Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Assessment of Fire Risk

  • Site Number

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Statement of Fire Risk Assessment

Section A1 - Premises Summary

  • Description of Property:

  • Number of Floors

  • Number of floors included

  • Approximate floor area in m2

  • Number of additional tenants/occupiers in the building

  • Is premises contained within 3rd party structure (shopping centre, supermarket, precinct etc)

  • Brief description of construction

  • Use of premises

  • Any history of fire

A2 - Occupancy

  • Number of employees

  • Number of members of public

  • Premises used out of hours

  • Any person of specific risk

  • Any person sleeping on premises

  • Any person in remote area

  • Any high risk employee (young person, chronic medical condition)

  • Comment

B: Fire Hazards and Ignition Sources

B1 - Electrical Sources of Ignition

  • Is portable appliance testing carried out

  • Are electrical circuits and installations periodically tested and inspected

  • Is there managerial control of personal electrical items

  • Are any electrical adapters or extension leads used appropriately

  • are electrical cables routed so as to avoid physical damage

  • Is lightning protection provided for the building

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

  • Appropriate risk level

B2 - Smoking

  • Are reasonable measures taken to prevent fires as a result of smoking

  • Is smoking prohibited in the building

  • Are suitable arrangements in place for those who wish to smoke

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

  • Appropriate risk level

B3 - Heating

  • Are mains gas supplies connected

  • Are fixed heating installations, gas appliances and boilers subject to regular maintenance by competent contractors

  • Are portable heaters in use

  • If yes, are they kept away from combustible storage or refuse

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

  • Appropriate risk level

B4 - Cooking

  • Are catering facilities provided

  • Is this on a commercial basis

  • Does this involve the use of deep fat fryers, oven, or cooking range

  • Are emergency cut off switches/valves/cocks provided and accessible with their location and use indicated by signage

  • Are grease filters and extraction ducting decreased and cleaned

  • Cleaning certification available

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

  • Appropriate risk level

B5 - Arson

  • Is external refuse managed appropriately

  • Are suitable external security arrangements in place

  • Are suitable internal security arrangements in place

  • Is the building/location vulnerable to arson

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

  • Appropriate risk level

B6 - Storage and Housekeeping

  • Are large/abnormal amounts of combustible materials kept in the premises

  • Is there large or excessive fire loading

  • If yes, are storage arrangements adequate

  • Are highly flammable or other hazardous materials kept in the premises

  • If yes, are storage arrangements adequate

  • Is housekeeping satisfactory

  • Is the upholstery of foam furniture in good condition

  • Are significant ignition sources separated from combustible or highly flammable materials

  • Is the use of highly flammable materials minimised

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

  • Appropriate risk level

B7 - Building work and outside contractors

  • At the time of the assessment was any building work being carried out

  • Is managerial control of contractors adequate and satisfactory

  • Are any fire safety conditions imposed on contractors

  • Is there a permit to work/hot works permits scheme

  • Do contractors work out of hours

  • Are occupants at risk from fire hazards and ignition sources which have been introduced by builders/contractors

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

  • Appropriate risk level

C: Means of Escape

C1 - Alternative means of escape

  • Are there adequate numbers of final exit doors

  • Are all fire exits immediately open-able without the use of a key

  • Are electronic security locks fitted to exit doors on escape routes

  • If so, are they appropriately and safely fitted and maintained

  • Do fire exits open in the direction of escape

  • Are sliding or revolving doors relied on for means of escape

  • Is adequate artificial illumination provided where necessary

  • Are the alternative exit route/s provided with appropriate signage

  • Are any inner room situations involved

  • Are vision panels fitted or automatic fire detection provided in access rooms to inner rooms

  • We're any unsatisfactory fire exit or escape routes noted

  • Travel distances acceptable

  • Alternative means of escape acceptable

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

C2 - Protection of internal escape routes and structural integrity

  • Are any dead end exit routes adequately protected

  • Are floor surfaces, stairs and handrails safe

  • Are exit routes adequately clear of storage and obstructions

  • Are staircases kept clear of storage and obstructions

  • Are fire doors held open by irregular means

  • Are door holding devices fitted to fire doors

  • Are existing fire resisting partitions installed to comply with BS 476 as far as could be ascertained

