Title Page
Site conducted
Date and Time of Incident
Name of Injured Person
Date Reported
Incident Investigation Date
Prepared by
Risk Rating
WorkSafe NZ Notifiable Event
Persons Involved in Investigation
- Person Conducting Investigation
- Injured Person
- Other
Injury/Damage Sustained
State here
Description of Incident
Provide a brief description including sequence of events
Has a similar incident/near miss occurred previously?
Key Contributing Factors
Design of workplace/equipment (e.g defective or unsuitable equipment, workplace layout)
Environment (e.g lighting, ventilation, noise, temperature)
Human Factors (e.g lack of understanding, fatigue)
Work methods and Systems (e.g training, unclear work procedures, flow of information)
Other Comments - Ask the 5 Why’s to determine the Root Cause: Why did the event happen?...and Why was that?.....and Why was that?....and Why was that?......
Document Review (e.g procedures, interviews, photos)
Name of Document
Corrective Actions
Specify Action
Completion date
Person Responsible
Actions Completed