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Workplace and Building Inspection Checklist - Walk through the workplace and using this form indicate the following.

Building Condition

  • 1. Roof coverings and flashing in good condition?

  • 2. Are drains clear and unobstructed and roofs free of combustible material?

  • 3. Is roof properly maintained (no evidence of ponding, blistering)?

  • 4. Is all vegetation removed from the roof?

  • 5. Are exterior walls free of defects (cracks, damage)?

  • 6. Are all doors in good condition and handle/locks operating correctly?

  • 7. Are there any other building structural issues or defects that need to be reported?

B. Fire Separations

  • 1. Are fire separations such as fire walls in good condition?

  • 2. Are door openings and conveyor openings protected by automatic closing fire doors?

  • 3. Are other openings around cable, duct penetrations, etc. closed with approved material?

  • 4. Are all door ratings identified on doors and frames?

  • 5. All fire, smoke and exit doors free of obstructions and prevented from being "propped" open?

  • 6. Are all doors and protective shields undamaged and door tracks and rails in good condition?

  • 7. Are all doors "drop" tested annually and reset?

C. Automatic Sprinkler Systems

  • 1. Are hydraulic design placards provided on all risers?

  • 2. All sprinkler risers have clear access?

  • 3. All sprinklers, piping, and hangers undamaged and in good condition?

  • 4. At least 500mm vertical clearance provided between sprinklers and storage?

  • 5. Are all ceiling sprinklers clear of obstructions (bar joists, ceilings, ducts)?

  • 6. Are spare sprinklers provided?

  • 7. Is a zone map provided on the risers identifying areas protected for each system?

  • 8. Are all sprinkler control valves secured in their open positions?

  • 9. Are all valves accessible to the general public secured?

  • 10. Are valves in meter pits secured?

  • 11. Are Fire Department connection caps in place and couplings free to rotate?

  • 12. Is piping clear of debris and unobstructed?

  • 13. Will Fire Department have easy access to fire department connection(s)?

D. Fire Hydrants

  • Will fire department have easy access to all hydrants?

  • Are hydrants operational and can be opened easily?

  • Are all hydrant caps secured?

  • Are hydrant threads compatible with the public fire department?

  • Are hydrants protected from vehicle damage?

  • Are hydrants been serviced in the last 12 months (check tags)?

E. Fire Extinguishers

  • Are hydrants been serviced in the last 12 months (check tags)?

  • Are all extinguishers fully charged?

  • Are CO2 units provided in electrical areas (switch gear, data centers)?

  • Are monthly visual inspections conducted on all units?

  • All units been inspected in the last 6 months (check tags)?

F. Hazardous Substances

  • Are flammable liquids stored in cutoff room or approved cabinets?

  • Are quantities in production areas limited to one day’s supply?

  • Is adequate ventilation provided within dispensing areas?

  • Are proper grounding and bonding systems provided for dispensing?

  • Are waste rags disposed of in approved containers?

  • Is a Chemical Register available?

  • Are Safety Data Sheets available and up to date?

  • Are chemical containers are sealed and clearly labelled?

  • Are clean up spill kits available and serviced?

  • Are old/unused chemicals disposed of?

  • Are all drums only stored in or on areas with secondary retention?

  • Are waste management procedures in place and followed?

  • Are gas cylinders stored upright & secured with chain?

  • Are gas cylinders identified when empty?

  • Are gas cylinders appropriately segregated and signposted?

G. Housekeeping

  • Is adequate clearance maintained (1m) provided near electrical equipment?

  • Are all electrical equipment rooms free of combustible material?

  • Are data centers free of combustible material (paper, wood, spare parts, etc.)?

  • Are areas near waste skips well maintained?

  • Is level of overall housekeeping in facility acceptable?

H. Smoking

  • Is smoking prohibited throughout the facility, and only in designated areas?

  • Are “No Smoking” signs clearly posted?

  • Is the facility free from any signs of noncompliance?

  • Are supervisors responsible for compliance?

I. Other Maintenance and Testing

  • Are primary shut-off valves (natural gas, oil pumps) clearly identified?

