Facility Location
Conducted on
Prepared by
Part 1: General
Are monthly GEMBA walks completed?
Is the OSHA 300A posted from February 1 to April 30?
Part 2: Storage and Housekeeping
Are there damaged rack legs, beams secured, and end of racks guarded?
Storage shelving secured and beams marked with load capacity?
Are containers stored, stacked, and limited in height so they are stable and secure?
Push-through protection measures in place? (Bars, screens, administrative controls)
Are work areas, passageways, storerooms, and service rooms kept clean, orderly, dry, and in a sanitary condition?
Are wooden pallets stored flat on floor (not leaned on edge)?
Are work areas free from trip hazards?
Are locations for specific items/supplies clearly marked?
Are broom handles in good condition (all capped)?
Part 3: Emergency Procedures
Are building exits free from obstruction?
Is there an unobstructed path from each workstation (minimum aisle width: 28 inches)?
Are exits marked and adequately lighted?
Are exit doors unlocked from inside the building, and do they open in the direction of travel?
Is any door, passage, or stairway that could be mistaken for an exit or a way of exit access identified by a sign that reads "NOT AN EXIT" or similar wording?
Is the first aid kit stocked and inspected monthly? Are there expired items in the kit?
Is there an adequate amount of blood borne pathogen kits in the facility? Are they expired?
Is the AED inspected monthly?
Part 4: Fall Protection
Is fall protection equipment (lanyards, harness, etc.) inspected prior to each use, and is the inspection documented?
Is fall protection being inspected annually by a competent person?
Are ladders maintained in good condition?
Part 5: Hazard Assessments
Are hazard assessments current and posted at job sites?
Part 6: Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Are observed employees using the required PPE? (safety glasses in Lab, cut resistant gloves)
- Safe
- At Risk
- N/A
Is PPE readily accessible in the work areas that require it?
Part 7: Lockout/Tagout (LOTO)
Are proper LOTO procedures being followed?
Part 8: Fire Protection
Are portable fire extinguishers provided, mounted, located, and identified so that they are readily accessible?
Are portable fire extinguishers mounted at the correct height?
Are portable fire extinguishers inspected on a monthly basis, and is the tag signed accordingly?
Are portable fire extinguishers subject to an annual maintenance check?
Fire pump room doors unobstructed?
Are wood pallets stacked no taller than 6'?
Are flammable and combustible liquids stored properly in flammable liquid storage cabinets?
Are flammable and combustible material containers labeled, covered, and stored at least 35' away from ignition sources?
Part 9: Powered Industrial Trucks (PIT)
Are PITs inspected before each shift, and is the inspection documented?
Are PITs warning labels and data plates in legible condition?
Do unattended PITs have the load engaging means fully lowered, controls neutralized, and breaks set to prevent movement?
Are PITs observed being used in a safe manner?
Are seatbelts worn on sit-down lifts?
Are dock locks, wheel chocks, and jack stands utilized on trucks and trailers during loading/unloading operations?
Two controls in place for trailers that cannot use dock locks?
Does the battery charging area have a neutralizing agent readily accessible for spilled electrolyte and acid? PPE Available?
Are combustible materials stored at least 8.2 feet away from charging area?
Is the emergency eye wash station/shower being inspected weekly, and is the inspection documented?
Part 10: Equipment/Machines & Hand Tools
Does observed equipment/machines appear to be in safe operating condition, and is PPE readily accessible?
Are electrical, rotating, or moving parts on equipment/machines guarded to prevent physical contact?
Are emergency stop buttons colored red?
Are warning labels and signs in place?
Machine keys assessed and marked to show approval for use? (i.e. green key)
Are tool chuck keys spring loaded to prevent being left in the tool?
Machines designed for fixed location are secured to prevent toppling or movement?
Presence sensing device and interlocks verified to proper working condition on wood panel saw test equipment?
Only OSHA approved nozzles used on compressed air hose? (limits air pressure to <30 psi)
Are grinders properly adjusted (work rest within 1/8" of the wheel, tongue guard within 1/4" of the wheel)?
Are grinding wheels subject to a ring test before being mounted, and is the test documented?
All MAE has been reviewed and released for operation? (Marked with green sticker)
Part 11: Hazard Communication
Is there a readily accessible SDS for all of the hazardous chemicals used in the facility?
Is the SDS binder audited on an annual basis and is the audit documented?
Part 12: Hazardous Material
Are all chemical containers properly labeled?
Are waste containers properly marked and stored closed?
Are all liquid hazardous material boxes being stored at the correct orientation according to the orientation arrows at all times?
Flammable storage cabinets kept locked?
Spill containment provided for chemical and waste containers?
Part 13: Electrical Safety
Is there adequate space provided and maintained around all electrical equipment (depth=42", width=30", or width of the equipment (whichever is greater), height=6.5')?
Are the tops of electrical boxes, service panels, and transformers free of materials?
Are unused openings in electrical enclosures and fittings enclosed with appropriate covers, plugs, and/or plates?
Are electrical box covers permanently marked "ARC FLASH", and is the marking visible and legible?
Less than 50 volts labeling shall be on electrical panels or disconnects with systems below 50 volts.
Is electrical equipment grounded?
Are extension cords being used for their designated purpose as temporary wiring and not as permanent wiring?
Are extension cords connected to GFCI?
Electrical disconnect doors secured to prevent opening the panel without use of a tool?
Are electrical cords spliced together with wire nuts, not tape?
Are there any exposed wires or cords with frayed or deteriorated insulation?
Is there tension relief on flexible electrical cords?
Is the Energized Electrical Work Permit being used whenever work is performed on energized electrical equipment?
Part 14: Stormwater - No Exposure
Outdoor areas clean and cleared of debris?
Material placed outdoors covered to prevent contact with storm water?
Outdoor areas free of any visual deposits of residue?
Empty containers are stored so storm water is not collecting inside?
Activities are not occurring outside that could cause runoff on the ground and stormwater? (Cleaning or storing equipment outdoors)
Part 15: Confined Space
Confined spaces are marked?
Confined space procedures being followed?