
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Emergency Exits/Routes, Fire Extinguishers, Sprinklers

  • Are facility emergency escape route assignments posted where appropriate?

  • Are sprinkler heads protected by guards when exposed to physical damage?

  • Is proper clearance maintained below sprinkler heads?

  • Are portable fire extinguishers provided in adequote number and type? Are they mounted in easily accessible locations?

  • Are extinguishers serviced, maintained and tagged at intervals not to exceed one year?

  • Are extinguishers free from obstructions or blockage?

  • Are all extinguishers inspected monthly and found to be fully charged?

  • Does the department control the accumulation of flammable and combustible waste/materials so they do not contribute to a fire emergency?

  • Are all exit routes free from obstruction?

  • Are the directions to exits, when not immediately apparent, marked with visible signs?

  • Are all doors that could be confused for an exit marked with a sign indicating "NOT AN EXIT", "BASEMENT", or similar?

  • Are all exits marked with an exit sign and illuminated by a reliable light source?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Voluntary Use of Respirators

  • Are all respirators provided by the facility, or allowed onsite by associates, NIOSH approved N95 filtering face pieces?

  • Are respirators stored properly in the workplace (not hanging in the open to collect dust, in lockers, etc.)?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Confined Space

  • Are all permit required confined spaces posted with appropriate signs?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Bloodborne Pathogens

  • Inspect Tagging Gun Stations. Ensure cabinet is locked. Once opened, ensure guns are numbered and in appropriate holders without needles. Sanicaps and a sharps container should be available. Inspect the sign in/out log to ensure compliance.

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Noise Exposure

  • Is hearing protection available to all associates working in an area designated as a high noise/hearing protection required area?

  • Are associates wearing hearing protection if they are working in an area designated as a high noise/hearing protection required area? Are associates wearing the hearing protection properly? Audit a minimum of 5 associates.

  • Is the use of hearing protection enforced by leadership in areas designated as high noise/hearing protection required areas?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Lock Out/Tag Out

  • If Lock Out/Tag Out is observed, were all proper procedures followed by associate personnel (do not bypass or remove) and maintenance associates (apply locks, de-energize, test, etc.)?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Machine Guarding

  • Are guards in place and not easily removed? If netting is used, are all gaps closed?

  • Are spindle caps/covers in place where appropriate?

  • Is there a powered shut off within reach of the operator's position at each machine (i.e. induction stations, unloaders, etc.)

  • Are foot operated switches/pedals guarded or arranged to prevent accidental actuatuion by personnel or falling objects (i.e. TDC Induction stations)

  • Are all emergency stop buttons colored red?

  • Are E-stop push buttons or cords present where appropriate? Are the cords tight and without excessive slack? Are the push buttons and/or cords free from damage? Are the cords accessible?

  • Is the point of operation guarded on machines whose operation exposes an associates to injury? Is the guard designed and constructed to prevent the operator from having any part of their body in the danger zone during the operating cycle?

  • Have fan blades less than 7 feet above the work station been guarded? Are the fan guards provided with openings no bigger than one-half inch?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?


  • Are all rollers in place and no large gaps are present?

  • Are e-stop cords accessible and not blocked by boxes, carts, etc?

  • Is there any visible damage to the conveyor?

  • If pass through gates are present, do they function well, are all parts attached and secure, and do the lock/secure in place?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Working/Walking Surfaces

  • Are working/walking surfaces kept clean and dry?

  • Are holes found in any working/walking surface? If yes, provide work order number for repair.

  • Is there safe clearance for walking in aisles where motorized or mechanical handling equipment is operating?

  • Are materials or equipment stored in such a way that sharp projections will not interfere with the walkway?

  • Are changes of direction or elevation readily identifiable?

  • Are aisles or walkways that pass near moving or operating machinery, welding, operations, or similar hazards arranged so associates will not be injured?

  • Is there adequate head room provided for the entire length of any aisle or walkway?

  • Are standard guardrails provided wherever aisle or walkway surfaces are elevated more than 30 inches above any adjacent floor on the ground?

  • Are signs posted, where appropiate, showing the elevated surface load capacity?

  • Are standard guardrails used to protect any time there are floor changes of 4 feet or more or where hazards exist at the bottom (equipment, electrical, etc.)?

  • Are all elevated surfaces (beneath which people or machinery could be exposed to falling objects) provided with standard 4 inch toe boards?

  • Are bridges (cross overs) provided over conveyors and similar hazards?

  • Are all ladder openings protected by swing gates or so offset that a person cannot walk off?

  • Are standard handrails and toe boards used to protect all open sides of work platforms four feet from the floor?

  • Are standard stair rails or handrails on all stairways having 4 or more risers?

  • Are steps on stairs and/or step stools designed to provide a surface that renders them slip resistent? Do all step stools and cotterman style ladders have required rubber feet on each corner/leg as required?

  • Are all ladders maintained in good condition, joints between steps and side rails tight, all hardware and fittings securely attached and moveable parts operating freely without binding or undue play?

