
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Date of Site Audit

  • Conducted by Business Consultants:

  • Retailer / Manager on Duty:

Section 1: Site Appearance



  • Is outside stands stocked, clean and priced ?

  • Is outside A-frames in place with promo and generic posters in place?

  • Is windows and doors fee of foreign posters ?

  • Is windows and doors in good condition ?

  • Is all store signage clean and working condition ?


  • Is front carpet in place, clean and freshstop branded ?

  • Are all lights and light boxes in good working condition inside the store ?

  • Is entrance and isles uncluttered and unobstructed ?

  • Is the store clean, tidy and uncluttered in general ? (10 points)


  • Is all advertised lines available on sale ? (See promo schedule) (10 points)

  • Which lines are not available on sale?

  • Have all promotional lines been properly priced and is tickets in place ? (10 points)

  • Which tickets / POS is not in place?

  • Is the front gondola ends highlighted with promotional lines ? (10 points)

  • Has the store undertaken any additional marketing/promotional activities to promote the store ? (10 points)


  • Are all shelves stocked properly ? (10 points)

  • Are all PLUs up to date (no older than 8 weeks) ? (10 points)

  • GROCERIES RANGE: What % of Top 5 KVI lines are available on sale? (5 points)

  • NON FOODS RANGE: What % of Top 5 KVI lines are available on sale? (5 points)

  • PERISHABLES & DIARY: What % of Top 5 KVI lines are available on sale? (5 points)

  • SWEETS & CHOCOLATES: What % of Top 5 KVI lines are available on sale? (5 points)

  • CHIPS & SNACKS: What % of Top 5 KVI lines are available on sale? (5 points)

  • BEVERAGES: What % of Top 5 KVI lines are available on sale? (5 points)

  • TOBACCO: What % of Top 5 KVI lines are available on sale? (5 points)

  • Which lines are not available on sale that is suggested for store to stock?


  • DELI PREPARED FOODS: What % of Top 10 KVI lines are available on sale? (10 points)

  • BAKERY (BREAD AND ROLLS): What % of Top 10 KVI lines are available on sale? (10 points)

  • BAKERY CONFECTIONARY: What % of Top 10 KVI lines are available on sale? (10 points)

  • SANDWICHES: What % of Top 10 lines are available on sale? (10 points)

  • Which lines are not available on sale that is suggested for store to stock?

  • Is Freshstop branded packaging being used to sell food items ?

  • Are all coffee smalls available and accessable ?

  • Is a waste bin in place and reasonably clean ?

  • Are display units and bane marines clean,in good working condition and all lights working ?

  • Are walls and equipment free of foreign posters and labels ?

  • Is all products quality acceptable ?

  • Is there sufficient staff to serves customers ?

  • Has all saleable goods been properly priced with either POS or PLU in place ?

  • Does all goods have visible sell by dates ?

  • Has all expired goods been removed from sale ? (10 points)

  • Is the store's food acceptability certificate in place and valid ?

  • Is the store's menu boards in place and up to date ?

  • Is the store only selling authorised/listed goods from approved listed suppliers ?

  • Has the food specialist's latest Contact report been actioned ? (Quarterly)


  • FRUIT: What % of MUST HAVE lines are available on sale? (10 points)

  • VEG: What % of MUST HAVE lines are available on sale? (10 points)

  • Which lines are not available on sale that is suggested for store to stock?

  • Is F&V presentation appealing, sections clean and clear and visible price tickets in place? (10 points)

  • Is the store ordering on the latest updated F&V Order sheet?


  • COLD MEATS: What % of Top 10 KVI lines are available on sale? (5 points)

  • Which lines are not available on sale that is suggested for store to stock?

  • Is a decent range of Fresh meats available on sale ?

  • Is the general quality of the fresh and cold meats acceptable?

