Title Page
Client / Site
Conducted on (Date and Time)
Inspected by
Nature of work
Take a photo of the workspace.
Use these score criteria for your inspection:
3 - Excellent Standard
2 - Very Good Standard
1 - Good Standard
0 - Poor Srandard
N/A - Not Applicable
Is the floor area free of unwanted items?
REFERENCE: The floor area is free from unwanted items.
Are tops and insides of ALL cupboards, shelves, tables, etc. free of unwanted items?
Are items stored according to frequency of use?
Are walls free of old posters, calendars, pictures , notices etc.?
Is there a general clutter free appearance?
Capture photo(s) of red tagged items.
Are direction indications available to all facilities from the entrance onwards?
Do all items of equipment have identification labels?
Are all rooms, cubicles and similar areas clearly numbered or named?
Are specific areas demarcated for rubbish/rejects/waste, etc.?
Are switches, fan regulators, controls, etc. labeled?
Are all cables, wires, pipes etc. neat and straight?
Is colour coding used effectively for easy identification?
Is there a general appearance of orderliness?
Is it easy to find any item/document without delay?
Identify and allocate a place for all the materials needed for your work.
Are cleaning schedules available and displayed?
Are floors, walls, windows doors etc. maintained at a high level of cleanliness?
Is use of adequate cleaning tools evident?
Are machines, equipment, tools, furniture maintained at a high level of cleanliness and their maintenance schedules displayed?
Is there a general appearance of cleanliness all round?
Is a daily checklist used to standardise 5s procedures?
Are standard check lists used to regularly inspect 5S?
Are labels, notices etc. standardised?
Do aisles/pathways have a standard size and colour?
Are pipes, cables etc. color coded?
Is there a system for how and when the 5S activities will be implemented?
Does management provide support to 5S programme by recognition, resources and leadership?
Have the first 3S become a part of the daily work?
Do employees show positive interest in 5S activities?
Are 5S posters and 5S points of work reminders displayed?
Are trainings and other programs implemented to sustain workplace organization?
Overall Rating
Full Name and Signature of the Inspector