  • Are ladders that are not in use, stored horizontally or chained/latched to a fixed object?

  • Are ladders being used by one person at a time?

  • Are portable metal ladders legibly marked with signs reading "CAUTION - Do Not Use Around Electrical Equipment" or equivalent wording?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Powered Industrial Vehicles

  • Are drivers operating PIV's in a safe and efficient manner? (i.e. stopping fully at all stop signs/ends of BSL aisles, sounding horn, etc)

  • Are associates completing PIV Pre-Operation Log books correctly? Inspect a minimum of 5 books.

  • Is the driver wearing appropriate PPE if required? (i.e. Harness, tether, seat belt, etc.)

  • If driver is wearing a harness, is it being worn appropriately? (i.e. leg straps tight and not hanging down, chest strap tight and at appropriate height, etc.) Inspect a minimum of 5 drivers with harnesses on.

  • If driver has a visible license, inspect it for accuracy (i.e. authorization to drive equipment, corrective lenses needed, current license/not expired, etc.)

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Hazard Communication

  • Inspect chemical storage areas. Ensure chemicals are stored properly and there is no food/drink present in the area.

  • Verify SDS are available and current for a minimum of 5 chemicals (if applicable).

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Is PPE required for the job task (not applicable to PIV)? If yes, is the associate wearing the PPE and are they wearing it appropriately. Is the PPE in good condition and free from damage and/or excessive wear?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Electrical Safety

  • Are there no examples of extension cords or power strips series connected (daisy chain) and are all extension cords directly connected to a permanently installed branch circuit receptacle?

  • Is the working space around electrical panels maintained and not used for storage or work areas?

  • Flexible cords (extension cords) are not used as a substitute for fixed wiring (not to exceed 90 days or when project is completed)?

  • Are flexible cords and cables protected from accidental damage (i.e. sharp corners, projections, and doorways or other pinch points)

  • Are all unused openings (including conduit knockouts) in electrical enclosures and fittings closed with appropriate covers, plugs, or plates?

  • Are flexible cords and cables free of splice or taps?

  • Are all opening in junction boxes and outlets sealed?

  • Do all cords have the ground prong in place?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

General Safety


  • Pallet boards stacked in stable manner and no more than 25 high? Skids stacked in a stable manner and no more than 10 high? No plastic pallets?

  • Are printer covers closed?

  • Are items, other than boxes, lying on conveyors (i.e. paperwork, water bottles, RF guns, etc.)?

  • Are all fans functional and are wires without cuts/abrasion?

  • Are all trailer lights functional? Are they being used as appropriate?

  • For active doors, are the trailers locked in using the dock lock mechanism? If not, has an alternate means been put in place to ensure the trailer is secure?

  • Are unloaders being used appropriately (i.e. raised/lowered to assist with lifting, extended into trailer, retracted from trailer, etc.)?

  • Is trash overflowing, debris in and around dock doors/palletization lanes, load locks leaning between doors, etc?

  • Are all dock lock, e-stop, etc indicator lights functioning properly?

  • Are skate rails in good repair? Bump guards are in place?

  • Is lighting in the area sufficient? Are there blown or missing bulbs from fixtures?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?


  • Inspect tagging gun station. Is it locked? Are guns numbered, in appropriate holders and stored without needles? Sanicaps available? Sharps container available and being used? Sign in/out log completed correctly?

  • Are work areas clean and neat? Is trash over flowing, labels on the floor, etc.?

  • If tagging guns are being used, are associates maintining positive control of the guns at all times? Are they ensuring no one else is using their gun (no sharing)?

  • If applicable, are fans operational, guards in place, and cords in good repair?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

SDC Only - Inbound ASRS and Residual ASRS

  • Is Inbound ASRS Trouble Lane clean and free of debris on the floor? Is trash over flowing?

  • Is Inbound ASRS palletization area clean and free of debris on the floor? Is trash over flowing?

  • Inbound ASRS and/or Residual ASRS - are personal items lying on any conveyor (powered or non-powered)?

  • Inbouns ASRS and/or Residual ASRS - are printer covers in place?

  • Residual ASRS - All work areas clean, neat and free of debris on the floor and surrounding area? Is trash overflowing?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

SCD Palletization

  • Area is clean and free of debris on the floor? Is trash overflowing?

  • Are the brakes on descending conveyors functioning correctly?

  • Are banger boards functioning and in good repair?

  • Are all skate rails in good repair? Bump guards present if applicable?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Stocking - Throw On Areas

  • Is area clean and free of debris from the floor? Is trash overflowing?

  • Are pallet boards being stacked in a safe, stable manner, and no more than 25 high?

  • Are lift tables being used properly?

  • Are approved knives being used and appropriate cutting techniques being displayed?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

PIV Inspection

  • Has inspection been completed and documented?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Harness Inspection

  • Has inspection been completed and documented?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

SCD Depal

  • Is area clean, neat, and free of debris? Is trash overlfowing?