  • Is expiration dates visible and valid? (10 points)


  • Is all fridges, shelves and till points clean and tidy ? (10 points)

  • Is the sales floor clean and is it clean under and behind shelves,stands,fridges and displays with no residue or mop spills ?

  • Has all stock been elevated directly fro the sales floor ? ( no stock may be packed or stored directly onto the sales floor )

  • Is the customer toilets clean with paper towel,hand soap and towel and a dust bin in place ? (10 points)

  • Is staff toilets clean with paper towel,hand soap and towel and a dust bin in place ?

  • Is a yellow caution board being used correctly ?

  • Is store shopping baskets clean and available ?


  • Is staff wearing freshstop uniform and name badges ?

  • Is cashiers greeting customers,smiling and friendly towards customers ? (10 points)

  • Is serving people greeting customers,smiling and being friendly towards customers ? (10 points)

  • Is cashiers introducing promotional lines to customers ? (30 points)

  • Is forecourt attendants introducing promotions to customers ?

  • Is freshstop branded carrier bags being sold to customers ?


  • Is floors, basins and working & prep tables cleaned regularly ?

  • Is production equipment cleaned regularly ?

  • Is hand soap and hand towel in place and available ?

  • Is waste bins clean and cleaned out regularly ?

  • Is packaging and cleaning detergents stored separately ?

  • Is pest control service certificate in place and valid? (10 points)

  • Is legal food safe chemicals being used ?

  • Is chemical data sheets available on file and staff know the safety protocol ?

  • Is staff washing their hands regularly within the correct prescribed manner ?

  • Is cleaning utensils clean and sorted correctly ?

  • Is backup food ingredients stored in labelled correctly ?


  • Are all back areas properly secured?

  • Is the stockroom floors clean ?

  • Is all stock elevated from the floor and stored per department ?

  • Are all stocks in stock room available on sales floor (spot checks)?

  • Is the FIFO rule being applied ?

  • Is all wastage in clearly demarcated area ?

  • Is saleable and non saleable (e.g wastage, packaging and spare shelves) stored separately ?

  • Is all stock packed a minimum of 15cm from the ceilings (fire hazard) ?


  • Has all promotions been loaded and activated on NAMOS ?

  • Is the prescribed Symphony admin Checklist actioned daily ?

  • Is the store effectively making use of the Symphony Auto Generated Ordering function ?

  • Is store reading and actioning headoffice and BC emails daily ?

  • Is store reviewing and actioning daily End of day reports ? (10 points)

  • Is GRVs captured daily and completed before end of trading day ?

  • Is all store transfers up to date and captured daily ?

  • Is retailer viewing regular Symphony Management reports as prescribed ?

  • Is store recipe Summary in order?

  • Has a complete stock take been been completed over the last 4 weeks? (20 points)

  • Has shortages and overages been investigated? (20 points)

  • Is all wastage records up to date and captured daily ?

  • Has the admin manager's latest contact report been actioned ?


  • Is the store achieved the desired GP% (minimum 28.5%) (20 points)

  • Is the store wastage under control ? (ratio % below 1.5%) (10 points)

  • Is the stores shrinkage under control ? ( below 1.5%) (10 points)

  • Is the stores total Purchases vs. Sales ratio between 65% and 70% for the past 4 weeks ? (10 points)


  • Has the store achieved the desired QPro results of 80% with its latest audit ? (20 points)

  • Has the store reviewed the latest QPro audit report and has the MNC action planner been actioned ?

  • Has the BC discussed the latest Audit report with the store and has a proper action plan been put in place ?

  • Has the store reviewed the latest Audit report on a monthly basis ?


  • The retailer / manager on duty herewith acknowledge that the above audit and findings was discussed with him/her by the Business Consultant and that he/she understands the contents of this audit and below Contact Report. The retailer / manager on duty agrees to and accepts to rectify / action the necessary items as discussed.

  • Herewith read, understood and agreed upon by the Retailer or Manager on Duty and Business Consultant:



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