
  • Name of company fire risk assessment is for:

  • Location of assessment

  • Address of where fire risk assessment was carried out

  • Prepared by

  • Company personnel assisting in assessment

  • Date assessment carried out

Executive Summary


1 Premises details

  • Occupiers name

  • Owners name if different to above

  • Name of responsible person for fire safety within the organisation

  • Name of competent persons for fire risk assessments

  • Name of competent persons for maintenance programme

  • Name of competent persons for emergency action planning

  • Name of competent persons responsible for training

  • Brief details of building construction and approximate age of building

  • Number of floors

  • Floor area: (per floor)

  • Number of stairways in the building

  • Number of lifts in the building

  • Brief description of external areas and fire service access

  • Details of other premises if part of a multi-occupied building

  • Brief description of work activities, processes in the building.

2 Premises floor plan

3 The occupants

  • Hours the building is in use

  • Occupancy type

  • Total number of employees and contractors in the building at any given time.

  • Total number of members of the public or visitors at one time

4 Occupants at special risk

  • Are there Sleeping occupants

  • Are there disabled occupants

  • Are there occupants in remote areas

  • Are there Young persons under the age of 18 employed

  • Are there lone workers

  • Other activities

5 History of any previous fires effecting the premises

  • Details of past fires and action taken

  • Any additional action required

  • Has there been or is there any prohibition, alteration or enforcement notices served on the premise? (If yes give date and action required and date completed)


6 Arson

  • Does the basic security against arson appear reasonable?

  • Is there sufficient control of unnecessary fire load in close proximity to the building or available for ignition by arsonists?

  • Is there any history of arson? If YES what action have been taken

7 Electrical sources of ignition

  • Is the fixed wiring installation periodically tested and inspected? If yes state date of last test

  • Are portable appliances tested/inspected? If yes state date of last test

  • Is there a suitable policy about the use of personal electrical appliances?

  • Is there a suitable limitation on the use of trailing leads and adapters?

  • Has the building an effective lighting protection system were appropriate?

  • Where lighting protection system is in place is it regularly inspected and tested?

  • Is Luminous Discharge Lighting installed? (If yes does the installation meet current standards)

8 Smoking

  • Are reasonable measures taken to prevent fires as a result of smoking?

  • Is smoking prohibited on the site if YES state what arrangements are made for smokers.

  • Is the appropriate smoking prohibition notices displayed at the building entrances?

9 Portable heaters and heating installation

  • Is the use of portable heaters avoided as far as reasonably practicable?

  • If portable heaters are used, are the more hazardous types (radiant bars and LPG) avoided?

  • If portable heaters are used are suitable measures taken to minimise the risk of ignition of combustible materials?

  • Are fixed heating installations subject to regular maintenance? If yes state date of last inspection

10 Cooking and heat emitting equipment

  • Are reasonable measures taken to prevent fires from cooking and heat emitting equipment?

  • Are ventilation filters cleaned or changed and ductwork cleaned regularly?

  • Where gas appliances are used within the extraction area are they interlinked with the extraction and fire alarm system?

  • Are there clearly marked emergency cut off switches for gas and electrical appliances?

  • Are suitable extinguishers available?

11 Hazards introduced by outside contractors and building works

  • Is there sufficient control over works by outside contractors (e.g. Permits to work & hot work permits)?

  • Are fire safety conditions and instructions communicated to contractors?

  • Are in-house maintenance personnel sufficiently controlled?

Any other sources of ignition


12 Hazardous substances?

  • Are all hazardous substances identified in the workplace?

  • Has all hazardous substances been assessed under COSHH?

  • Is there adequate and correct storage of hazardous substances in line with MSDS?

13 Fire and explosive atmospheres

  • Does any part of the building come under DSEAR regulations? If yes answer questions below

  • State type of dangerous substances at risk of fire and explosion and location in building, (flammable liquids, gases, dust, mist or vapour etc)

  • Explain the control measures in place to prevent explosion

  • State any additional requirements

14 Textiles and furnishings

  • Are textiles and furnishings compliant with the textile and furnishing regulation?

15 Housekeeping

  • Is the standard of housekeeping adequate?

  • Are combustible materials separated from ignition sources?

  • Is the unnecessary accumulation of combustibles and waste avoided?

  • Are combustible materials stored appropriately?

Any other sources of fuel

16 Means of escape from a fire

Horizontal evacuation

  • Is the building provided with adequate means of escape in case of an emergency leading to a place of safety?

  • Are exits easily and immediately openable where necessary?

  • Do fire exits doors open in direction of travel?

