
  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Treatment/FH records

  • TMS use recorded correctly (amounts and inventory)

  • Virkon use recorded correctly (amounts and inventory)

  • Medicated feed use recorded correctly (amounts and inventory)

  • Form 022 filled in correctly

  • Form 023 filled in correctly

  • All prescriptions on site pertaining to current year class of fish on site

  • All fish health certificates on site pertaining to current year class of fish on site

  • TMS labeled with Rx #


  • Foot bath present at diver dock

  • Foot bath present on mort float

  • Disinfection available on Skiff

  • Foot bath present at front of feed shed

  • Footbath present at back of feed shed

  • Volume and concentration of foot baths adequate

  • Virkon sprayers present and being used when necessary

  • Foot baths being used by all staff/divers upon entry and exit

  • Dive suits and equipment disinfected adequately following diving

  • Dive gear - vulcanized rubber suits used

Carcass Retrieval

  • All staff wearing raingear, gloves & rubber<br>boots

  • Disinfectant available / used during the<br>carcass collection<br>

  • Mort buckets clean (no organic debris,<br>evidence of disinfection)<br>

  • Lids on site / ready to use

  • Carcasses properly covered / contained<br>during & after retrieval on all buckets used<br>

  • Mort rings disinfected between the pens or<br>separate mort rings used<br>

  • Staff classifying / counting mortalities<br>appropriately<br>

  • Staff aware of disinfection protocols post<br>dive<br>i.e. - Buckets / lids, all gear used,<br>intersections, mort table<br>

  • Mortality retrieval being carried out at least twice weekly for full site

Sea Lice

Sea Lice Counting

  • Staff attaining a good representative of fish<br>population<br>

  • Staff using amount of Anaesthetic properly-able to handle fish in 1- 2 mins<br>

  • Fish contained adequately-catch nets, low stress, proper tote size<br>

  • Fish handled in a manner that minimizes fish stress and trauma<br>

  • Staff categorizing lice stages, sex and species appropriately<br>

  • Tote examined for detached lice

Sea Lice Records

  • Does the lice count book have all monthly or bi-weekly assessments<br>

  • Is there a designated reference pen ID in lice count book or records<br>

  • Is the reference pen counted each counting period

Site Postings & Paperwork

  • Visitor Sign-In posted next to back door

  • Visitor protocol posted by back door next to visitor sign-in

  • IHN poster posted in lab

  • Water quality BMP clearly posted in lab

  • Up-to-date water quality information

  • Increased Mortality Procedures posted in<br>office or lab

  • Farm Isolation Procedures posted in office

  • Mike C anchor attestation posted in office

  • Updated EMS on site

  • Daily site log and system checklist updated on site

BAP Shortlist

  • Escape Response Training for all<br>employees on site<br>

  • Spill Response Training for all employees<br>on site<br>

  • Employee reading list updated for all<br>employees on site<br>

  • MSDS updated and alphabetical

  • Updated MSDS inventory

  • All Hazmat and Harmat in 110% containment

  • Hazardous material and waste tracking form regularly filled in and filed on site

  • Dive receipts and dive checklists on site

  • Employee training certificates on site (first aid, SVOP, forklift, confined space, HAMP etc.)

  • Monthly safety checks available

  • Smolt Transport records available with<br>mortality and vaccination records<br>

  • Paper copy of all fish health results<br>available on site for current Year class

  • Paper copy of all FH checklists available on<br>site for current Year class<br>

  • MOU on site

  • Spill Response Kit available on site with all<br>materials present<br>

  • Escape Response Kit available on site with<br>all materials present<br>

  • No fuel uncontained on system

  • Hazardous fuels & chemical signage in appropriate places<br>

  • *Hazardous materials include fuels, batteries, acids, motor oils, bleach petroleum products
    * Harmful materials include Virkon, TMS, antifreeze, used oil filters, paint thinner

Safety and Compliance


  • Medical/fire/tsunami evacuation procedures posted at first aid station

  • Emergency contacts posted

  • Regulations/notices/OH&S posted

  • OH&S policy statement posted

  • Monthly safety checks and meeting minutes available with previous month posted

  • House emergency diagram posted

  • Emergency exits marked

  • Confined space procedures posted

  • First aid kit (1&3), spine board, tsunami kit and eye wash station on site and up-to-date

Fire Prevention

  • Smoke detectors maintained

  • Fire suppression system installed

  • Fire extinguishers mounted and inspections current

Site Maintenance

  • Walkways clear from slipping and tripping hazards

  • Site ramps in good condition

  • Re-boarding ladders on site

  • Life rings on site

Personal Protective Equipment

  • PPE on site (safety glasses, hard hats, hearing protection, life jackets, gloves, respirators, steel toe rubber boots)

  • Extraction equipment on site

  • Septic tank pump out log filled in and up-to-date

Forms and Binders

  • Post storm reports filled in and up-to-date

  • WCB forms 6&7A on site


  • Specific Training Undertaken

  • Personnel Present


  • Issue(s) identified

  • Plan to Mitigate

  • Timeline for Implementation

  • Follow up

  • Notes


  • FH Rep Signature

  • Site manager

  • Company Vet Sign-off

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.