
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

1.0 - Previous inspection

  • 1.1 - Has the last inspection been reviewed?

  • 1.2 - Are there no outstanding actions?

2.0 - Waiting Place

  • 2.1 - Evacuation plan displayed and understood by all employees?

  • 2.2 - Evacuation procedures discussed regularly? (Once a month)

  • 2.3 - Waiting Place notice on Hanging Wall ?<br><br><br>

  • 2.4 - All signs displayed on Waiting Place barrier ?

  • 2.5 - First Aid box location ?<br>

  • 2.6 - Drinking Water available ?

  • 2.7 - Entry Examination Board with tools available ? (Pinch bars with gaskets, Shovel, Hammers, Bow Saw, Barricade Tape, Spray Paint, Blow Pipe, Elephant Foot Bag) ?

  • 2.8 - Communication/ Safe Declaration/ Instruction Books available and correctly used ?

  • 2.9 - Waiting Place made safe, clean and in through Ventilation ?

  • 2.10 - Sufficient seating and in good order. Clothing Rack in order ?

  • 2.11 - Ticket Box available and locked. Attendance Register marked ?

  • 2.12 - Waiting Place Guard and Safety Rep photos displayed with company numbers ?

3.0 - General Illumination

  • 3.1 - Adequate illumination ?

  • 3.3 - Light fittings clean and in good condition?

4.0 - Explosives

  • 4.1 - Explosive Boxes/ Drums of robust construction and locked ?

  • 4.2 - Capacity not exceeding 150kg Anfex or 50kg of other Explosives ?

  • 4.3 - Explosive Boxes clearly marked - Type, Person in charge, numbering, "Explosive/Springstowwe" ? <br>

  • 4.4. - Single Drums 15m apart, Clusters 25m apart and in safe, dry place ?<br>

  • 4.5 - Clusters secured to one another to form a unit ?

  • 4.6 - Drums and Boxes at least 3,0m away from Electrical and combustible material ?<br><br> <br><br>

  • 4.7 - Different types of Explosives to be stored separately and stock rotation to be adhered to (first in, first out) ?

  • 4.8 - Old Explosive Boxes available and properly marked, min. of 10m from Waiting Place ?

  • 4.9 - Explosive Box Keys in possession of Miner in charge ?

  • 4.10 - Quantity not exceeding 72hrs estimated consumption ?

  • 4.11 - No Explosives hidden, abandoned or stored in back areas of working area ?

  • 4.12 - Explosive Control Sheet / Book kept by responsible Miner and in order, correspond with amount in Boxes ?

  • 4.13 - Transportation of Explosives shall be done by hand in an approved locked container or unopened box or bag ?

  • 4.14 - Explosive Cars in order and locked / sealed when containing Explosives ?

  • 4.15 - Delivery of Explosives and locking away done as per standard ?

  • 4.16 - Miner knows procedure of destruction of Explosives ?

5.0 - Travelling Way

  • 5.1 - Ladders and Handrails properly installed and in good condition, no missing steps or segments ?

  • 5.2 - Ladders not to be continuous for more than 15m without a break. Break correctly installed ?

  • 5.3 - Hanging Wall and Side Walls watered down, barred and safe ?

  • 5.4 - Barricades at top and bottom of material way in order. Kick boards installed ?

  • 5.5 - Material way no accumulation of old material - kept clean ?

  • 5.6 - Services Pipes properly suspended and no leaks ?

  • 5.7 - Electrical Cables properly suspended and away from combustible material ?

  • 5.8 - Ladder to be extended above the flat portion of the the Travelling Way ?

  • 5.9 - Travelling Way and Material Way separated / barricaded ?

  • 5.10 - Geological discontinuities marked and supported ?

  • 5.11 - Hanging Wall supported as per standard (where required) ?

6.0 - Centre Gully, SPD, ASG

  • 6.1 - Hanging Wall and Sidewalls watered down, barred and safe ?

  • 6.2 - Electrical cables properly suspended and away from combustible material ?

  • 6.3 - Services properly suspended and no leaks ?

  • 6.4 - Housekeeping and orderliness in order ?

  • 6.5 - Sticks asper standard installed on the shoulder/s ?

  • 6.6 - No accumulation of water and or stuff ?

  • 6.7 - Hanging Wall supported as per standard ?

  • 6.8 - Geological discontinuities marked and supported ?

7.0 - Scraper Winches

  • 7.1 - Hanging Wall and Sidewalls watered down , barred and safe ?

  • 7.2 - Chamber size to standard. Sufficient clearance above Winch, Chamber clean ?

  • 7.3 - Winch barricades and guards in good condition and in position ?<br>

  • 7.4 - Hanging Wall supported as per standard (where required) ?

  • 7.5 - Winch installed on line, properly secured with Holding Down Bolts, fastened, concrete floor ?

  • 7.6 - Stop Blocks, Clutch Bands and Handles / Controls to standard ?