  • Have sliding or revolving doors been avoided as fire exits?

  • Are there adequate means of securing exits?

  • Are there reasonable distances of travel where there is a single direction of travel?

  • Are there reasonable distances of travel where there are alternative means of escape?

  • Are fire doors suitable and serviceable? (If no state all defects)

  • Are escape routes adequately protected and unobstructed?

  • Are there suitable fire precautions from all inner rooms?

Vertical evacuation

  • Are there sufficient stairways for the occupants in upper levels?

  • Are the stairways wide enough for all occupants to safely evacuate the building?

  • Are doors, walls and partitions to stairways suitably fire resistant to enable safe egress from the building?

  • Do the exits from stairways lead to a place of safety?

General information

  • Are there suitable means of escape for disabled occupants?

  • Is there management of occupants into and out of the building?

  • Are there emergency evacuation procedures in place with allocated persons to control the evacuation?

  • Are there suitable and safe assembly points away from any hazards?

17 Measures to limit fire spread and development

  • Is there a sufficient standard of compartmentalisation?

  • Are linings that promote fire spread avoided as far as reasonably practicable?

  • Are there voids between floors and ceilings with protection against fire and smoke?

  • Is there risk of fire spread above false ceilings?

  • Are there false ceilings with fire detection above ceiling?

  • Are false ceilings in good repair?

  • Is there ducting or ventilation in the building passing through rooms with fire stop?

18 Emergency lighting system

  • Is an adequate standard of escape lighting provided?

  • Where emergency lighting is installed is it checked and maintained regularly?

19 Fire safety signs and notices

  • Are fire safety signs and notices suitable and sufficient?

20 Means of giving warning in the event of a fire

  • Is there a suitable fire warning system to alert all occupants in the event of a fire?

  • Is a manually operated electrical fire alarm system provided?

  • Is automatic fire detection provided?

  • Is there remote transmission of alarm system?

21 Manual fire extinguishing appliances

  • Is there suitable and sufficient provision of portable fire extinguishers?

  • Are fire extinguishers serviceable? (State date last serviced and next due date)

  • Are there any actions required on fire extinguishers?

  • Are hose reels provided?

22 Automatic fire extinguishing systems

  • Type of system and location

23 Any other fixed fire extinguishing systems

  • Type of system and location

24 Procedures and arrangements

  • Person responsible for fire safety

  • Is there a fire policy?

  • Are there individual assessments carried out on young persons within the workplace?

  • Has an emergency plan been produced identifying the procedures for serious and imminent danger and for danger areas?<br>(In relation to article 15)

  • Are there competent persons available to assist in implementing fire safety arrangements?

  • Are appropriate fire procedures in place? (Including arrangements for calling the fire service)

  • Are there people nominated to respond to fire?

  • Is there appropriate liaison with the fire service?

  • Is there co-operation and co-ordination with others who may be affected by your activities?<br>(Article 22)

  • Does a routine in-house inspections of fire precautions take place?

25 Training and drills

  • Are staff given fire instructions on induction?

  • Do staff receive regular refresher training?

  • Are staff with special responsibilities given appropriate training?

  • Are fire drills carried out at least once a year?

26 Testing and maintenance

  • Is the workplace adequately maintained?

  • Is there weekly testing and annual testing and servicing of the fire detection and alarm system?

  • Is there monthly, six monthly and annual testing of the emergency lighting?

  • Is there weekly inspection and annual maintenance of fire extinguishing equipment?

  • Are automatic fire extinguishing systems checked regularly?

  • Is there weekly checks of fire doors and escape routes?

  • Is there six monthly and annual inspection of wet/dry risers?

  • Is there periodic inspection of sprinkler systems if installed?

27 Records

  • Are there records of fire drills?

  • Are there records of fire training?

  • Are there records of fire alarm testing?

  • Are there records of emergency lighting tests?

  • Are there records of maintenance and testing of other fire protection systems?

28 Fire development

  • Considering the information within this assessment describe the most likely worst case scenario fire situation that could be encountered within this building.

  • State what action is required to prevent this.

29 Facilities, equipment and devises for protection of fire-fighters

  • Are there any facilities for fire-fighters (if yes state facilities)

  • State maintenance arrangements for facilities

30 Overall risk rating

  • This risk rating is based on the structure and use of the building, occupancy and activities carried out within the building.

31 Fire risk assessment review date

  • Select date

32 Senior management signature

  • Signature of person in the organisation accepting responsibility for actions and communicating to employees and other persons effected by. Their activities

  • Signature of person completing the assessment.

33 Fire risk assessment identified hazards and recommendations

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