Audit Campus
Conducted on
Prepared by
Previous inspection
Have the last inspection results been reviewed?
Did any previous non-compliant issues re-occur during this audit?
What issues were re-occurring?
PE.1 - Facility - Inside
1.1 - Floors and walking surfaces even with no trip and fall hazards?
1.2 - Ceiling tile unstained and in good conditions?
1.3 - Wayfinding signage appropriate and clear?
1.4 - Wet floor signs are in place as appropriate?
1.5 - Stairs, ramps, corridors unobstructed and equipped with handrails?
1.6 - Lighting is in good conditions and provides sufficient illumination?
1.7 - Power strips are not plugged into other power strips?
1.8 - Electrical equipment is of appropriate type and rating for use?
1.9 - Extension cords are are UL listed, properly grounded, in good condition, and for temporary use only?
1.10 - Furniture, patient transport equipment, IV poles, etc. in clean and sound condition?
1.11 - Storage areas are clean, orderly, and adequate in space and number?
1.12 - The overall appearance of the area is clean and unobstructed?
1.13 - All patient nutrition and medication refrigerators are clean and have daily temperature checks?
1,14 - Ventilation is adequate and supply and return vents are clean and functional?
1.15 - Patient care areas are free from space heaters and unauthorized appliances?
1.16 - Undersink cabinets are secured in a closed position in patient care areas?
1.17 - Design and safety features are appropriate for the patient occupancy?
1.18 - No more than 300 cubic feet (12 e cylinders) of oxygen stored in a smoke compartment?
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PE.1 - Facility - Construction or Renovation
Is there a construction or renovation site at this location?
1.19 - Has ICRA been evaluated and correctly implemented?
1.20 - Have ILSM been evaluated and correctly implemented?
1.21 - Does the staff in the area understand the changes to ILS?
1.22 - Is the construction / renovation site clean, uncluttered, and with no sign of contaminants released to the occupied area?
1.23 - Is the construction site secured?
1.24 - Are all the designated signs and notifications in place and understandable?
1.25 - Are pressure differentials appropriate to contain contaminants inside the construction barrier?
1.26 - Is the construction barrier intact and appropriate for the project?
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PE.1 - Facility - Grounds and Outside Property
Did this audit include an outside building tour?
1.27 - Grounds are clean, neat, and well maintained?
1.28 - Access to patient entrances and emergency services is clearly marked and unobstructed?
1.28 - Traffic directional signage is understandable and adequate?
1.30 - Sidewalks, drives, roads, curbs, stairs, etc. are unbroken, without holes, and safe?
1.31 - Lighting at night provides appropriate security and wayfinding?
1.32 - If an outside construction project is present, has a FH Construction Audit been performed?
1.33 - Is the oxygen farm / cylinder storage area neat, clean, and with all cylinders individually chained or secured?
1.34 - Are the Central Energy Plant and storage areas neat, clean, safe, and well maintained?
1.35 - Are fire pumps appropriately tagged?
1.36 - Are the red, biomedical waste roll offs, hazardous chemical storage areas, fuel tanks, compactors and dumpsters properly labeled and secured?
1.37 - Does the external fire department connection have the appropriate FDC sign?
1.38 - Backflow preventers are chained and have switches installed with tamper proof devices?
1.39 - Are roof access points secured?
1.40 - Are roof mechanical rooms, elevator rooms, vents, lightning protection, etc. appropriately labeled and secured?
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PE.2 - Life Safety Management
2.1 - Evacuation plan is accurate and displayed in the correct location?
2.2 - If ILSM is in place, are occupants aware of, and understand changes to evacuation routes and exits/
2.3 - Fire extinguishers are in place with tags that are correctly dated and marked?
2.4 - If construction or renovation sites exist, fire extinguishers are properly located?
2.5 - Fire extinguishers, pull stations, medical gas valves, and electric panels are clear of obstructions?
2.6 - Location and distance between extinguishers is code compliant?
2.7 - Egress corridors are clear of obstructions?
2.8 - Exit signs lit and correctly located?
2.9 - Exit doors easily opened from inside?
2.10 - Exits clear of obstructions?
2.11 - Alcohol based hand rub (ABHR) is appropriately mounted and in compliant quantities?
2.12 - Electric panels / breaker boxes are appropriately labeled and secured?
2.13 - Flammable liquids are stored in approved containers or cabinet?
2.14 - Battery charging areas have only closed cell batteries, display appropriate signage, and have adequate ventilation?
2.15 - Fire sprinkler heads are clean, the correct height, and with intact escutcheon plates?
2.16 - Smoke and fire walls have no penetrations or are sealed with appropriate fire stop material?
2.17 - Ceiling tile serving as a smoke barrier have no gaps, holes, or mis-fitting grid?
2.18 - Is the fire sprinkler system appropriately located and spaced?
2.19 - Is there a minimum of 18" clearance below all sprinkler heads?
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PE.3 - Safety Management
3.1 - Supplies and equipment are appropriately maintained?
3.2 - Ventilation, light, and temperature control is appropriate?
3.3 - Furnishings are in safe and intact condition?
3.4 - Work spaces are ergonomically sound and appropriately sized and designed?
3.5 - Risk of infection is reduced by adequate sanitation facilities and protective equipment?
3.6 - Noise levels are within allowable levels?
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PE.4 - Security Management
4.1 - Access to sensitive areas is controlled?
4.2 - Risk of theft is reduced through occupant awareness and action?
4.3 - Occupants know how to contact Security?
4.4 - Access to emergency service areas is unobstructed?
4.5 - Personal identification policy is followed?
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PE.5 - Hazardous Materials and Waste Management
5.1 - Occupants know how to retrieve MSDS from Intranet?
5.2 - A current inventory of chemicals is available in this location?
5.3 - Black boxes are correctly labeled and secured?
5.4 - Sharps containers are correctly labeled and secured?
5.5 - Occupant exposure levels are monitored as per OSHA requirements?
5.6 - If required is PPE available and used?
5.7 - Is adequate ventilation provided in areas in which hazardous substances are used?
5.8 - Are eye washes and showers easily accessed?
5.9 - If an eyewash or shower is present, is a log present and current?
5.10 - Chemicals are properly stored and labeled?
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PE.6 - Emergency Management
6.1 - Can occupants answer correctly when asked what actions they take during a Code Pink?
6.2 - Do occupants know the hospital's process for response to a disaster (ICS process)?
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PE.7 - Medical Equipment Management
7.1 - Hospital owned medical equipment has a current PM sticker or a green Surveillance Program tag?
7.2 Occupants know which sticker to apply to a piece of equipment that needs repair or service?
7.3 - There is clear distinction between clean and soiled medical equipment?
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PE.8 - Utility Management
8.1 - Non-essential equipment is not plugged into red emergency power outlets?
8.2 - Are lockout procedures implemented and followed when working on energized equipment?
8.16 - Are gas bottles secured?
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9 - Area Specific Topics
9.1 - In the Clinical Laboratory, Pharmacy, Kitchen, Radiology, etc., are all posted staff licenses current?
9.2 - In the Clinical Laboratory or Pharmacy Department, do protective chemical or biological cabinets, or chemotherapy hoods have current inspection tags?
9.3 - In patient care units, are nurse call devices the appropriate type and in the appropriate location?
9.4 - In Kitchen areas, is the hood fire suppression system clean, intact, and displaying an in-date inspection tag?
9.5 - In Kitchen areas, are the temperatures of dishwashers in compliance and recorded?
9.5 - In Kitchen areas, are there K class fire extinguishers in any cooking area in which grease laden vapors can be released?
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Auditor's signature
Audit Summary and Action Items: