Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • 5 points critical questions: 3 points major questions: 1 point minor questions.

  • At least one person with manager food safety level certification on site.

  • All employees more then 30days have completed food safety training.

  • Delivery temps are documented.

  • Eternal food, temperature, checklist are completed stored on file for 30 days and corrective action is included.

  • Equipment temperature logs are available and completed with corrective actions for cooking, hot and cold, holding heating and cooling.

  • Last 30 days of sanitizer logs are available.

  • Thermometer calibration logs are available.

  • Health department or equivalent, regulatory inspection available, where applicable. Critical findings for most recent inspection have been corrected

  • Food operating permit available.

  • Full allergen information available for employees and or customer reference as required by local requirements.

  • The PIC has acknowledge of the major food, allergens and symptoms of an allergic reaction specific to the region of operation.

  • Question to staff: training - ask a member of the team to explain or demonstrate how to complete a food temperature check.

  • Question to management: is PIC aware of recall and food complaint procedures.

  • Question to management: can PIC demonstrate acknowledge of the location and content of the up to date food safety management documents? This includes the fool, safety manual, and SDS.

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  • No sick or symptomatic food handlers at work: PIC has properly restricted food handlers when required.

  • A documented illness, report and procedure is available or PIC has acknowledge of reporting and documentation of exclusions/restrictions responsibilities.

  • I’ll required equipment and PPE for bodily fluids cleanup available.

  • No smoking, vaping, gum, tobacco, snuff, food, or drinking, tobacco and food prep or food service areas.

  • Gloves and Band-Aids available on site for employees use.

  • Proper hair, restraints, warning, food prep, or food service areas for team members with hair longer than shoulder length.

  • All staff is wearing clean uniforms and or aprons.

  • No jewelry, worn or arms or hands except plain ring (I.e. wedding band) no earrings.

  • Proper handwashing procedures followed.

  • Food handlers do not contact ready to eat foods with bare hands.

  • Single used gloves used properly.

  • Handwashing sink, assessable and usable.

  • Hand wash sink used for handwashing only.

  • Hand washing sinks or clean.

  • Hand washing sinks or properly stock with soap as single used towels or heated air or high velocity hand drain device.

  • Hand washing signage and all hand sinks.

  • Food supplied from approved sources.

  • Food received at proper temperatures with specifications.

  • Food packages received in good condition.

  • Returns clearly labeled and identified.

  • Shop -country of origin display on all fruit and vegetables.

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  • Proper use of hierarchy in food storage.

  • Food and food contact items stored in appropriate locations.

  • Cross contamination prevented during food, storage and preparation.

  • Equipment, utensils, and food, contact surfaces, clean and sanitize at proper times.

  • And use food, utensils, and single use items are used and stored properly.

  • Utensils, equipment, and food contact surfaces are in good repair and utensils, equipment, and food contact services type single use articles or not reuse.

  • Proper sanitizing procedure for utensils and wears being demonstrated.

  • Cleaning agent and sanitizers are present and readily available for use.

  • 1, 2 or three compartment, sinks present, and use properly: stopper available and working correctly.

  • Temperature of hot water sanitizing at the wear washing machine is documented appropriate at times.

  • Sanitizer test kits strips available and not expired.

  • Equipment utensils or drive before stacking.

  • Wiping cloths and sanitizer cloths are used and stored properly.

  • All non- food contact services or clean, cleanable, and in good repair

  • All lighting sauces are properly shielded, or shattered proof in areas where food, service utensils, and equipment are stored or prepared.

  • Containers previously used for chemicals, not used for food or food utensil storage.

  • First aid supplies and employee medication‘s properly labeled and stored to prevent contamination.

  • Cooking and heating of ready to eat high risk TCS product for hot holding reaches a minimum required cooking temperature per regulatory requirement.

  • High risk TCS food prep and room temperature is done correctly.

  • Hot holding equipment properly functioning.

  • High risk TCS foods held in cold, holding or held below maximum required, holding temperature per regulatory requirement.

  • Frozen foods held solidly frozen.

  • Cold holding equipment, proper functioning.

  • Food, products, or time and date label win time in LIEU temperature is used as a control.

  • No food products using time in lieu Temperature or expired.

  • Written procedures are available for food products when time alone is used as he control.

  • Prepped thawing, ready to eat TCS foods properly date labeled.

  • Commercial prepped Harris TCS food properly dated when original packaging is opened.

  • No expired ready to eat high risk TCS product present.

  • Any food products not visibly identifiable or labeled with a common name where required.

  • Accurate food thermometer present.

  • Food products properly thawed/slacked.

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  • All coolers have functioning thermometers within reasonable range per regulatory requirements.

  • All food products or stored first and first out or based on manufactures dating.

  • Only institutional /food grade /company approved cleaning chemicals use.

  • Cleaning chemicals properly labeled.

  • Cleaning chemicals properly stored.

  • No critical pest activity observed.

  • Insect control devices install to prevent contamination.

  • Pest control-external structures satisfactory, including no pest proofing issues and external bait stations in place. Exterior of the building in clean condition with limited and organized storage.

  • Pesticides applied only by approved personnel.

  • Rodent bait is contained in a covered, tamper-resistant bait station.

  • Floors,walls,and ceilings in store, retail food prep line in store, rooms, area, or cleanable, clean and in good repair.

  • Vince, an exhaust hose or clean and in good repair.

  • All refrigeration gaskets are clean and in good repair.

  • Lighting is adequate.

  • Light fixtures are clean.

  • Trash receptacles, back of house or of significant availability, capacity, and not overflowing.