  • Are service shafts between floors adequately fire stopped

  • Is compartmentation considered to be of a reasonable standard

  • Are disabled refuges provided

  • If so, are they adequate and provided with appropriate communications

  • Have active fire precautionary arrangements been introduced to replace passive measures

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

C3 - External exit routes

  • Do external exit routes lead to a place of ultimate safety

  • Are external exit routes even, illuminated and without obstructions or trip hazards

  • Are external staircases, balconies and gangways examined by a competent person at not less than three yearly intervals

  • Are external staircases, balconies and gangways adequately protected from fire in the parent/adjacent occupancy

  • Are external exit routes clear of obstructions, storage and refuse

  • Are external exit routes considered satisfactory

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

  • Appropriate risk level

D: Emergency escape lighting and signage

  • Description

  • Maintained and serviced to comply with BS 5266

  • Date of last service

  • Tested to comply with BS 5255

  • Date/record of last test

  • Do existing signs and notices comply with current regulations

  • Are occupants at risk from emergency lighting or signage deficiencies

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

  • Appropriate risk level

E: Fire alarm and fire warning arrangements

  • Description of the system

  • Is phased evacuation or a staged alarm system used in the building

  • Are visual or other non-audible signals used or necessary to augment the fire warning arrangements

  • System maintained by

  • Date of last test

  • Date of last service

  • Is alarm connected to a remote monitoring centre

  • Is there a history of false alarms/alarm defects

  • Are occupants at risk from fire alarm deficiencies

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

  • Appropriate risk level

F: Fixed and portable fire extinguishing equipment and installations

  • Are fixed fire fighting installations provided on site

  • If yes, are they appropriately serviced and maintained

  • Types of portable fire extinguishers provided

  • Are fire extinguishers adequate for the current risk

  • Are fire extinguishers correctly sited and signed

  • Are fire extinguishers adequately secured in position and not obstructed

  • Are fire extinguishers serviced and in date

  • Are occupants at risk from fire extinguisher deficiencies

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

  • Appropriate risk level

G: Management of fire safety

  • Does the location have an established fire routine and emergency plan

  • Are all necessary issues included in the plan

  • Comments

  • Are all staff given fire instruction on induction

  • Are staff given periodic refresher training

  • Are all staff aware of the emergency plan

  • Are staff trained to recognise and use the fire extinguishers

  • Are fire wardens (if required) appointed and trained

  • Are fire evacuation drills carried out

  • Are disabled persons employed

  • Do disabled people frequent the premises

  • Is there a management plan for disabled people

  • Are any employees or visitors at risk from management deficiencies

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

  • Appropriate risk level

H: Access for fire fighting and fire fighter safety

  • Is access for fire brigade vehicles satisfactory

  • Is access for fire fighters on foot satisfactory

  • Is access for fire fighting or means of escape clear and unobstructed

  • Are local water supplies or hydrants adequate and suitably located near the building

  • Has the possibility of fire spread to/from adjoining or adjacent buildings been considered as part of the fire risk assessment

  • Is there the possibility of environmental damage or effect in the event of a fire (location of water courses for run off, drainage etc)

  • Are occupants, fire fighters or the environment at risk from access or managerial deficiencies

  • Comments on relevant issues noted

  • Appropriate risk level

I: Assessment of risk and remedial actions

  • Risk levels evaluated in accordance with risk matrix identified in the Thomas Cook fire manual

  • Risk levels explained to location manager/responsible person

  • Recommended remedial works identified in the report and explained too location manager/responsible person

Report conclusion

  • The information and levels of risk are appropriate for the designated location. It remains the responsibility of the location manager/responsible person to ensure any remedial work identified is completed in an appropriate time scale.

    Should any significant changes occur within the location (structural changes, changes to fire exit routes, or changes to adjacent business/building use) the location manager/responsible person is to notify the H&S team for a fire risk assessment review

  • Report completed by

  • Report accepted by

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