Prepared by
Site Name
Conducted on
Personnel on the site tour
Site Induction & Rules
Were site rules clearly explained including Health & Safety, Food Safety and Quality?
Were you asked to complete a health questionnaire?
People Practices
Are the hand wash basins working correctly, with bactericidal soap and mode of hand-drying? Are the hand wash basins used by all personnel entering the work area?
Is all hair covered correctly? Are all beards covered correctly?
Is all eating, drinking or smoking restricted to the designated areas?
Are all people in the area free from jewellery and watches?
Is the area free from personal belongings (e.g. newspapers, books, wallets, keys, mobile phones)?
Are all personal work items and loose equipment (e.g. knives and tools) stored correctly?
Are all utensils and machinery parts kept clean and off the floor?
Have all partially used ingredients that are not in use – been resealed?
Are all raw materials and packaging kept off the floor?
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
Is the plant housekeeping good (clean and tidy)?
Is the manufacturing area free from insects, birds, mice, rats or other pests in the factory? (Note any evidence found)
Are all doors into the factory pest proof (close properly with no gaps to allow pests in)?
Are all unscreened doors and windows kept closed?
Is the manufacturing area free from broken glass or broken windows?
Is the manufacturing area free from loose equipment parts (including nuts, screws, guards or covers) on the floor or equipment?
Critical Control Points (CCPs)
Are all raw materials sieved / filtered before use?
Are CCPs clearly indicated on the process lines?
Do all finished products pass through a metal detector or x-ray system?
Additional Comments
Did you see any unsafe practices? If "yes" - describe and add a photo.
Did you see any additional Food Safety or Quality Issues? If "yes" - describe and add a photo.
What examples of Best Practice did you see? Describe and include photos if possible
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