Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Operative responsible for the location
Audit Number
1.0 - Previous Block Clean
1.1 - When was the previous block clean carried out?
1.2 - Provide picture of previous block clean report
2.0 - Internal Communal Areas
2.1 - Floor surfaces and carpets cleaned
2.2 - Stair and rises cleaned
2.3 - Communal glass cleaned
2.4 - Internal bin area cleaned
2.5 - Is there any signs of any Graffiti?
3.0 - Bulk Waste / Fly Tipping
3.1 - Are there any bulk waste items left in any internal communal areas/landings?
3.2 - Are there any bulk waste items left in any external communal areas?
3.3 - External bins area cleaned?
4.0 - External Window Cleaning
4.1 - Has the external glass been cleaned?
5.0 - Hazardous Waste (Animal faeces / Sharps / Infestation)
5.1 - Are there any signs of excessive dog fouling - internal/external?
This must be raised and highlighted with Housing Management
5.2 - Are there any signs of Sharps/Needles?
5.3 - Are there any signs of infestation (fly's/maggots)?
6.0 - Door Entry/Intercom
6.1 Is the door entry / intercom working correctly?
Are there any repairs to be raised on site from Customers?
Please advise what the customer has requested
Are there any repairs required to the stair hands rails?
Are there any repairs required to the stair coverings or nosing's?
Sign Off
Does the auditor have any further comments?
Can the auditor confirm that any emergency faults/repairs have raised via the contact centre?
Auditor's signature