
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Sales & Margin

Sales & Budget

  • Food Sales (site total)

  • Previous Week Average spend vs Grade Avg - Food

  • Previous Week Conversion Rate vs Grade Avg - Food

  • Previous Week Average spend vs Grade - Beverage

  • Previous Week Conversion Rate vs Grade - Beverage

  • Hot Beverage Sales

  • Bakery Sales

  • Top Sellers

  • Cold Deli Sales

  • Top Sellers

  • Hot Deli Sales

  • Top Sellers

  • Grill N Fill

  • Is the Food Manager familiar with sales results, budgets & Top sellers?

  • Discuss sales information daily / weekly.
    Create action plan to meet targeted sales.

Margin & Yield

  • Is the budgeted food margin achieved (most recent figure) ?

  • Create action plan highlighting areas of concern.
    (Portion control, Waste recording & control, Product registration, etc)

  • Is coffee yield at an acceptable level? (most recent figures)

  • Regular coffee counts shall be taken & compared to sales information from Dashboard.
    Ensure correct question is asked at the till (Latte or Cappuccino?)

  • Take Weekly coffee counts & compare to sales information from Dashboard. Send result to Area Mgr weekly.
    Ensure correct question is asked at the till (Latte or Cappuccino?)
    Minimise or eliminate staff consumption (Offer alternative option)
    Record accurate & exact information on monthly stock count.

  • Track sales of key products & compare to stock movement.
    Investigate discrepancies.

  • Chicken Fillet

  • Chicken Stick

  • Small Sausage Roll



  • Menu boards are available, displaying correct products & pricing information in accordance with Applegreen standards

Coffee Offer

  • Coffee Cart -
    Ensure Coffee Cart is set up & maintained to a high standard

  • Coffee Cart # 1 - Machine & Location

  • Coffee / tea price list & current marketing offer is available with appropriate Applegreen signage

  • Coffee cart is cleaned regularly.<br>( Coffee bin emptied, milk checked, area wiped & refilled)

  • Top, inside & under the coffee machine is cleaned, hopper regularly removed & cleaned.<br>(No visible stain on the hopper, frother, etc.)

  • Hopper is filled with beans according to business levels.

  • Condiments and napkins are available & well stocked.

  • Condiments unit is deep cleaned regularly.<br>(No loose sugar, tea leaves, broken stirrers)

  • Take away cups, lids & condiments available at all times & not stacked too high.

  • Bakery products are displayed appropriate to time of day.

  • Only coffee / food related signage is displayed on coffee cart.

  • Coffee machine is fully cleaned minimum once a day.<br>Ensure all chemicals / cleaning supplies are available.<br>Staff responsible for this task have appropriate training.<br>

  • Is there a second Coffee Machine on site?

  • Coffee Cart # 2 - Machine & Location

  • Coffee / tea price list & current marketing offer is available with appropriate Applegreen signage

  • Coffee cart is cleaned regularly.<br>( Coffee bin emptied, milk checked, area wiped & refilled)

  • Top, inside & under the coffee machine is cleaned, hopper regularly removed & cleaned.<br>(No visible stain on the hopper, frother, etc.)

  • Hopper is filled with beans according to business levels.

  • Condiments and napkins are available & well stocked.

  • Condiments unit is deep cleaned regularly.<br>(No loose sugar, tea leaves, broken stirrers)

  • Take away cups, lids & condiments available at all times & not stacked too high.

  • Bakery products are displayed appropriate to time of day.

  • Only coffee / food related signage is displayed on coffee cart.

  • Coffee machine is fully cleaned minimum once a day.<br>Ensure all chemicals / cleaning supplies are available.<br>Staff responsible for this task have appropriate training.<br>

  • Is there a Barista offer on site?

  • Barista Machine type

  • Coffee / Tea prices is available with appropriate Applegreen signage

  • Barista counter is cleaned regularly

  • Appropriate Crockery & cutlery available

  • Take away cups, lids & condiments available at all times.

  • Flavoured syrups are available, displayed well & offered to customers.

  • Barista machine & grinder is fully cleaned minimum once a day.<br>Ensure all chemicals / cleaning supplies are available.<br>Staff responsible for this task have appropriate training.<br>

Bakery Display

  • Good variety of products are available - Appropriate to time of day<br>(Top sellers available?)

  • Neatly arranged & clean Bakery display. (baskets clean, fresh paper used, crumbs wiped off)

  • Bakery is baked as per recipe, size and quality is up to standards.

  • Display well stocked, not mixed with other offers.

  • Current signage and marketing offer is displayed.

  • Bags, napkins, serving tongs, jam / butter is available.

Pre-packed Sandwich Fridge

  • Good variety of sandwiches are available.<br>Top sellers available.

  • Display well stocked.

  • Meal Deal signage and current marketing offer is displayed.<br>SELs, price labels, shelf talkers are in place.

  • Fridge is used as a food offer, other products are not placed in fridge.

