Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Livv Job Number
Property Type
Number of Bedrooms
Initial Verifications
Is the Property Empty?
Is the Property Legally Void
Have the Electrics been made Safe?
Has the Gas been made Safe?
Are the any initial signs of Infestation, Fleas, Rats?
- Infestation
- Fleas
- Rats
- NO
Internal Checks
Environmental Hazards
Is there any signs of Environmental Hazards?
Please confirm hazards
Is the property showing any significant signs of Damp & Mould?
White Goods & Furniture
Is there any White Goods to be removed?
How many White Goods?
Is there any Furniture to be removed?
Approximate number of Furniture items
Is there any Mattresses to be removed?
How many Mattresses?
Is there any Clothing inside the property?
Are there any Carpets?
Please describe which rooms have carpets to be removed
Is there any Laminate Flooring in Poor Condition to be removed?
Please describe which rooms to have laminate removed
Please identify which rooms have Laminate Flooring in Good Condition which is to be left in place
Is there any Floor Tiles to be removed?
Is there a Loft?
Is there any items to be removed from the Loft?
External Checks
Front Garden
Please describe the ownership of the Front Garden
Please provide a picture of front garden condition
Is there any items to be removed from the front garden?
- Bikes
- Gas Bottles
- Tyres
- Fly Tipping
- Garden Furniture
- Childs Toys
- Other
- N/A
Rear Garden
Please describe the ownership of the Rear Garden
Please provide a picture a the rear garden
Is there any items to be removed from the rear garden?
- Bikes
- Gas Bottles
- Tyres
- Fly Tipping
- Garden Furniture
- Childs Toys
- Other
- N/A
Is there any Outbuildings?
Do they require emptying?
Are there any KMBC bins?
Heath & Safety
Are there any Heath & Safety issues to be raise?
How would you rate the volume of the contents within this property?
Does the property require a specialist clearance?
Please provide some comments on why a specialist clearance
Pre-Clearance survey completed by