Title Page

Fire Risk Assessment

Responsible Person: NHS Property Services Ltd 415C Skipton House 80 London Road London SE1 6LH

  • Address of Premises:

  • Postcode:

  • Assessor:

  • Date of Fire Risk Assessment:

  • How often should this risk assessment be reviewed?<br>

Examples of frequency of change: Complex building i.e. Height, layout, poor safety history, age Suspect it is no longer valid, significant changes to premises i.e. Post new works

Significant Findings

Significant Findings

The Premises

  • Who is the premises owned / leased by?

  • Name of tenants:

  • Number of floors in the building:

  • Approximate floor area (m2 - per floor) (To include all floors of responsibility)

  • Brief details of construction: (Date of construction, brick, timber, purpose built or converted)

  • Design Criteria Note: The building was designed and constructed using the listed guides, for further information on the building and design please refer to the Fire Strategy Design documents, plans and consultation process that compliment this fire risk assessment

  • If other:

  • Primary Usage:

  • Secondary Usage:

  • Areas not included in the assessment: (Please provide a reason for exclusion from the assessment)

Occupancy Profile

Occupancy Profile

  • Maximum number of employees at any one time:

  • Maximum number of additional persons at any one time:

Occupants especially at risk from fire

  • Sleeping Occupants?

  • How many beds?

  • Disabled occupants? (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans in use when necessary)<br>The Equality Act 2010 - in the case of disability, employers and service providers are under a duty to make reasonable adjustments to their workplaces to overcome barriers experienced by disabled people. Where necessary, measures will be put in place to ensure evacuation procedures include persons with disabilities.

  • Occupants in remote areas?<br>(Lone working / Isolated Areas)

  • Young Person's?<br>(Individual Risk Assessment provided for any person who has not attained the age of 18)

  • Others (Details of Elderly / Infirm / Mental Ability)

Identified Fire Hazards

  • Sources of Ignition:

  • Sources of Fuel:

  • Sources of Oxygen:

The following fire hazards have been considered as part of the assessment within the premises:- - Ignition sources (i.e. naked flames, sparks, portable heaters, smoking materials) - Sources of fuel (i.e. large quantities of paper, combustible fabrics, plastics, paints, thinners, chemicals, flammable gases). - Work processes, - Structural features that promote the spread of fire (large single uncompartmented buildings, open staircases, openings in walls and floors, large voids above ceilings and below floors.)

Evaluate, remove, reduce and protect from fire risk

  • Evaluate the risk of a fire occurring:

  • Evaluate the risk to people from a fire starting on the premises :

  • Remove and reduce the hazards that may cause a fire:

  • Remove and reduce the risks to people from fire:

  • The following persons have been considered as part of the assessment within the premises:

Fire Hazards and their Elimination or Control

1. Electrical Sources of Ignition

  • Reasonable measures taken to prevent fires of electrical origin

  • a. Fixed electrical installations periodically inspected and tested? (Every 5 years)

  • b. Portable appliance testing carried out (where appropriate) on a risk assessed basis?

  • c. Suitable policy in place regarding the use of personal electrical appliances? <br>This should be subject to a Trust policy from the user organisation

  • d. Suitable limitation and management of trailing leads and adaptors?

  • e. Charging and storage of batteries undertaken on site?

  • Electrical Hazards
  • Identified Hazards

  • If other, please state:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

Deficiencies and Comments:

  • 1. Electrical source of ignition Deficiencies and comments:

  • Last fixed wire inspection:

  • Last portable appliance testing:

Fixed Wire Installation Testing Note: The legislation of specific relevance to electrical maintenance and Fixed Installation Testing is the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. Maximum period between inspection and testing 5 years for Hospitals, Offices, Residential accommodation, Commercial premises.

Portable electrical appliance Testing Note: The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 requires that any electrical equipment that has the potential to cause an injury is maintained in a safe condition. However, the Regulations do not specify what needs to be done, by whom or how frequently (i.e. they don't make inspection or testing of electrical appliances a legal requirement, nor do they make it a legal requirement to undertake this annually) Further guidance can be sought from the HSE website.

