Title Page

  • Property Name

  • Address of Property
  • Prepared by

  • Conducted on

  • Date of previous fire risk assessment


  • Instructions
    1. This assessment is separated out into seven main sections; "General", "Fire Hazards" , "Fire Protection Measures", "Management of Fire Safety", "Assessment", "Action Plan" and "Completion"
    2. Complete the "General" section by providing relevant information about the building premises
    3. Complete the "Fire Hazards" , "Fire Protection Measures" , "Management of Fire Safety" , "Assessment" and "Action Plan" sections by answering the relevant questions and attaching any supporting notes, photos and corrective actions
    4. Finish the audit by providing your digital signature in the "Completion" section
    5. Start the assessment by clicking "Next Section" below



  • Number of floors

  • Approximate floor area (square metres)

  • Construction details

  • Occupancy

  • Upload relevant building floor plans


  • Approximate maximum number of persons

  • Maximum number of employees at any one time

  • Maximum number of members of public at any one time:

  • Associated times/hours of occupation:

Occupants at Special Risk

  • Are there any disabled occupants

  • Enter number

  • Are there any lone workers

  • Enter number

  • Are there any other occupants at special risk

Add occupant at risk

  • Enter description

  • Enter number

Fire Loss Experience

  • Any fires in the past 10 years?

  • Enter description of fire losses including estimated costs

Other Relevant Information regarding tenants

Fire Hazards

  • Instructions:
    1. Select "YES" if compliant, "NO" if not compliant and "N/A" if not applicable.
    2. Attach relevant photos and notes to question items
    3. Create a corrective action by clicking on the paperclip icon and clicking "Add Action", include description, assignee, priority and due date

Electrical Sources of Ignition

  • Reasonable measures taken to prevent fires of electrical origin?

  • Fixed installation periodically inspected and tested?

  • Portable appliance testing (where appropriate) carried out?

  • Suitable policy regarding the use of personal electrical appliances?

  • Suitable limitation of electrical extension leads or multi point adaptors?

  • Observations (optional)


  • Reasonable measures taken to prevent fires as a result of smoking?

  • Are suitable arrangements in place for those who wish to smoke?

  • Does the no smoking policy appear to be observed at time of inspection?

  • Observations (optional)


  • Does basic security against arson by outsiders appear reasonable?

  • Is there an absence of unnecessary fire load in close proximity to the building or available for ignition by outsiders, e.g. paper storage or garbage bins?

  • Observations (optional)

Portable Heaters and Heating Installations

  • Is the use of portable heaters avoided as far as is practicable?

  • If portable heaters are used, is the use of the more hazardous type (e.g. radiant bar or LPG) avoided?

  • If portable heaters are used, are suitable measures taken to minmise the hazard of ignition of combustible materials?

  • Observations (optional)


  • Are reasonable measures taken to prevent fires as a result of cooking?

  • Are filters changed and ductwork cleaned regularly?

  • Date of last clean

  • Are suitable extinguishing appliances available?

  • Observations (optional)


  • Does the building have a lightning protection system?

  • Date of last test

  • Observations (optional)


  • Is the standard of housekeeping adequate?

  • Are combustible materials separated from any ignition sources and stored appropriately?

  • Is unnecessary accumulation of combustible materials or waste avoided?

  • Are hazardous materials stored appropriately?

  • Observations (optional)

Outside Contractors and Building Works

  • Is there satisfactory control over works carried out in the building by outside contractors (including "hot work" permits)?

  • Are fire safety conditions imposed on outside contractors?

  • Observations (optional)

Fire Protection Measures

  • Instructions:
    1. Select "YES" if compliant, "NO" if not compliant and "N/A" if not applicable.
    2. Attach relevant photos and notes to question items
    3. Create a corrective action by clicking on the paperclip icon and clicking "Add Action", include description, assignee, priority and due date

Means of Escape from Fire

  • Is the building considered to have a reasonable means of escape in case of fire for able-bodied occupants?