  • Are thermal inspections of the electrical distribution system conducted annually?

  • Are incoming high voltage lines included?

  • Are oil filled transformers maintained and tested?

J. Lockout/Tagout

  • Does the facility have a written lockout/tagout policy?

  • Do these procedures apply to work completed by contractors?

  • Does the program cover electrical and mechanical systems?

  • Are all electrical supplies isolated before commencing work?

  • Danger tags/ personal locks used where necessary

  • Machinery/equipment isolated during maintenance & repair

  • LOTO tags used as appropriate

K. Emergency Response

  • Does the facility have a written emergency response plan?

  • Are evacuation plans prominently displayed, understood and up to date?

  • Are up to date listing of names and contact details of emergency wardens displayed in the local work area?

  • Are team members aware of the emergency alarm signals, procedures & plans?

  • Is emergency equipment readily available (e.g. eye wash, chemical spill kit)?

  • Does personnel receive training in emergency procedures at least annually?

  • Are all areas around emergency equipment kept clean and clear of obstructions?

  • Is all emergency communication equipment functioning and in good condition e.g. megaphones and PA systems?

L. Plant and Equipment

  • Adequate guards are in place and in working order?

  • Emergency stop buttons easily accessible and clearly marked?

  • Machinery kept clean and tidy?

  • Exclusion zone marked and maintained?

  • Competent operators identified?

  • Seat belts worn if installed?

  • Workspace around machines adequate & free of hazards?

  • Drip pans available?

  • Hand tools in good repair?

  • Forklifts, overhead cranes, HPW units are inspected daily?

  • Planned maintenance and servicing undertaken?

  • Adequate safety signage and instructions available?

  • Prestart Inspection completed for all plant and equipment

M. Cranes and Rigging

  • Riggers/doggers/crane operators licensed?

  • Slings & chains correctly tagged & inspected?

  • Safety latches on hooks where appropriate?

  • Safe Working Load marked and legible?

  • All pendant controls operational and legible?

  • Pre-start crane inspections completed?

N. Lighting

  • Adequate level of lighting for task?

  • Light fittings in good repair, clean and working?

  • Emergency lights functioning?

O. Electrical

  • All equipment tested and tagged?

  • Are no double adaptors or piggy backed plugs?

  • Power leads and plugs are in good condition?

  • Electrical switches and sockets are in good condition?

  • Doors shut on electrical switchboards?

  • Electrical switchboards have 1m clearance?

  • Portable power tools are in good condition?

P. First aid

  • Adequate first aid kits with appropriate contents are available?

  • Are up to date listing of names and contact details of first aiders displayed in the local work area?

  • First aid kit is clean and is readily identifiable?

  • Contents of kit are correct as per First Aid Box Contents list?

  • Check the AED is in good condition and charged (green light present).

  • Check the AED kit contains a pad set, sealed & in-date electrodes, razor, sheers & PPE

  • Function test that the site emergency eyewash/shower stations operate correctly

  • The water in portable emergency eyewash stations has been refilled in last 6 mnths?

Q. Racking

  • Materials stored in drums/racks/bins neatly and organised?

  • Pallet racking in good condition?

  • Materials in pallet racking secured to pallet with either metal strapping or plastic wrap?

  • Single pallet racking has protective mesh on rear side?

  • Pallets are in good condition?

  • Commonly used heavy items and stored between thigh and shoulder height?

  • Floors around racking and shelving are clear of rubbish?

R. Offices

  • Chairs in good condition?

  • Chairs adjustable where needed?

  • Filing cabinets in good repair?

  • Floor coverings in good repair?

  • Air conditioning maintained?

  • Printers/photocopiers in ventilated areas?

T. External Areas

  • External lighting is operational?

  • Gates and fences in good condition with no damage or holes/gaps?

  • Waste bins appropriate for all waste streams and emptied regularly?

  • Material and equipment stored in racks where possible?

  • Site has traffic management controls e.g. signage, line marking, barriers

  • Machine loading ramp in good and structurally safe condition?

Additional Comments/Notes

  • undefined

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.