Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Document No.

  • Stall name

  • Person in charge

  • Location
  • Signature

Food Stall Safety Audit

Personal Hygiene

  • Are employees wearing clean and proper safety uniforms including shoes?1

  • Is effective hair restraints including facial hair properly worn?

  • Are fingernails short and clean?

  • Are Gloves worn over polished and artificial nails?

  • Is Jewellery limited to a plan ring, such as a wedding band?

  • Are hands washed properly, frequently, and at appropriate times?

  • Are burns, wounds, sores or scabs, splints and bandages on hands completely covered with a food service glove while handling food?

  • Eating, drinking, chewing gum, smoking or using tobacco are only allowed in the designated areas?

  • Are hand sinks easily accessible, operational and clean?

  • Are hand sinks stocked with soap, disposable towels and warm water?

  • Are staff complying with standards?

  • Are all staff, casuals and volunteers trained?

Food Preparation

  • Is all food stored or prepared in the approved facility?

  • Is food equipment, utensils and food contact surfaces properly washed, rinsed and sanitized before every use?

  • Is all food being put in fridges straight away after delivery and preparation?

  • Is display food at the venue on display for no longer than necessary?

  • Are utensils cleaning and in working order?

  • Are multiple chopping boards for chopping different foods used and washed using hot soapy water?

Food Storage

  • Is high-risk food stored under 5 °C?

  • Is fridge temperature at 5 °C or below?

  • Is freezer temperature below (minus)-15 °C?

  • Is thawed food kept from being re-frozen?

  • Is defrosted food in the fridge?

  • Is raw food and cooked food stored separately?

  • Are non-toxic food storage containers used?

  • Are all used by dates checked?

Cross Contamination

  • Is food covered?

  • Are separate work surfaces provided and used for raw and cooked foods?

  • Are cleaning cloths used only once before sterilised?

  • Are Hygienic gloves being used?

  • Are cooked/ready to eat foods stored above raw foods or in separate fridges?

  • Is food cooked separately to accommodate allergies e.g. Gluten intolerance?


  • Does Vendor have their Street Trader Certificate

  • Does all Food stall rated Class 1 and Class 2 have a food safety supervisor certificate

Fire Safety

  • Is a “Commercial” size fire blanket (1.2m x 1.8 m minimum) NOT the standard domestic size (1m x 1m).

  • Are the fire blanket in good condition and current tag within the preceding 6 months?

  • Is a fire extinguisher available?

  • Is the fire extinguisher within service date with a compliant “service tag” affixed displaying the most recent test date.

  • The correct type of fire extinguisher (for those using “deep fat fryers’ they must have a B(E) type fire extinguisher or a “Wet Chemical” extinguisher

Fire Safety Permit for stalls using fire /naked flames or gas cookers

  • Is a Schedule 14 Permit provided (Fire Danger Period)

  • Is s Section 40 Permit provided(Total Fire Ban Day)

LP Gas

  • Are LGP cylinders stored/secured properly?

  • If 9kg does it have a 10-year stamp?

  • If 45kg does it have an engineering plate?

General Safety

  • Are floors clean and free of rubbish?

  • Are cooking oils and fats stored appropriately?

  • Is hand sanitiser available?

  • Are hazardous chemicals stored appropriately?

  • Are Safe Data Sheets available for chemicals used?

  • Are sullage containers for waste available?

  • Are cleaning aids available for cleaning up spills?

  • Is there sufficient lighting in the van/marquee?

First Aid

  • Is a First Aid Kit available?

  • Is the First Aid Kit fully stocked and items in date?

Waste Management

  • Have all waste products been identified assessed

  • Is the area clear on conbustable material

  • Disposed of through authorised waste disposal company


  • Non-absorbent

  • Anti-slip

  • Without crevices

  • Capable of being thoroughly cleaned

  • Resistant to acids, grease, salts, etc

  • Trapped drain gullies provided

  • Sufficient gradient for drain off (1 in 60 minimum)


  • Are electrical appliances in current test and tag?

  • No personal generator being used?

  • No flammable fuel is being stored

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.