Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are the approach roads to the site free of obvious wastes associated with quarrying operations
Is approach signage in an appropriate condition?
Is the entrance capable of being secured appropriately?
Are speed limit signs appropriate?
Are there appropriate measures taken to prevent vehicles from damaging the verges?
Is the parking location in an appropriate location and well managed?
Are reverse park signs clearly displayed/maintained
Are there clear signs regarding the appropriate required PPE?
Are vehicle awareness whips/flags available?
Are pathways in good condition
are segregation fencings appropriate and in good condition
Are there suitable facilities available for staff welfare
At the time of the audit were they found to be clean/tidy and in suitable condition
Were boot washes/brushes available for use
Were they working appropriately
is there suitable and sufficient signage displayed
Are there steps and hand rails present?
Were they in a suitable condition?
Is there a communications board in an appropriate location for the dissemination of information to the work force
is communication with the staff managed in a different way? if so please document.
At the time of the audit was there a signing in/out system
Did it appear to be managed/used appropriately?
Onsite was there a suitable Defib
Was it located in a suitable location
Onsite was there a suitable first aid kit
Onsite was there a suitable eyewash station
At the time of the audit was there a qualified First Aider available?
Are First aiders clearly identifiable (picture and name) and clearly posted in an appropriate location
Are fire extinguishers appropriately identified/positioned/serviced/and found with the appropriate safety pin in place and secure
Is there a wheel wash
was it in working order and being used at the time of the inspection.
Sign Off
At the time of the audit who was in control of the site
At the time of the audit were the findings agreed
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