Title Page

  • What site are you evaluating?

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


Personal hygiene

  • Handwashing and sanitation stations are available and in good working order?

  • It is evident that staff are applying good handwashing practices (eg. after washroom use, lunch breaks, smoking pitstops, etc)?

  • Fingernails are trimmed, no nail polish, artificial nails or eyelashes, excessive make-up or perfumes are present?

  • No cuts, sores or wounds on the hands or other body parts that may contact product are open and uncovered?

  • If band-aids are present, they are the blue metal detectable type as supplied by the company?

  • No one observed, or spoken with, presents symptoms of or is complaining of any communicable disease (eg. pink eye, COVID, etc)? If a staff member is wearing a mask they are questioned as to the reason?

  • No food (including gum, candies or lozenges) or drink, except water, are present including on workstations or in toolboxes?

  • No nuts or nut containing products are observed within manufacturing areas, in break/change rooms or cafeteria vending machines?

  • Smoking is observed in the 2 designated areas only? No cigarette butts are evident on the ground in other areas around the premises?

Personal items, devices and equipment

  • Hair nets are worn and cover all hair on the head or outside of ball caps/hats?

  • Beard nets are worn and cover all exposed facial hair?

  • Safety shoes are worn and have green CSA tag or obvious protective toe caps?

  • Gloves are worn by feeders or catchers and are not ripped or soiled?

  • Reading or safety glasses are appropriately worn (eg. where a hazard to the eye exists) and have a cord attached?

  • Hearing protection is appropriately worn and have a cord attached (if plugs are used)?

  • Company issued clothing is being worn? No pockets are on present on the upper portion of the shirt and pull strings are removed from hoodies?

  • Work area is free from jackets, sweaters, bags, electronic devices (earbuds, cell phones, chargers) or prescription medications?

  • No snap off utility knives are present on workstations or in toolboxes?

  • No printed cartons are used for collecting oil, glue, etc or storage of tape or other tools/supplies?

  • No jewelry is present including rings, watches, bracelets, earrings, etc (unless medic alert or covered by a blue metal detectable band-aid)?

  • No metal badges, clips or pins are present?

  • If cell phones are observed, they are only being used for conducting authorized company business?

Housekeeping, product contamination or mixing

  • Workstations are sanitized and tools are put away in a proper location, appropriately stored or safely being used?

  • Garbage and/or recycling bins and carts are appropriately used with proper segregation of waste materials?

  • Any customer packaging material/carton that has fallen on the floor has been appropriately purged and placed in a bin/cart?

  • No glass or ceramics are present in the work area? Any broken glass or brittle plastics related to tools, equipment or machine parts are contained, the area thoroughly cleaned and the part/tool replaced?

  • Extension cords, skids or other tripping hazards are reasonably controlled?

  • Chemicals in decanted containers are clearly labeled and the product is identifiable?

Line clearance (as it relates to prior docket materials, not the current production order)

  • Waste sheets/cartons are discarded and appropriately placed in the provided cart or bin?

  • Conforming product is moved to WIP or finished goods?

  • Stock and/or corrugate and other materials are moved to their proper storage location?

  • All documentation is returned to the docket folder and moved to the completed bin?

  • Feed, machine sections and delivery are confirmed to be clear of product and any scrap materials?

  • Both the Operator and QA inspector have signed the line clearance portion of the current quality checklist?

Pest control

  • Exterior doors are closed completely and no obvious signs of damage or gaps around bottom/side seals are present?

  • Rodent traps are in proper locations and not damaged?

  • Rat races along interior perimeter walls are free of materials or debris?

  • No signs of birds, insects or rodents (sightings, droppings, etc) are evident on the floor, work surfaces, materials, pallets or products?

  • Exterior perimeter along the building is free from vegetation including weeds, grass and tree overgrowth within 3 feet of walls?

  • Loading dock areas, garbage and recycled waste compactors and collection bins are free of debris and/or excessive build-up of scrap material?

Site security

  • Door alarms and fob accesses are in good working order?

  • Visitors and contractors sign-in using the electronic system at reception and wear sticker badges while onsite?

  • Truck drivers remain in the loading dock area and do not venture into manufacturing areas? Exception, when using washroom facilities, may travel along blue walkway.

  • Drivers of transports and vehicles respect the 20 kph posted speed limit in the front laneway/parking lot?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.