Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Document Number


  • Who is the customer?

  • What is the product?

  • Is the mix sheet available?

  • Why is there no mix sheet?

  • What is the mixcode?

  • Have all the ingredients been checked before adding to the mix?

  • What wasn't checked and why?

  • Does the batch and BBF of the ingredients match the mix sheet?

  • Was there any substitutes?

  • What were the substitutes?

  • Were any contaminations found?

  • Has the excess ingredients been correctly sealed and labelled for returning to stock?

  • Why hasn't it been done?

  • Is the mix sheet filled out correctly?

  • How clean is the area?


  • Who is the customer?

  • What is the product?

  • Is the mix sheet available?

  • Why is there no mix sheet?

  • Is the spec sheet available?

  • Why is there no spec sheet available?

  • Is the product in the correct packaging?

  • Is the labelling correct?

  • If the product requires a scoop, is the correct one supplied?

  • Why is it not correct?

  • Are boxes stacked on the pallet correctly?

  • How clean is the area?


  • Who is the customer?

  • What is the product?

  • Is the mix sheet available?

  • Why is there no mix sheet?

  • What is the mix code?

  • Is the spec sheet available?

  • Why is there no spec sheet?

  • Is the product in the correct packaging?

  • If the product requires a scoop, is the correct one supplied?

  • Why is it incorrect?

  • Are boxes stacked on the pallet correctly?

  • How clean is the area?

Formed treats

  • Who is the customer?

  • What is the product?

  • Is the mix sheet available?

  • What is the mixcode?

  • Is the spec sheet available?

  • Why is it not available?

  • Is the primary packaging correct?

  • Is the secondary packaging correct?

  • Is the outer box correct?

  • Are the labels in the correct position?

  • How clean is the area?


  • Who is the customer?

  • What is the product?

  • Is there a mix sheet available?

  • Why is there no mix sheet?

  • Is there a spec sheet available?

  • Why is it not available?

  • Are the labels correct?

  • Is the quality of the sealing good?

  • Is the packaging correct?

  • Are they stacked on the pallet correctly?

  • Does the quality of the overall product look acceptable?

  • How clean is the area?

Retail Botanicals

  • Is the product correct according to the required list?

  • Is it the correct amount?

  • Is the labelling correct?

  • Is the bag sealed adequately?

  • Is the weight correct?

  • Is it packed for transport correctly?

  • Does the quality of the product look acceptable?

  • How clean is the area?

Goods Out

  • Is the product inside the boxes correct?

  • Are all the boxes labelled correctly?

  • Has the pallet been stacked correctly?

  • Is the pallet wrapped securely?

  • Does the pallet have the correct address clearly marked ?

  • Are all the correct labels present on each pallet?

  • If straps are used, are they secure and safe?

  • How clean and safe is the area?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.