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Travel by infected persons can spread coronavirus from state to state, so it is vitally important for the tourism and hospitality industry to take a leading role in protecting the lives and health of Wisconsinites. In addition to implementing enhanced cleaning protocols, lodging providers are also asked to notify the health department if they have any guests exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.
To help slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect your staff and your patrons, adopt asmany best practice recommendations as pertain to your facility.
Protect Your Staff
Limit staff interaction - stagger breaks and encourage physical distancing.
Don't let Employees work when ill. Wait at least 3 days before returning to work.
Consider a sneeze guard or other physical barrier for employees who have face to face contact with guests.
Staff should wear gloves when cleaning.
Consider other PPE equipment like cloth masks.
Do not shake dirty laundry.
Educate employees on handwashing. Make sure staff is washing hands after cleaning and before eating or drinking
Protect Your Guests
Encourage guests to reserve & pay online and to call in requests.
Allow an extra day for rented rooms to sit between guests, as soft surfaces are difficult to clean and sanitize between guests.
Launder all bedding between guests-this includes blankets and comforters. Remove decorative bedding.
Provide hand sanitizer in shared areas for public and staff use.
Disinfect commonly touched surfaces - remote controls, light switches or lamps, phones, doorknobs, cabinet knobs, refrigerator doors, railings and hair dryer
Consider using wrapped single service items.
Housekeeping, Cleaning & Sanitizin
Use 1/3 C bleach to 1 gallon water to make up disinfecting solution. Use in a spray or in your sanitizing bucket. Follow manufacturer guidance for other disinfectants.
Disinfect High Touch areas hourly - Entrance & Exit Doors, tables, elevator buttons, water fountains, and ice/vending machines. Pens at the front desk and room keys/cards
The front desk, need to be cleaned frequently. If possible, provide disposable disinfectant wipes to front-of-house staff to disinfect surfaces between guests.
Launder all items according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the warmest water and dryer settings allowed according to the manufacturer’s instruction.
Provide and maintain adequate handwashing supplies (hand soap, running water, disposable hand towels, waste cans, etc.) and hand sanitizer.
Post signs throughout the facility describing ways to prevent the spread of ger
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