  • Are skate rails in good working order and are bump guards present if applicable?

  • Are pallet boards stacked neat, stable, and no more than 25 high?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Put-to-store (PTS)

  • Are all PTS areas neat, clean and without large amounts of debris on the floor? Is trash overflowing?

  • Are boxes or other material being stored under powered conveyor?

  • Are walkways and egress areas clear and free from trip hazards?

  • Are pallet boards stacked neat, stable, and no more than 25 high?

  • Are floor fans located out of the walkway so as to not create a trip hazard? Are cords out of the walkway? Are cords free from cuts/abrasions and are ground prongs entact?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?


  • Is the QA area clean, neat, and free from large amounts of debris? Is trash overflowing?

  • Are work stations in good working order (i.e. power supply for laptop's, lights working, etc.)?

  • Are floor fans located out of the walkway so as to not create a trip hazard? Are cords out of the walkway? Are cords free from cuts/abrasions and are ground prongs entact

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Manual Picking

  • Are manual picking areas neat, clean, and free of large amounts of debris? Is trash overflowing?

  • Are cartons sticking out into the walkways?

  • Are carts stored in such a manner as to prevent blocking egress areas? Are they stored in areas that create blind spots and prevent associates from seeing them?

  • Are cartons, other materials, dirt/debris under powered conveyors?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?


  • Are closing areas neat, clean, and free of large amounts of debris?

  • Are induction stations neat, clean and free of large amounts of debris?

  • Are jam poles stored properly and not left in walkways, on stairs, etc?

  • Are tape and/or label rolls (empty, partial, or full) lying on the ground in closing or on induction platforms?

  • Are walkways and work area egress points clear?

  • Do label printers at the RTA areas have covers in the proper operating position?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?


  • Is the area neat, clean, and free from large amounts of debris? Are load locks, broken pallet pieces, etc. stored between dock doors? Are trash cans overflowing?

  • Are skids stacked in an area that keeps the walkway/drive path clear and are stacked no more than 10 high?

  • Are staged pallets stored on the shipping dock in such a manner as to allow safe entry/exit in an emergency?

  • Are all fans functional and wires are without cuts/abrasions?

  • Are all trailer lights functional. Are they being used as appropriate?

  • For active doors, are the trailers locked in using the dock lock mechanism? If not, has an alternate means been put into place to ensure th trailer is secure?

  • Are step stools being used? Do they have rubber feet in all corners and no slip stepping/standing surfaces?

  • Are function controls on fluid loaders working, to include the e-stop bar?

  • Are all dock lock, e-stop, etc indicator lights functioning properly?

  • Are skate rails, if applicable, in good repair?

  • Is lighting in the area sufficient? Are there blown or missing bulbs from fixtures?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Maintenance - Shops and Storage Areas

  • Are areas clean, neat, and free of debris?

  • Is appropriate PPE available, in good condition, and being used as required?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?


  • Are areas clean, neat, and free of debris?

  • Are loose rollers lying in or on cat walk areas or other walking/working surfaces?

  • Are items being stored under powered conveyors (i.e. jam poles, boxes, supplies, etc.)?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Trash/Baler Room

  • Is area clean, neat, and free from debris?

  • Are trash, corrugate, plastics, etc. bins empty and not piled up and stored in and outside of the trash/baler room?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Trouble Lane, Box Maker, and Recycle Center

  • Are areas clean, neat, and free of debris?

  • Is corrugate stored so that it does not block walkways, egress, or present trip hazards? Are binding straps removed and disposed of and not left lying in the floor?

  • Are associates correctly wearing PPE if required? (Box maker operators are required to wear safety glasses and gloves when working within 36" of the box making machine. This includes loading boxes, machine adjustments, changing tape, etc. Some locations require hearing protection as well.)

  • If tugger and/or sitdown/dock stocker are being used, has the equipment been properly signed out?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Office and Break Areas

  • Are areas neat and clean? Is trash overflowing? Are there large accumulations of supplies (i.e. paper, paper products, cups, etc.)

  • Are walkpaths kept clear at all times?

  • Is there any open food/drink stored in the refridgerators?

  • Any signs of bugs, rodents, etc.?

  • Are there any other callouts not already listed in this section?

Associate Observations

  • Are associates exhibiting good material handling practices (i.e. safe lifting, safe cutting, etc.)?

  • Are drivers displaying safe driving techniques (i.e. sounding horn, stopping at stop signs, etc.)?

  • If drivers observed, check a minimum of 3 PIV Pre-Operation Inspection Books. Are these completed correctly for the current operator as well as others?

  • Are associates in the area being audited following all safety trainings and protocol? To include, but not limited to, hair, jewelry, shoes, cell phone, PPE, etc?

  • Any other callouts not previously listed in any other section?

Summary of Findings

Correction Details


  • Safety Supervisor

  • Supervisor

  • Manager

  • Maintenance Supervisor

  • Maintenance Manager

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.