
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Inspection info

  • Tank # or name

  • Date and time

  • Tank location

  • Inspector name

  • Signature for PCCP

  • Photo of tank

  • Photo 2


Inspection items

  • Tank exterior surface shows signs of leakage

  • Ground near ASTs shows signs of oil leakage

  • Secondary containment contains oil

  • Bolts, rivets, or seams show signs of damage, rust, or deterioration

  • Vents obstructed

  • AST system supports deteriorated or buckling

  • Valves, seals or gaskets leaking

  • Dispenser hose damaged or deteriorating

  • Dispenser nozzles damaged or leaking

  • Associated piping damaged or leaking

  • Vehicle guards (bollards, concrete blocks) damaged

  • Emergency shut offs working properly

  • Sufficient amount of spill control equipment available

  • Fire extinguishers available and currently inspected

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