  • 7.7 - Starter Switch convenient (in reach) to Operator and area clean. Earthed. Starter Box fitted to a metal stand pipe ?

  • 7.8 - Starter box locked out when not in use ?

  • 7.9 - Illumination at Starter Box ?

  • 7.10 - Winch and Motor in order. No excessive Oil or Grease leaks. Inspection covers on Motor in order ?

  • 7.11 - Electrical Cables properly suspended and away from combustible material

  • 7.12 - Effective Signalling Device and Bell Wires installed. Bell Wire on both sides of Gully and full length of pull.

  • 7.13 - Scraper Rope not cutting into Timber or other items. Ropes not worn and correctly spliced. All Ropes Underlay<br>

  • 7.14 - Winch tools and PPE available and in good condition

  • 7.15 - Winch Driver trained and appointed. Pre-use Checklist completed and over inspected.

  • 7.16 - Face Winches max. of 30m from Face.

  • 7.17 - X-over rigs to standard and Ropes not fouling.

  • 7.18 - Tail Rope properly elevated as per standard.

  • 7.19 - Correct size Snatch Blocks in use and secured to standard.

  • 7.20 - Deflecting Snatch Blocks and Return Rig and barricade as per standard.

  • 7.21 - All Eyebolt holes in the direction of pull.

  • 7.22 - Rig Chains correct amount of Eyebolts used, correct length and type of Chain used. Safety Chains in use.

  • 7.23 - Rope attachments safe. Scraper Blades properly secured and not worn.

8.0 - Mono Winches

  • 8.1 - Hanging Wall and Sidewalls watered down, barred and safe.

  • 8.2 - Mono Winch barricades and guards in good condition and in position.

  • 8.3 - Hanging Wall supported as per standard (where required)

  • 8.4 - Mono Winch installed on line and properly secured. Re-inforced concrete Winchbed with 0,5m clearance, 4 (four) Holding Down Bolts installed and fastened

  • 8.5 - Starter Switch convenient (arm's length) and area clean. Earthed. Starter Box fitted on a 50mm metal stand pipe cemented to the Footwall <br>

  • 8.6 - Starter Box locked out when not in use, Ropes tensioned

  • 8.7 - Illumination at Starter Box ?

  • 8.8 - Mono Winch and Motor in order. No excessive Oil or Grease leaks. Inspection Covers on Motor in order.

  • 8.9 - Electrical Cables properly suspended and away from combustible material (min. of 250mm) on Straining Wire

  • 8.10 - Approved Signalling Device installed full length of Mono Winch path

  • 8.11 - Appropriate Mono Winch signals displayed and in use.

  • 8.12 - Mono Winch tools and PPE available and in good condition, including specialized Slicing Tool Kit.

  • 8.13 - Load carried by Underlay Rope from the Mono Winch Drum.

  • 8.14 - All Pulleys (In Line, Corner, Brow and Return Pulleys) suspended from Eyebolts by means of a 10mm long link chain bolted to Pulleys

  • 8.15 - Corner Pulleys equipped with an additional 10mm long link Safety Chain.

  • 8.16 - Mono Winch Operator trained and appointed. Pre-use Checklist completed and over inspected.

9.0 - Tips and Grizzlys

  • 9.1 - Tip barrier in position and effective. Notices in order.

  • 9.2 - Grizzly covers Orepass completely. No openings. Segments not damaged. Grizzly not bending inwards.

  • 9.3 - Travelling Way around Tip safe and clean ?

  • 9.4 - Water control at Tip in order ?

  • 9.5 - Tip area barred, properly supported and safe ?

  • 9.6 - Safety Belt and other PPE available and in good. Properly secured when in use ?

  • 9.7 - Tip Hook, Pinch Bar, 8kg Hammer, Shovel available and in good condition ?

  • 9.8 - General cleanliness in order. No big rocks or build up of stuff ?

10.0 - SUPPORT

  • 10.1 - Camlock Props (Temp. Support) correctly installed. Standard distance from Face. Spacing on Dip and on Strike to standard. Props 90' to the Hanging Wall and on solid Footwall. Sufficient number of Props installed ?

  • 10.2 - No damaged / defective Camlock Props in use. Remote release tool with extension cable available and correctly used ?

  • 10.3 - Safety Nets (where required) to standard. Coverage in order. Safety Net not damaged /holes etc. ?

  • 10.4 - Permanent Support standard distance from the Face before and after the Blast. Spacing on Dip and Strike to standard. Coverage in order ?

  • 10.5 - Support installed correctly : Jackpots in use (where required) on solid Footwall, 90' to the Hanging Wall, no damaged units used ?

  • 10.6 - Damaged-, Blast out-, Pulled out-, Missing Support or Hanging Wall Support protruding more than 30cm. Temp. Support installed in areas where support is being replaced ?

  • 10.7 - Old, unsafe, inadequately supported areas barricaded off ?