Fire Hazards and their Elimination or Control

2. Smoking

  • Reasonable measures taken to prevent fires as a result of smoking?

  • a. Smoking prohibited in the building?

  • b. Smoking permitted in appropriate areas?

  • c. Suitable arrangements for those who wish to smoke?

  • d. This policy appeared to be observed at the time of the inspection?

  • Smoking Hazard
  • Identified Hazards

  • If other, please state:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

Deficiencies and Comments: No smoking policy applies to all staff, patients and visitors on all NHS premises - both inside and outside. Smoking is not permitted in any NHS buildings which includes E-Cigarettes and the charging of such devices (see advice note to all NHS PS staff and tenants) The policy complies with NHS national guidance on smoke-free environments

  • 2. Smoking Deficiencies and comments:

Fire Hazards and their Elimination or Control

3. Arson / Deliberate Ignition

  • Basic security against arson by outsiders or other persons appears reasonable?

  • a. Is there close proximity to the premises available for ignition by outsiders?

  • Arson Hazards
  • Identified Hazards

  • If other, please state:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

Deficiencies and Comments: Combustible waste should not be stored against the building

  • 3. Arson/Deliberate ignition Deficiencies and comments:

  • CCTV Present?

  • External Lighting?

  • Security Fence?

  • Physical Security

Fire Hazards and their Elimination or Control

4. Portable Heaters

  • The use of portable heaters avoided as far as practicable?

  • a. Is the use of portable heaters avoided as far as practicable? Note: Portable gas cylinder heaters and paraffin heaters are NOT to be used in NHS premises

  • b. (i) If the portable heaters are used, is the use of the more hazardous type (e.g. radiant bar fires of lpg appliances) avoided?

  • b. (ii) If the portable heaters are used, are suitable measures taken to minimise the hazard of ignition of combustible materials?

  • c. Are fixed heating installations subject to regular maintenance?

Considerations to minimise the hazard of ignition of combustible materials due to these heaters: - Always position heaters so the heater back is against a wall and the heating element is facing into the room - Switch heaters off if you are not in the room. Unplug electric heaters at cease work - Always follow the manufacturers' operating and maintenance instructions - Ensure the electrical power lead does not create a trip hazard - Do not use flammable materials, aerosols or cleaning fluids near heaters - Do not place heaters close to furniture, curtains or bedding. 1 metre in all directions - Do not stand or sit too close to heaters, some clothes may ignite easily - Do not place heaters on uneven surfaces or where they can be knocked over easily

    Portable Heaters Hazards
  • Identified Hazards

  • If other, please state:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

Deficiencies and Comments:

  • Heater use

  • 4. Portable heaters Deficiencies and comments:

Fire Hazards and their Elimination or Control

5. Fixed Heating Installations

  • Are there fixed heating installations such as boilers used within the premises?

  • a. Are fixed heating installations subject to regular maintenance?

  • b. Are suitable measures taken to minimise the hazard of ignition of combustible materials due to these heaters?

  • Fixed Heating Hazards
  • Identified Hazards

  • If other, please state:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

Deficiencies and Comments:

  • Boiler Fuel Supply:

  • 5. Fixed Heating Installations Deficiencies and comments:

Fire Hazards and their Elimination or Control

6. Cooking

  • Reasonable measures taken to prevent fires as a result of cooking?

  • a. Filters cleaned or changed and ductwork cleaned regularly?

  • b. Suitable extinguishing appliances available? (e.g. fire blanket, wet chemical etc)

  • c. Suitable Shut Down Procedures in place?

  • Cooking Hazards
  • Identified Hazards

  • If other, please state:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

Deficiencies and Comments:

  • Type of Catering:

  • Correct fire detection installed?

  • 6. Cooking Deficiencies and comments:

Fire Hazards and their Elimination or Control

7. Lightning

  • Does the building have a lightning protection system?

  • a. Is the lightning protection system subject to a suitable maintenance regime?

  • Lightning Hazards
  • Identified Hazards

  • If other, please state:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

Deficiencies and Comments: Lightning Protection Systems Annual Test and Inspection to comply with BSEN 62305. Lightning protection systems are required to be tested and certified annually, including testing of individual earth electrodes, continuity testing and overall system testing.

