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Food Stall Health and Safety Compliance Inspection

  • Trading/Business name:

Temperature Checks

  • Temperature checks should be done routinely at specific times and written down. We also recommend that random checks are done.
    There should be at least two probe thermometers on the stall with spare battery's , along with the antibacterial thermometer wipes. It can be good to have permanent fridge thermometers in cool box/fridges.

  • Does the stallholder have a temperature check book appropriate to the business which has been maintained and up to date?

  • Take photo of temperature check book, make note of any inconsistencies

  • Are the thermometers working and have spare batteries?

  • Are there backup thermometers and fridge/coldbox temperature checks?

Fire Safety

  • Any stallholders using gas must ensure that LPG containers are fitted with the correct hose and gas safety regulator and must be accompanied by a valid gas safety certificate. Cylinders and any attachments should be maintained and in a good state of repair. All cooking should be undertaken on fire retardant surfaces with all materials used to dress the stall having been treated with fire retardant spray. Fire extinguishers should be within the manufacturers date and in a good state of repair and must be appropriate to the hazards on the stall.

  • Are there sufficient and suitable fire extinguishers present on the stall?

  • Are the fire extinguishers present within date and in good condition?

  • Have suitable precautions been taken to minimise the risk of a fire spreading?

Gas Safety:

  • Does this trader use gas

  • Is the valid gas safety certificate in the FSMS folder?

  • Have LPG containers been fitted with the correct type of hose/regulator and in a good state of repair?

Electrical Safety

  • All electrical equipment must be accompanied by a valid 6 Monthly PAT safety sticker. All electrical items must be in good condition and free from damage to plugs,flex and casings and used as per the manufacturers guidelines. RCD's should be fitted to all equipment.

  • Have all electrical items been PAT tested within the last 6 months?

  • Are all the Pat test certificates in FSMS folder?

  • Has any damaged/faulty equipment been identified and removed?

  • Are all electrical appliances connected to RCD's?


  • Stall holders should ensure that there is sufficient clean and clear space to work safely behind the stall with access and egress maintained at all times. Trailing leads should be covered and all equipment should be stored/used in a safe manner. Any items/equipment attached to the stall should be done so securely. Any waste generated by a stallholder needs to be disposed of in the correct manner using the on site facilities provided. Suitable first aid arrangements must be maintained at all times.

  • Is the stall free from obstructions and trailing leads with access and egress maintained?

  • Are the tables covered sufficiently? (food traders should be using designated wood tables)

  • photo of issue

  • Is the floor space inside the Stall adequately covered? Full floor for hot food trader.

  • Does the stall appear to be clean, hygienic and in good condition? (any concerns to be photographed)

  • Photo of hazard/issue

  • Have all items of equipment and dressing materials been attached to the stall frame securely?

  • Is waste being stored and disposed of in the correct manner? (a hard bin is required)

  • Is all cooking/waste oil being stored and disposed of in the correct manner?

  • Attach photo of the front of the stall

  • Attach photo of interior of stall

Documentation/Record Keeping

  • All food traders are required to display at all times a valid public liability insurance policy to cover the size and nature of their business. Food and hygiene certificates should be on display and specific to the employees working on the stall. Menus and pricing should be accurate with any allergens clearly highlighted. Cooking and cooling temperatures should be taken regularly throughout the day and kept in a log book available to the management on request. FSA ratings should be clearly visible to customers. The stallholder must produce on request a copy of their Food Safety Management System (FSMS) for inspection.

  • Does the trader display all relevant documents on the stall? PLI, FSA rating and Food allergy must be on visible display (these will be checked quarterly, regardless)

  • Does the trader display a valid PLI?

  • Does the trader display clearly their FSA rating?

  • Does the trader display an adequate Food allergy sign?

  • Is the stallholder able to present a copy of their FSMS and is this document of a suitable size and nature for the business?

  • Have all staff on the stall been trained to the relevant standard of food and hygiene safety and are these documents valid and on display?

  • Are menus and pricing clearly written with any allergens clearly identified?

  • Attach photos of new documents

  • Are staff wearing face coverings?

Food and Hygiene Safety Management

  • All food traders must follow all food and hygiene guidance/practice in line with the training that they have received. Clean and appropriate attire should be worn at all times with hair tied back and jewellery removed. Appropriate PPE should be worn where necessary and safe systems of work utilised to minimise the risk of cross contamination. Ingredients should be fresh and safe to use. All food stored should be stored appropriately. Barriers and guards should be in place to protect any food on display from airborne contaminants. All stall holders are required to have a hand washing facility on the stall with hot water, soap and towels. public liability insurance, F/H certificates and all other required documents that need to be on display should be laminated and kept organised on a clipboard, copies of all these documents should be kept in the FSMS (food safety management system).

  • Are staff fit to work, wearing clean, suitable protective clothing and following personal hygiene rules?

  • Hands are washed thoroughly using proper hand-washing procedures at critical points?

  • Is there a suitable hand washing facility available complete with hot water, soap and towels? (AntiBac gel is NOT a sufficient replacement)

  • Is there an adequate First aid Kit? sufficient BLUE plasters, burn gel etc?

  • Is an adequate Allergy awareness sign on display?

  • Is the food on display adequately guarded against airborne contaminants?

  • Are all food items of a suitable quality and stored correctly?

  • Are safe systems of work in place i.e raw food physically separated from cooked food?

Sign Off

  • Completed by manager:

  • Trader Signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.