Cold Counter

  • Good selection of vegetables, meats & cheese are available

  • Quality of products

  • Vegetables are crisp & firm, not discoloured, limp or have a bad odour

  • Sliced meats and Cheese are fresh, not discoloured or dried out.

  • Tuna Mayo, Egg Mayo, etc is looking fresh, not separated, discoloured or dried out.

  • Product Safety

  • All cold products are kept between 0C to 5C. Spot check & record high risk product temperatures.

  • Dates of al perishable products are within required shelf life.

  • All open & prepped cold products are labelled according to Use by Date chart.

  • All perishable products are rotated according to First In First Out (FIFO)

  • Variety of bread carriers available

  • Pre-made Paninis, Wraps, Flatbreads are available & presented in an appetising manner.

  • Appropriate signage is displayed, only current marketing offers are used.

Hot Counter

  • Good variety of products are available according to time of day. Top sellers available.

  • Quality of products

  • All products are cooked according to instructions & reached core temperature of 75C

  • 'Cook little and often' principle is used, cook outs are recorded throughout the day.

  • Products are looking appetising, not discoloured or dried out

  • Safety of products

  • Products in the Hot Holding unit are kept above 63C Spot check & record lowest temperatures.

  • Products are not held for more then 2 hours in the Hot Hold unit.

  • Display well stocked.

  • Hot strip signage and current marketing offer is displayed

  • Area in front & on top of Hot / Cold counter is used for Food related items.<br>(Fruits, Crisp, etc)

Heat to Eat

  • Is there a Heat to Eat display?

  • Good selection of savoury products, pies, paninis, etc are available

  • Quality of products

  • Products on display are cooked & cooled according to instructions

  • Products look appetising, finished to a good standard.

  • Product Safety

  • All H2E products are kept between 0C to 5C.<br>Spot check & record high risk product temperatures.

  • Dates of all perishable products are within required shelf life.

  • All cooled savoury products are labelled according to Use by Date chart.<br>Cooking, Cooling and Traceability is filled out in HACCP book.

  • All products are rotated according to FIFO.

Grill N Fill / Smoothie Bar

  • Is there a Grill N Fill Area?

  • Is Grill offer / Menu Up to Date?

  • If GNF is not available, can other offer be used in place?

  • Is there a Smoothie Area?

  • Is Smoothie offer / Menu Up to Date?

  • If smoothie is not available, can other offer be used in place?

Service & HACCP

Customer Service

  • Are staff wearing full Deli/Cafe uniform?<br>Approved shirt, apron, name badge, hairnet, cap/hat?<br>Black, closed toe shoe and black trousers are worn?

  • Staff do not eat, drink, chew gum behind the counter.

  • Staff do not wear heavy make up, nail polish or false nails, hanging or over-sized earrings.<br>

  • There is always a deli/cafe staff behind the counter.

  • All Customers are acknowledged while queuing.<br>

  • All Customers are greeted when having their order taken.<br>('Yes?' 'Next' or ' You OK?' are not greetings)<br>Staff smiles and uses appropriate eye contact with the customer.

  • Staff are doing everything they can to give efficient customer service.

  • Staff apologise for any mistake made and are aware of customer complaint handling process.

  • At least one upselling question is asked from the customer during every transaction.

  • Is appropriate question asked at the till when a Hot Beverage is purchased?

  • Is Food Safety System available at store?

  • Is Flow Chart & Hazard Analysis current & displayed?

  • Are HACCP cards displayed & food areas correctly designated?

  • Does the site have completed Food Safety Records for at least 3 months?

  • Is Food Registration available on site?

  • Had previous Health & Safety audits/checks been reviewed & all actions completed.<br>(EHO visit, Sandra's quality audit, FSQP)

  • Has all Food staff received Basic Food Safety training?

  • Staff knows required temperatures of storing/cooking/holding food.

  • Staff can demonstrate correct use of temperature probe.<br>(Sanitise before & after each use with wipe)

  • Do all employees understand their responsibilities and legal obligations in relation to Food Handling?<br>(Illness, Food Handling, Food poisoning, Complaints)

  • All staff in the food area has completed the HACCP course (online or in class)

  • HACCP certificates available for all Food staff with completed training.<br>

  • All temperature probes are up to date with calibration & certificates can be viewed on site.

  • HACCP book is correctly & thoroughly filled out.

  • HACCP book is reviewed & signed by Mgr regularly.

  • Staff trained to proper use of chemicals.

  • Current chemical MSDS sheets are available on site.<br>

  • All spray bottles are properly labelled.

  • Correct chemical dispensing system is available & staff is aware of diluting ratios.<br>(Wall mounted unit or pelican pump)

  • Cleaning schedule is available & records can be viewed.

  • Only approved chemicals are used on site

  • Chemicals are stored separately from all food items.

Store Actions

  • High Priority

  • All other Actions

  • Signature of Manager / Person in charge. All items on this audit have been discussed.

  • Completed by

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