  • 7. Lightning Deficiencies and comments:

Fire Hazards and their Elimination or Control

8. Dangerous Substances

  • Dangerous substances are, or could be used or stored, within the premises?<br>(a substance or preparation that because of its chemical and sometimes physical properties and the way it is present and/or used at work creates a fire or explosion risk to people)

  • Are the general fire precautions adequate to address the hazards associated with dangerous substances used or stored within the premises?

  • If dangerous substances are present, has a risk assessment been carried out as required by the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002?<br>(Medical treatment areas e.g. operating theatres and treatment rooms excluded from DSEAR)

  • Dangerous Substances Hazards
  • Identified Hazards

  • If other, please state:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

Deficiencies and Comments: The general fire precautions are adequate for the identified processes involved with the storage and use of dangerous substances. Dangerous substances should be reduced to the lowest reasonable quantity necessary to deliver the service. All flammable liquids and gases should be locked away except in use items. Highly flammable liquids are to be carefully managed including the disposal of contaminated materials. Up to 50 litres may be stored in a fire resisting cabinet or bin that will contain any leaks.

  • 8. Dangerous Substances Deficiencies and comments:

Fire Hazards and their Eliminations or Control

9. Housekeeping

  • Is the standard of housekeeping adequate?

  • a. Combustible materials appear to be separated from ignition sources?

  • b. Appropriate storage of hazardous materials?

  • c. Avoidance of inappropriate storage of combustible materials? (Escape routes and final exits are kept clear of any combustibles including storage materials and/or waste?

  • d. Avoidance of unnecessary accumulation of combustible materials and/or waste?

  • Housekeeping Hazards
  • Identified Hazard:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required? (See appendix A of NHS PS Fire Management Plan)

Deficiencies and Comments: Excessive combustible waste within rooms and corridors produce a high fire loading which if ignited will cause greater damage and potentially reduce the ability to carry on business delivery. Regular housekeeping routines can reduce this fire loading of excessive and surplus combustible materials such as leaflets, packaging, papers etc.

  • 9. Housekeeping Deficiencies and comments:

Fire Hazards and their Elimination or Control

10. Hazards Introduced by Contractors and Building Works

  • Fire safety conditions have been imposed on both external contractors and in-house maintenance staff?

  • Is there a satisfactory control over works, including use of hot work permits, where appropriate, carried out in the building by external contractor?

  • Building maintenance is carried out under a SLA. The maintenance provider can sub contract work as required and issue permits, monitor safe system of work etc. This process is a Contractual agreement between NHS Property Services LTD and the Facilities Maintenance body. In this premises, the work is undertaken by:

  • Contractors / Building Works Hazards
  • Identified Hazard:

  • Existing Control Measures

  • Additional Control Measures Required? (See appendix A of NHS PS Fire Management Plan)

Deficiencies and comments:

  • 10. Hazards Introduced by Contractors and Building Works Deficiencies and Comments:

Fire Hazards and their Elimination or Control

11. Other Significant Fire Hazards that warrant consideration:

  • Are there any other fire hazards that warrant consideration within the premises?<br>(This to include any fire hazards from any process; heat producing, spark or friction generating, chemical or other process which has the capacity to ignite, create excessive or rapid heat or generate oxidising or flammable gas that impact on the general fire precautions)

  • Other Significant Hazards:
  • Identified Hazards:

  • If other, please state:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required? (See appendix A of NHS PS Fire Management Plan)

Deficiencies and comments:

  • 11. Other significant fire hazards that warrant consideration Deficiencies and Comments:

Evacuation Strategy

12. Evacuation Strategy The evacuation strategy for this premises is detailed below: (Please tick appropriate strategy)

  • Single Stage Evacuation The fire alarm system is a single stage evacuation system, which means that when the alarm sounds, the building is evacuated in an orderly manner. The requirement for means of escape is that everyone within a building may reach either a place of safety or, in certain circumstances, a protected zone within a reasonable travel distance. Primary Construction for this Building- Applies to the main fabric of a building, walls, floors, roof and internal dividing walls Buildings are categorised into 3 classes: Class A - complete non-combustible construction, i.e. elements of structure, floors, and walls, supporting structure of brick or concrete Class B - traditional construction, i.e. non-combustible walls with combustible floors Class C - combustible construction, i.e. timber floors and walls The evacuation times that are generally accepted as: Class A - 3 minutes Class B - 2 and a half minutes Class C - 2 minutes These are not hard and fast times, and can be extended or reduced according to the particular circumstances of the case, but they do form a reasonable basis for most situations.

