
  • Site

  • Postcode:

  • Job Number Reference

  • Walk Off by:

  • Date of Walk Off:

Access Requirements

Site Information

  • Please ensure that if you have to install trunking on this installation or install new cables externally, Fire clips must be installed to comply with the new fire safety regulations and if any fire seals are broken make sure that you seal them before leaving site.

  • Number of Dwellings

  • Number of Floors

  • Photo of building / block

  • Photos of job pack

Access Requirements

  • Key Type

  • Provide details

  • Access to gardens

  • Dwelling number and contact details if available

Fire regulations site info

  • Please note that when installing Fire Clips in trunking you are expected to install then at 300mm up to 1m either side of the door/opening. At a change in direction or in a corner a clip shall be fitted within 150mm from the corner in either direction. On continuous long runs the maximum spacing of 1m shall not be exceeded.

  • Have you had to install trunking on this job?

  • Please provide pictures of the trunking installed.

  • Have you installed the fire clips on the trunking or cable above any door or fire exits?

  • Please provide pictures of the fire clips installed in the trunking

  • Have you installed ceiling hatches?

  • Please provide photographs

  • Have you run drop cables internally or externally?

  • Please provide photographs

  • Did you have to install cables on the external walls of the building across door and fire exits ?

  • Please provide pictures of the fire clips installed above any doors or fire exits.

  • Have you had to carry out any fire stopping?

  • Please provide pictures of any fire stopping carried out on site.

  • Light Loss Readings (Please provide photos of 10% of block)

System Information

System Information

  • Number of DP's

  • DP Information
  • DP number

  • DP Location

  • Serves properties

  • Photographs of DP

  • Photographs of cable

  • Notes

Node Information

  • Node Reference Number

  • Photograph of Assigned Node

  • Fibre Connectivity

  • Photographs

  • Lead In Location Chamber

  • Lead In Building Location

Sign Off

Sign Off

  • Additional Notes / Information

  • Has the installation been completed as per the job pack provided?

  • Notes

  • Photograph of red line drawing

  • Name

  • Completed Sign Off

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.