  • Is the building considered to have a reasonable means of escape in case of fire for disabled occupants?

  • Is there an adequate number of exits for the average number of occupants?

  • Are the exits easily and immediately openable where necessary?

  • Do the fire exits open in direction of escape where necessary?

  • Are any sliding doors used as fire exits?

  • Are there satisfactory means for securing exits?

  • Where there is a single direction of travel, is the distance deemed to be reasonable?

  • Where there are alternative means of escape, are the distances deemed to be reasonable?

  • Is there suitable protection of escape routes?

  • Are there suitable fire precautions for all inner rooms?

  • Are all escape routes unobstructed?

  • Observations (optional)

Measures to Limit Fire Spread and Development

  • Is it considered that there is compartmentation of a reasonable standard?

  • Is it considered that there is reasonable limitation of lining that may promote fire spread?

  • Observations (optional)

Escape Lighting

  • Is it considered that a reasonable standard of escape lighting is provided?

  • Observations (optional)

Fire Safety Signs and Notices

  • Is it considered that a reasonable standard of fire safety signs/notices are provided?

  • Observations (optional)

Means of Giving Warning in Case of Fire

  • Is it considered that a reasonable manually operated electrical fire alarm system is provided?

  • Is automatic fire detection equipment installed?

  • Is there remote transmission of alarm signals?

  • Observations (optional)

Manual Fire Extinguishing Appliances

  • Is it considered that a reasonable number of portable fire extinguishers are provided?

  • Number and type

  • Observations (optional)

Management of Fire Safety

Procedures and Arrangements

  • Instructions:
    1. Either enter text where appropriate or select "YES" if compliant, "NO" if not compliant and "N/A" if not applicable.
    2. Attach relevant photos and notes to question items
    3. Create a corrective action by clicking on the paperclip icon and clicking "Add Action", include description, assignee, priority and due date

  • Person(s) responsible for fire safety for this building

  • Competent person(s) available to assist in implementation of fire safety legislation

  • What fire procedures are in place for this building?

  • Has anyone been nominated to respond to fire in this building?

  • Has anyone been nominated to assist with evacuation from this building in the event of fire

  • Who is nominated to liaise with the Fire Brigade for this building?

  • Who conducts routine in-house inspections of fire precautions in this building?

  • Observations (optional)

Training and Drills

  • Any new tenants since last inspection?

  • Have they been given appropriate instruction?

  • Have all staff relevant to this building received adequate refresher training or additional training?

  • Are fire drills carried out at appropriate intervals for this building?

  • Date and time of last drill

  • Observations (optional)

Testing and Maintenance

  • Has any relevant maintenance occurred since last inspection which has impacted fire safety for this building?

  • Details of change and impact

  • Does weekly testing and periodic servicing of fire detection and alarms take place for this building?

  • Does monthly, six-monthly and annual testing routines for emergency lighting take place for this building?

  • Does annual maintenance of fire extinguishing equipment take place for this building?

  • Do routine checks of final exit doors and/or security fastenings take place for this building?

  • Does annual inspection and testing of lightning protection systems take place for this building?

  • Observations (optional)


  • Are there records of fire drills for this building?

  • Are there records of fire training for tenants of this building?

  • Are there records of fire alarm tests for this building?

  • Are there records of escape lighting tests for this building?


  • FRA 1.png
  • Taking into account the fire prevention measures observed at the time of this risk assessment, it is considered that the hazard from fire (probability of ignition) at this building is:

  • Taking into account the nature of the building and its occupants, as well as the fire protection and procedural arrangements observed at the time of this risk assessment, it is considered that the consequences for life safety in the event of a fire would be:

  • Accordingly, it is considered that the risk to life from fire at this building is:

Action Plan

  • It is considered that the following recommendations should be implemented in order to reduce fire risk to, or maintain it at, the following level:

  • Actions


  • Other general observations

  • Assessed by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.