  • Progressive Horizontal Evacuation Relevant persons are dependant on staff to assist with their escape. Provisions have been made to move such persons from an area affected by fire, through a fire resisting barrier to an adjoining fire protected area on the same level, where they can wait in a place of safety whilst the fire is dealt with, or await further evacuation down a protected route to total safety. NOTE - Progressive Horizontal Evacuation is subject to the following: Protected areas should be designed to provide: - Sufficient capacity to accommodate the number of occupants who will need to use them. For this purpose a protected area should be sufficient capacity to accommodate its normal occupants and the occupants of the largest adjoining protected area. - Progressive movement away from a fire via sequential adjoining protected areas. - Means for escape via stairway(s) should this become necessary The number and size of the protected areas depends on a number of factors: - the time it will take to evacuate people from the area of a fire to an adjacent protected area; - the number of people to be evacuated; - the level of any mobility impairment; - the number of staff to assist in evacuation; - the fire protection arrangements; - layout of the premises; and - location and number of staircases;

  • Delayed Evacuation Relevant persons are dependant on staff to assist with their escape however it is not desirable or practical to evacuate persons (e.g. due to medical conditions or treatments). Such persons may remain within their rooms whilst the fire is dealt with and the danger has passed. NOTE - Delayed Evacuation is subject to the following: Bedrooms to be enclosed in an enhanced level of fire-resisting construction (protected bedrooms). A protected bedroom should be of 60 minute fire-resisting construction and the door should be fire-resisting and fitted with a self-closing device. In addition the escape route from the protected bedroom(s) to the adjoining protected areas, refuge or final exit (including any stairway) will also require an increased level of fire protection to allow access for staff to assist with subsequent evacuation from the protected bedroom(s). If necessary the door may be fitted with electromechanical hold-open or free swing devices that operate immediately the fire alarm actuates. If provision of such fire resistance is not possible, you may be able to show through your risk assessment that alternative measures to limit the growth and spread of the fire are appropriate, such as an automatic fire suppression system supported by robust staff response procedures. Any resident who is initially left in a fire protected bedroom should be accompanied by a carer. As such, the total number of residents awaiting evacuation in protected bedrooms should be less than the number of staff on duty. It is imperative that if some less able residents are left in protected bedrooms to await evacuation, then other staff know which rooms have been evacuated and those which still contain residents and where necessary are able to notify the fire and rescue service when they arrive. Arrangements for delayed evacuation should only be based on a pre-planned basis.

  • Written copies of Evacuation Procedures are located as follows:

  • Evacuation Hazards
  • Identified hazards:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required? (See appendix A of NHS PS Fire Management Plan)

Deficiencies and comments

  • 12. Evacuation Strategy Deficiencies and Comments:

Provision of Elements of Fire Safety as Secondary Control Measures

13. Means of Escape from Fire

  • It is considered that premises are provided with reasonable means of escape in case of fire?

  • a. Adequate design of escape routes?

  • b. (i) Reasonable distances of travel when there is escape in a single direction?

  • b. (ii) Reasonable distances of travel when there are alternative means of escape?

  • c. Suitable protection of escape routes? (Fire resisting construction)

  • d. Adequate provision of exits?

  • e. Exits easily and immediately open-able where necessary?

  • f. Escape routes unobstructed?

  • g. Fire exits open in the direction of escape where necessary?

  • h. Avoidance of sliding or revolving doors as fire exits where necessary?

  • i. Satisfactory means for securing exits?

  • j. Satisfactory fire precautions for all inner rooms and dead ends?

  • k. It is considered that the premises are provided with reasonable arrangements for means of escape for disabled people?