  • 10.8 - Sticks on shoulder of Centre Gully / ASG installed as per standard, no excessive span ?

  • 10.9 - Support Units not being pulled out during cleaning / sweeping operations ?

  • 10.10 - Fault, Slips, Brows, or any discontinuities identified and properly demarcated ?

  • 10.11 - Additional support installed at discontinuities - 0,5m away on both sides thereof ?


  • 11.1 - Safe Declaration Book available and correctly used ?

  • 11.2 - Testing for Flammable Gas done, Methanometer in order and number thereof ?

  • 11.3 - Working area properly watered down, barred and safe ?

  • 11.4 - Sockets clean and plugged, average length ...... , checked ?

  • 11.5 - Misfires marked and treated ?

  • 11.6 - Footwall examined and cleaned 2,0m back from Face ?

  • 11.7 - Standard Blow Pipe and Socket Scraper available and in use ?

  • 11.8 - Shot Holes correctly marked off (15cm away from Sockets) ?

  • 11.9 - Drilling of Shot Holes at positions marked, correct direction, dip and depth of holes ?

  • 11.10 - Sufficient supply of Pinch Bars in working place, in cradles, condition, gaskets and length in order. Six Golden Rules of barring implemented ?

  • 11.11 - Rock Drills, Air Legs, Drill Steel, Hoses, Water Tube gaps in order and safe ?

  • 11.12 - PPE available and correctly used ?

  • 11.13 - Ventilation

  • Ventilation Curtains ?

  • Brattices ?

  • Auxiliary Ventilation e.g. Blowers ?

  • Face Velocities ?

  • Face ventilated as per standard / Vent. Off. Recommendations ?

  • Ventilation Holings ?

  • Temperatures ?

  • Ventilation Flow ?

  • Heat Stress Management complied with ?

  • Supervisors conversant with Heat Exhaustion symptoms and treatment ?

  • 11.14 - Supervisors in possession of valid First Aid Certificate ?

  • 11.15 - Hearing Conservation Program implemented and complied with ?

  • 11.16 - Air and Water Services up to date ?

  • 11.17 - Sweepings up to date, Swept areas barricaded off and cleared of Material ?

  • 11.18 - Face Shape correct and excessive leads / lags avoided ?

  • 11.19 - Scatter Pile length to standard ?

  • 11.20 - Paint Lines : Support, Pillar Control Line, Face Shape Line pulled in and correct ?

  • 11.21 - Contraband measures adhered to (where applicable) ?

  • 11.22 - No Pillar Robbing being done. Pillar correct sizes ?

  • 11.23 - Housekeeping and orderliness in order. Staking and Storage of material correct ?

  • 11.24 - Working Place declared safe by Competent A person, Declaration Book in order, action taken on deficiencies ?

  • 11.25 - Safety Rep. Note Book in order, action taken on deficiencies ?

  • 11.26 - Access top and Bottom clear, no restrictions ?

  • 11.27 - Stope Width control in order. Limits indicated. Mining on Reef, no excessive Waste mined ?

  • 11.28 - No Torch Cutting unless Hot Work Permit ?

  • 11.29 - Fire Taps available in Gullies and Raise ?

12.0 - Refuge Bay

  • 12.1 - Solid Concrete Wall ?

  • 12.2 - Maximum Capacity displayed outside ?

  • 12.3 - Capacity to be 0,6m per person ?

  • 12.4 - Adequate Seating ?

  • 12.5 - Ventilated with 50mm steel Compressed Air column ?

  • 12.6 - Silencer fitted to reduce noise ?

  • 12.7 - Steel door fitted and sealing effectively - no leaks. Handles on both sides of Door. Doors to be closed at all times ?

  • 12.8 - Door opens towards inside of Chamber ?

  • 12.9 - Chamber numbered on inside and outside ?

  • 12.10 - Floor to be clean and free of obstructions ?

  • 12.11 - Hanging Wall and Sidewalls barred and safe, no strata movement ?

  • 12.12 - Air Whistle / Siren on outside of Chamber and to be operated from the inside of the Chamber ?

  • 12.13 - Properly marked and correct signs / notices displayed ?

  • 12.14 - Flashing Amber light installed ?

  • 12.15 - Telephone available and in working order ? Are emergency numbers displayed ?

  • 12.16 - Drinking Water available ?

  • 12.17 - Portable Toilet available and hygienic ?

  • 12.18 - First Aid Equipment and Stretcher available ?

  • 12.19 - Control Valves situated inside the Chamber ?

  • 12.20 - Emergency Procedure displayed ?

  • 12.21 - Refuge Chamber within legal distance from Working Places ?

  • 12.22 - Illumination inside Chamber effective ?

  • 12.23 - Chamber flushed with Compressed Air for 15min ?

Sign Off

  • Safety Rep. Signature

  • Miner Signature

  • Shift Supervisor

  • Site Manager's (Auditor's) signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.