
General Information.

  • Aircraft Registration

  • Add media

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Organisation

  • Organisation Representative.

  • Prepared by

  • Document No.

Previous Audit

  • Has last audit been reviewed?

  • All outstanding actions cleared?

1 Aircraft

  • Is exterior condition acceptable? <br>[Condition, Registration mark, Perspex]

  • Is interior condition acceptable? <br>[condition, seatbelts]

  • Cert of registration present and valid?

  • Cert of airworthiness present and valid?

  • RFM revision status up to date?

  • Check lists okay and current?

  • Data plate attached and secure?

  • Tech log utilised correctly?

  • Deferred defect status okay?

  • Instruments Serviceable?<br>[Markings and placards]

  • Emergency equipment present and serviceable?<br>[Nothing out of date?]

  • Airworthiness review current?<br>[Carried out within 36 months and on entering service]

2 AOC and Procedures

  • Is AOC valid?<br>[Covers all work and current?]

  • MCS accepted?<br>[Alternate to tech log and log book approved, covers AOC scope?]

  • MCS procedures current and reflect work required?

  • Log book condition acceptable?

  • Storage system acceptable?

  • Log book statement current?

  • Weight and balance current?

  • ELA current?

  • Mods and AD's?

  • Certification compliance?

  • Damage history?

  • Component log cards in order?

3 System of Maintenance

  • SOM applicable? <br>[Covers all aircraft?]

  • SOM current?<br>[Reflects manufacturer, AD's and STC's?]

  • SOM understood?<br>[Reflected in computer system?]

4 Minimum Equipment List

  • Current?<br>[Latest revision?]

  • Valid?<br>[From latest MMEL, FAA?]

  • At least as restrictive as MMEL?

  • Covers all equipment fitted?

  • CASR's are not infringed?

  • Defects deferred and cleared correctly?

5 Technical Library

  • Subscriptions current?

  • Procedures?<br>[Advice to staff etc?]

  • AD's and bulletins being monitored and applied?

  • All aircraft and equipment covered?

  • Downloaded information marked uncontrolled and destroyed after work or attached to job pack?

6 Approved Suppliers

  • Listed?

  • AMO's audited?<br>[Mail out FM 074 minimum?]

  • Underachievers actioned/avoided\listed?

  • Audits recorded?

7 Facilities

  • Clean?<br>[Record storage?]

  • Suitable? <br>[Large enough, computer access?]

  • Organised?<br>[Log books and manuals and CD's clearly marked?]

8 Computer Controlled Maintenance

  • Backup adequate?<br>[Controlled and off-site?]

  • Conforms to CASA, MCS and SOM requirements?

  • Equipment adequate for required tasks?

  • Internet access adequate?<br>[Speed, frustration, CASA web site?]

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.