  • Means of Escape Hazards
  • Identified Hazards:

  • If other, please state:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required? (See appendix A of NHS PS Fire Management Plan)

Deficiencies and comments:

  • 13. Means of Escape from Fire Deficiencies and Comments:

Provision of Elements of Fire Safety as Secondary Control Measures

14. Measures to limit Fire Spread and Development

  • a. It is considered that there is compartmentation of a reasonable standard. (Fire resistant to collapse, fire penetration and transfer of excessive heat

  • b. It is considered that there is reasonable limitation of linings that may promote fire spread. (Flame spread across surfaces including walls, ceilings and other internal structures)

  • c. It is considered that there is, as far as can be reasonably ascertained, fire dampers provided in ducts or vents as necessary to protect critical means of escape against passage of fire, smoke and combustion products in the early stages of a fire?

  • Fire Spread Hazards
  • Identified hazards:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required? (See appendix A of NHS PS Fire Management Plan)

Deficiencies and Comments: The observations and assessment with regards to compartmentation are made from a visual inspection only. Fire linings are from a visual observation only.

  • 14. Measures to Limit Fire Spread and Development Deficiencies and comments:

Provision of Elements of Fire Safety as Secondary Control Measures

15. Emergency Escape Lighting

  • Reasonable standard of emergency escape lighting system provided?

  • Emergency Escape Lighting Hazards
  • Identified Hazards:

  • If other, please state:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures:

Deficiencies and Comments: The existing emergency escape lighting system will not conform in full to current recommendations (e.g. in respect of luminance levels), particularly if the system was installed some years prior to 1999. This might be perfectly acceptable, but it is appropriate for new systems, and new work associated with upgrading of existing systems to conform to the current recommendations. Attention is drawn to current recommendations in BS 5266-1 and to the requirements of BS 5266-7 and BS 5266-8

  • Type:

  • 15. Emergency Escape Lighting deficiencies and comments:

Provision of Elements of Fire Safety as Secondary Control Measures

16. Fire Safety Signs and Notices

  • Reasonable standard of fire safety signs and notices?<br>This includes fire exit, fire escape signage, fire resisting door and hazard signage.

  • Signs and Notices Hazards
  • Identified Hazards

  • If other, please state:

  • Existing Control Measures: The following signage and notices have been provided:

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

Deficiencies and Comments: It is a requirement of the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 that these signs incorporate the appropriate pictogram. BS 5499-5:2002 Graphical symbols and signs. Safety signs, including fire safety signs. Signs with specific safety meanings. Superseded by BS ISO 7010:2011 - Prescribes safety signs used for accident prevention, fire protection, health hazard information and emergency evacuation.

  • 16. Fire Safety Signs and Notices Deficiencies and comments:

Provision of Elements of Fire Safety as Secondary Control Measures

17. Means of Giving Warning in case of Fire

  • Reasonable manually operated fire warning system provided?<br><br>Based on visual inspection, but no audibility tests or verification of full compliance with relevant British Standard carried out. Compliance with this will be carried out by a competent person who will provide certification on compliance or recommend works to comply with the standard.

  • If yes, give details: (e.g. Break glass call points, fire bell, air horn, klaxon etc.)

  • a. Automatic fire detection provided? <br>

  • If yes, to what Standard? (e.g. BS 5839 Part 1)

  • If yes, what grade of system?

  • Has the L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 system design and installation certificate been available?

  • Approximate age of system:

  • Throughout premises?

  • Part of Premises Only?

  • b. Extent of automatic fire detection generally appropriate for the occupancy and fire risk?

  • c. Remote transmission of alarm signals to an Alarm Receiving Centre?<br>(continuously manned premises, remote from those in which a fire alarm system is fitted, where the information concerning the state of the fire alarm system is displayed and/or recorded, so that the fire and rescue service can be summoned where necessary.)

  • Means of giving warning Hazards
  • Identified Hazards

  • If other, please state:

  • Existing Control Measures: Fire detection systems with the following devices:

  • Additional Control Measures Required:

Deficiencies and Comments: Systems installed prior to 2002 might not conform in full to current standards, particularly in respect of certain aspects of engineering design. In many cases, this is perfectly acceptable, but it is expected that new systems and new work associated with the modification of existing systems, recommended in the action plan, will conform to current standards.

