 13.4.3 Product is not unloaded into alternative facilities unless specifically permitted by the recipient and documented? Need to have been include within delivery driver training.

  • 13.4.4 Is any significant spillage reported to the mill site and the customer, and the spilt feed disposed of? Procedures need to be linked to customer complaint management system.

  • 13.4.5 Do drivers inspect truck compartments to ensure complete emptying and report/record instances of incomplete unloading? Returned feed should be cross referenced to return weighbridge documentation.

  • 13.4.6 Is there a system to co-ordinate delivery vehicle movements in the event of a notifiable or emergency disease outbreak in the area within which feed is delivered?

  • 13.4.7 Are customer quarantine/biosecurity measures known and adhered to by the mill and drivers?


  • 14.1 Are relevant mill staff aware of the requirement to allow access to state authorities to obtain samples for auditing of the BSE ruminant feed ban?

  • 14.2.1Is sampling of finished products conducted so that samples are sealed, separated, labelled and retained to allow easy retrieval?

  • 14.2.2 Are feed samples stored in appropriate conditions and can samples be easily retrieved?

  • 14.3.1 If samples are tested on site, are staff responsible appropriately trained and equipped?<br>Staff are required to be competent in sampling and testing and a finished product testing procedure would assist this process.

  • 14.3.2 Where samples are tested off site, is this conducted at a reputable external laboratory?<br>The laboratory should reference a recognised methodology (eg NATA) on the analysis report. Additionally, the laboratory must have a certified practitioner of their science.

  • 14.4.1 Are inspection results and tests assessed against documented tolerance/standards and records maintained?

  • 14.4.2 Is there a method of investigation and corrective action when results are outside tolerance/standard?<br>Refer to SFMCA Stock Food Supplier Declaration Form.<br>Can be a separate form or a part of the delivery or invoicing documentation.

  • 14.4.3 Are stock food vendor declarations provided when requested by customers?<br>Refer to SFMCA Stock Food Supplier Declaration Form.<br>Can be a separate form or a part of the delivery or invoicing documentation.


  • 15.1.1 Are records kept to allow finished product trace back for a period of at least twelve months?

  • 15.1.2 Do these records include at least raw material source and storage, production batching, product quality test results and delivery details for all packaged and bulk feeds?

  • 15.1.3 Are records of verification results for flushing and sequencing kept?<br>Focus to be given to RAM and medication records.


  • 16.1 Is there a written customer complaint procedure for registering and investigating problems?

  • 16.2 Is there a record of timely resolution of complaints and identification of non-conformances which leads to corrective actions?<br>Customer complaint procedures should be resulting in continuous improvement in manufacturing processes, products and services.


  • 17.1 Is there a site Recall Committee with clearly defined members and documented responsibilities?<br>Emphasis is placed on having a process of handling non-conforming product and staff responsible for acting when non-conforming product is identified.

  • 17.2 Is there a written product recall procedure which is linked to the customer complaint procedure?

  • 17.3 Does the recall procedure call for: prompt retrieval of hazardous products from the marketplace, notification of relevant government authorities and minimisation of disruption to end-users of products?

  • 17.4 Does the recall system apply in other circumstances (eg product found to be out of specification), not just customer complaints?<br>A proactive system to respond to non-conforming products rather than relying on customer complaints.

  • 17.5 Does the recall procedure specify methods to identify, locate and control recalled product and to isolate recalled product on return to the mill?

  • 17.6 Does the recall procedure include emergency and out of hours contact persons and telephone numbers?

  • 17.7 Is the recall system periodically reviewed/tested for its effectiveness?<br>Periodically is taken as being a minimum annual review.

  • 17.8.1 Is each recall incident documented and reviewed to ensure procedures were adequate?

  • 17.8.2 Are mill practices and procedures reviewed to prevent recurrence?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.