  • Trash containers are maintain cleaned.

  • Dumpster/recycling/compost area is regularly cleaned, and free of excess debris: dumpster plug is in place.

  • Dumpsters, outdoor garbage and recycling/compost containers and lids are kept close and containers are in good repair.

  • No sewage BACKED into facility.

  • Hot and cold water are available at facility.

  • Hot water should be at least 110.

  • Metered and automatic faucets provide water for minimum of 15 seconds.

  • backflow prevention or air gap present at all sinks, and beverage dispensers.

  • Minimum of one functioning toilet available in the facility.

  • Toilet tissue available at each toilet.

  • All plumbing in good repair.

  • Employee, clothing and personal items are properly stored.

  • Cleaning tools ( mops, brooms, And similar items) or properly stored/in good condition and proper type.

  • All restrooms are clean, free of odors and well maintained.

  • Storeroom, clean, organized, and well maintain.(help tech should include: including glass.

  • Staff areas(if present) clean and well maintained.

  • Cleaning room and mop area, clean and well-maintained.

  • Fountain/frozen beverage products properly name labeled.

  • Fountain food, contact equipment, nozzles, and ice dispensing system, clean and maintained.

  • All nonfood contact coffee equipment. ( hot and iced cleaned and maintained.

  • Coffee and cappuccino countertops, maintain clean.

  • Cappuccino equipment, maintain clean.

  • All hot beverage items or properly name labeled.

  • Dairy base creamers properly dated.

  • Dera base creamers not expired.

  • All hot beverages cups/lids/straws holders and condiment maintain clean.

  • Roller grill/plate grill products held at proper temperature per regulatory Requirements.

  • Roller grill/plate grill food contact surfaces clean, and in good repair.

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  • Roller Grill/plate grill non-food contact equipment and cabinets clean and in good repair.

  • Roller grill/plate grill products properly name labeled.

  • Roller grill tong hold the present and maintain clean.

  • Bakery case items have name labels.

  • calorie information is displayed for all applicable food service items.

  • Bakery items, tissue paper, or tongues available for customers.

  • Bakery case interior/exterior maintain clean and in good repair.

  • Chili and cheese dated.

  • Chili and cheese expired.

  • Chili and cheese equipment maintain clean.

  • Ching cheese equipment, maintain in good repair.

  • Condiment containers, equipped with lids or sneeze guards.

  • Condiment station containers dated and not expired but items being held longer than 24 hours.

  • Condiment station containers are clean and free of encrusted buildup.

  • Grab and go cooler temperatures, maintain proper temperature of food products.


  • Does the store have open facilities tickets relating to food safety.?

  • List your observations relating to stage structure in the text box.<br>

  • Was any other food safety risk observed that is included in the assessment?

  • Did the PSC walk the store with the auditor?

  • Are There evidence of falsified documents?

  • Fountain equipment, counters, or maintain and in good repair.

  • Coffee, equipment, counters, or maintain and in good repairs. Are you

Untitled Page

  • Outside of machine clean and dust free.

  • Drip tray clean and santitized, no evidence of dried product.

  • Underside of bases, canisters,and dispenser area free of mold or dried product.

  • Door seal mold free, properly seated in place, holding temperature of below 41 degrees.

Soda Fountain

  • Nozzles clean and ice chute clean.

  • No presence of mold.

  • Drip basin free of build up.

  • Supplies stocked, no sign of mold in supply basins.

  • Ice drain clear of build-up,chest cover in place, mold-free.

Forster/F’real/Soft Serve

  • Machine are regularly cleaned.

  • Inside of machine regularly sanitized, mold free.

  • All product/SKUs available.

  • Serving cups and utensils readily available.

  • Machine in good working order, exterior clean and dust-free.

  • Machine filters clean.

Cabinets and Countertops

  • All counters and machine backs clean & dust-free.

  • No debris under/behind/beside machine.

  • Cabinets insides clear of dust,food sediment, and spills.

  • Cabinets clean on outside.

  • No broken door hinges.

  • No cabinets sticking out.

  • Under cabinet floors clean with no food or drink spills.

Bakery/Packaged Bakery

  • All items in stock; rotated.

  • No expired product in bakery case.

  • Bakery case set to planogram.

  • Tissue/wax paper, tongs (if applicable) available, neat, and organized.

  • Baker case trays and glass or clean.

  • No dust or excessive crumbs.

  • Bakery at front counter is set to planogram.

  • No expired product.

  • All product available at front counter.

Additional storage

  • Sales floor and baseboards clean.

  • No slip/trip/fall hazards.

  • warehouse totes not being used for storage and being return to distributor.

Promotion/ m erchandising

  • Outside window displays present and in proper place.

  • In store promotions and signage in proper area. <br>Clean and properly displayed.

Store Health Requirements

  • Stem/Probe thermometer available, working, and used to temp products.

  • Staff demonstrates knowledge on how to calibrate thermometer.

  • Current State Food Handlers Certificate displayed. <br>

  • All other certificates displayed/on hand as required by state law.

  • All food logs available and up to date. Includes: Both product temperature logs (oven and sandwich warmer),sanitizer log, and equipment log.

Overall Store Cleanliness

  • Inside ceiling tiles clean( no water spots).

  • Vents clean with no dust build up.

  • lights in working order.

  • Restrooms clean and ready for customer use. <br>

  • Well stocked with soap, hand towels/dryer.

  • Pumps are clean.

  • Washer fluid at least 1/2 full with squeegees available at all pumps.

  • Sidewalks and drive area free of litter, cigarettes butts, gum spots and trash lines

  • How many pumps are down?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.