  • 17. Means of Giving Warning in Case of Fire Deficiencies and comments:

Provision of Elements of Fire Safety as Secondary Control Measures

18. Manual Fire Extinguishing Appliances

  • a. Reasonable provision of portable fire extinguishers?

  • b. Are all fire extinguishing appliances readily accessible and unobstructed? <br>(i.e. mounted on walls or on appropriate bases)

  • c. Are hose reels provided?

  • Manual Fire Extinguishing Hazards
  • Identified Hazards

  • If other, please state:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Date of last annual service:

  • Additional Control Measures Required? (See appendix A of NHS PS Fire Management Plan)

Deficiencies and Comments:

  • Deficiencies and comments:

  • 18. Manual Fire Extinguishing Appliances Deficiencies and comments:

Provision of Elements of Fire Safety as Secondary Control Measures

19. Relevant Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems

  • Does the property have a fixed system?

  • State type of system and location: (inert gas suppression systems, sprinklers/misting systems etc.)

  • Automatic Fire Extinguishing Hazards
  • Identified Hazards:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required? (See appendix A of NHS PS Fire Management Plan)

Deficiencies and comments:

  • 19. Relevant Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems Deficiencies and Comments:

Provision of Elements of Fire Safety as Secondary Control Measures

20. Other Relevant Fixed Systems and Equipment

  • Does the property have a fixed system?

  • If yes, stated type and location: (i.e. Dry/wet risers, fireman's lift control, smoke and ventilation, smoke curtains etc)

  • Other Relevant Fixed Systems Hazards
  • Identified Hazards:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required? (See appendix A of NHS PS Fire Management Plan)

Deficiencies and comments:

  • 20. Other Relevant Fixed Systems and Equipment Deficiencies and Comments:

Provision of Elements of Fire Safety as Secondary Control Measures

21. Firefighter Switch - High Voltage Luminous Tube Signs etc

  • Suitable provision of fire fighters switche(s) for high voltage luminous tube signs, etc.

  • State location:

  • Firefighter Switch Hazards
  • Identified Hazards:

  • Existing Control Measures:

  • Additional Control Measures Required? (See appendix A of NHS PS Fire Management Plan)

Deficiencies and comments:

  • 21. Firefighters Switch Deficiencies and Comments:

Management of Fire Safety

22. Procedures and Arrangements Fire safety is managed by the Responsible Person for the Relevant Persons, which includes, employees, members of the public, visitors, contractors from other organisations and the self employed. Chief Executive Officer: (For each occupier / tenant organisation) Fire Safety Manager: (A nominated person with responsibility for carrying out day-to-day management of fire safety. (This may or may not be the same as the Responsible Person.) Duty Holders: (Nominated persons who are responsible for fire safety measures in the premises to ensure the safety of persons in case of fire.)

  • Fire Safety Managed in this Premises by:

Note: Responsible Persons at the premises must cooperate and coordinate their fire safety measures and activities.

  • Are competent person(s) appointed to assist in undertaking the preventative and protective measures (i.e. relevant general fire precautions)? <br><br>Person(s) appointed with fire safety roles include - Fire Warden(s). Fire Evacuation Marshall(s) (Taking into consideration the Fire Safety (Employees Capabilities) (England) Regulations 2010 (S1 2010/471)

  • Is there a suitable record of the fire safety arrangements?

  • Appropriate fire procedures in place?

  • Are procedures in the event of a fire appropriate and properly documented?

  • Are there suitable arrangements for summoning the Fire and Rescue Service?

  • Are there suitable arrangements to meet the F&RS on arrival and provide relevant information, including that relating to hazards to fire fighters?

  • Is there a plan of the building available indicating basic layout and any areas of significant risk?

  • Are there suitable arrangements for ensuring that the premises have been evacuated?

  • Is there a suitable fire assembly point(s)?

  • Are there adequate procedures for evacuation of any disabled people who are likely to be present?

  • Persons nominated and trained to assist with evacuation, including evacuation of disabled people?<br>A Disabled person(s) evacuation strategy must not rely on rescue of disabled people by the fire and rescue service. Assistance with their evacuation is provided by nominated persons within the premises.

  • Appropriate liaison (if necessary) (e.g. F&RS crews visiting for familiarisation visits)?

  • Routine in-house inspections of fire precautions (e.g. in the course of health and safety inspections)?

Deficiencies and comments:

  • 22. Procedures and arrangements Deficiencies and Comments:

Management of Fire Safety

23. Training and Drills Fire safety training is managed by A nominated Fire Safety Manager for each occupier / tenant organisation

  • Fire Safety Training is managed by:

  • Are arrangements in place to ensure that all new staff and visitors (where necessary) provided with fire safety induction and local building familiarisation?

  • Is this induction training recorded?

  • Are arrangements in place to ensure that all staff undertake annual fire safety refresher training and familiarisation where necessary, and to ensure that it is recorded?

  • Are staff with special responsibilities (e.g. fire wardens and fire evacuation marshals) been appointed and provided with additional training?

  • Are fire drills carried out at appropriate intervals and a record of such drills recorded? (6 monthly)

When the employees of another employer work in the premises:

  • Is the employer given appropriate information (e.g. on fire risks and general fire precautions)?

  • Is it ensured that the employees are provided with adequate instructions and information?

  • Is there adequate co-operation and co-ordination between different Responsible Persons (Multi-Occupancy) to ensure compliance with the Fire Safety Order?

Does all staff training provide information, instruction or training on the following:

  • Fire risk in the premises?

  • The fire safety measures in the premises?

  • Action in the event of fire?

  • Action on hearing the fire alarm signal?

  • Method of operation of manual call points?

  • Location and use of fire extinguishers?

  • Means for summoning the Fire and Rescue Service?

  • Identify of persons nominated to assist with evacuation?

  • Identify of persons nominated to use fire extinguishing appliances?

Deficiencies and Comments: Where two or more organisations share a premise, adequate fire safety for all occupants will only be achieved if the organisations co-operate with one another to co-ordinate their fire safety measures. For example, there needs to be co-ordination of fire procedures, fire drills and fire management strategy. It needs to be ensured that one occupier's activities and practices do not create a risk to those in another occupier's part of the premises.

  • 23. Training and Drills Deficiencies and comments:

Management of Fire Safety

24. Testing and Maintenance

  • Testing and Maintenance is carried out by:

  • Adequate maintenance of premises?

  • Weekly testing and periodic servicing of fire detection and alarm system to include ancillary equipment (e.g. door hold open devices, door locks etc.)<br>Manual call point(s) tested weekly on a rotational basis?

  • Monthly and annual testing routines for emergency escape lighting?<br>Function test monthly with annual discharge or PPM in place

  • Monthly visual check and annual maintenance of fire extinguishing appliances?

  • Last Annual fire appliance service?

  • Periodic inspection of external escape staircases and gangways?

  • Six monthly inspection and annual testing of rising mains?

  • Weekly and monthly testing, six monthly inspection and annual testing of fire-fighting lifts?

  • Weekly testing and periodic inspection of sprinkler installations?

  • Routine checks of final exit doors and/or security fastenings?

  • Annual inspection and testing of lightning protection system?

  • Are suitable systems in place for reporting and subsequent restoration of safety measures that have fallen below the required standard?

  • Other relevant inspections or tests: (Give details)

Deficiencies and comments: The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 - Article 17 - Maintenance The responsible person must ensure, where necessary in order to safeguard the safety of relevant persons, that the fire precautions are maintained in good working order.

  • 24. Testing and Maintenance Deficiencies and Comments:

Management of Fire Safety

25. Recording

Appropriate records held for:

  • Fire drills?<br>6 monthly, but at least once every 12 months

  • Fire Training?

  • Fire alarm tests?

  • Emergency escape lighting tests?

  • Maintenance and testing of other fire precaution systems?

  • Location of Records: (Available for inspection by Fire Authority if required)

Deficiencies and comments:

  • 25. Recording Deficiencies and Comments:

Internal Audit Checks

Internal Audit Checks

  • Document Prepared by:

  • Date:

  • Checked by:

  • Date:

  • File Location:

  • Copy to SSM:

  • Date:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.