Title Page
Amazon Construction Manager
Project Code
Contractor Project Manager
Person(s) Conducting Inspection
GC/PC Company
H&S Consultant Company
1. Planning for H&S
The GC has prepared a project specific H&S plan which is being implemented on the project
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The GC is aware of and is compliant with the Amazon Developer, Contractor and Vendor Health and Safety Performance Standards
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The General Contractor holds formal H&S meetings between the contractors present on site?
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The H&S plan has been updated, is current and being implemented?
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The H&S plan indicates responsibilites for implementation.
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2. Contractor/Sub Contractor Requirements
Contractors are working to the requirements detailed in the GC H&S plan
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The GC has defined the minimum H&S competencies required by contractor/ sub contractors supervision
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Specific arrangements are in place for those who do not speak the country language of the project
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Contractors carry out regular H&S training, briefings, tool box talks etc
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Contractors have been made aware of Amazon Developer, Contractor and Vendor Health and Safety Performance Standards
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3. Access Control and Security
The project perimeter is secure and access by unauthorised persons is prevented
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Access is controlled for the workforce and visitors and linked to the Induction process
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Pedestrian and vehicle access is separated , safe and functioning.
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Understandable H&S information is given to delivery drivers
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Multiple access gates operate to the same access control standards.
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4. H&S Induction and Training
The GC has prepared a project specific H&S Induction which is being delivered on the project
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The H&S Induction specifically addresses Fatal Risks, Site Controls and focus and individual inputs required.
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The H&S Induction is required to gain access on to the project.
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There are arrangements in place to ensure all contractors, third parties and visitors receive a H&S Induction
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It is possible to identify anyone who has been H&S Inducted out on the project.
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5. Fatal Risk Controls
Project fatal risks have been identified and specific focus arrangements have been identified , documented and site control measures collectively reflect this.
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Contractors whose activities include defined fatal risks are known and preparation , supervision and oversight is targetted accordingly.
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Fatal Risk activities are being managed through specific controls, supervision, monitoring, safe working and review.
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Unsafe conditions, behaviours or working involving fatal risks is subject to consistent appication of an escalation process by the GC
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Collective fatal risk controls are prioritised
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6. Risk Assessment and Method Statements
Arrangements are in place to obtain RAMS in advance of works , authorise and retain records
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Proof of briefing records are available for any vetted and authorised RAMS
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Contractors supervisors have been involved with, have knowledge of and are supervising works as defined within vetted RAMS
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Sub contracted elements of activities are subject to the same controls listed above
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There are arrangements for managing H&S if the methodology is required to change
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7. Supervision, Competency
The GC has defined minimum H&S responsibilities for all supervisors on the project.
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Records are available confirming supervisors competency checks
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Supervisors can be easily identified out on the project
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The role of supervisors when unsafe working, acts or conditions are identified is always considered
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Supervisors are participating in all H&S related coordination and cooperation arrangements
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8. H&S Support and Advice
The GC is supported by adequate H&S expertise.
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All H&S appointees coordinate and work together with agreed forms of communic ation, protocols and prioritisation
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The H&S teams are empowered to stop unsafe working if required.
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Positive H&S performance, practices and behaviours are identified and recorded.
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H&s performance data is produced, reviewed and visible to the project workforce.
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9. Non conformance and Escalation Process
The GC has a formally defined process for dealing with non conformances including an escalation protocol.
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Unsafe working involving fatal risks is prioritised
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The escalation process is used when required with evidence available
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Unsafe working is stopped by the GC/ Contractor supervision when required
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Near miss events are reported and acted upon
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10. Monitoring and Inspection
Effective arrangements are in place for the oversight and monitoring of H&S on the project involving the GC team, Contractors and H&S.
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Plant and Equipment maintenance records are available and regular inspections and checks are being done
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Monitoring and checks for occupational health issues are being carried out
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Supervisors are involved in monitoring and inspection checks.
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H&S meetings include review of H&S inspections, audits and checks?
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11. Personal Protective Equipment
Minimum PPE requirements have been established and are being complied with on the project
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PPE Site rules are confirmed in H&S Induction and by signage on the project.
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Additional PPE is being worn when required as detailed in RAMS or as required by project conditions
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PPE compliance and use is consistent across all areas of the project
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PPE is adequate and suitable, well maintained and being worn correctly
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12. Emergency Arrangements
The GC has defined arrangements for Fire, Evacuation and Medical emergencies which are implemented on the project
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Contractors have trained first aiders within their workforce
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Fire prevention , detection and means of sounding alarm is in place and is effective
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Control gate staff are aware of actions to be taken in the event that external emergency services are called
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Operatives out on the project can confirm emergency arrangements when asked.
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13. Housekeeping and Waste Materials, Lighting
Access to and throughout the project is safe as a result of good housekeeping, rubbish removal and lighting.
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Discarded materials are removed as soon as practicable.
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Access lighting is provided within the building(s), access to same and within compound and gate areas .
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Building materials are stored in designated areas, are stable and secured against movement.
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Portable Halogen lighting is not in use
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14. Reporting of Unsafe, Acts, Conditions, Near Miss Events and Incidents
The GC has arrangements in place for reporting unsafe acts, behaviours, conditions or incidents.
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Records are available and used for contractor performance data
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Corrective actions are recorded and effectiveness checked to prevent reoccurences
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Positive and negative feedback is given to the workforce following any of the above occurences
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Training and rebriefings are carried out
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15. Information, Signage
There is adequate information, signage and warning notices in place on the project.
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Information is regulary updated giving details of current high risk activities, performance, lessons learned and themes related to hazard awareness or health risks.
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Information and signage is provided in a format taking into account a multi lingual workforce.
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Warning signage is in place in high risk zones.
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Emergency action signage is in place and visible to workforce
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16. Plant, Equipment, Tools
Working arrangements are evident to ensure plant , equipment and tools are maintained and are used by trained and competent individuals.
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On site checks are carried out for operator competence,plant certification and equipment maintenance.
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Plant and equipment is secured against unauthorised use
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Electrical supplies for use or charging are safe , maintained and protected
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When working at height effective measures are in place to prevent tools falling or persons below being struck by works above.
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17. Amazon Contractors
Amazon contractors are fully engaged with the GC in maintaining H&S standards and for coordinating and controling activities to achieve the same.
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18. Corrective Actions, Improvements and Best Practice
Corrective actions are effective, H&S standards are improving and best practice is adopted whenever possible.
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H&S performance data is available showing KPIs , trends and overall project H&S standards
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Best practice and suggestions for improvements are implemented with feedback given to the workforce.
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Best pratice is shared with other projects
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Self policing actions by contractors and or individuals is recognised .
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19. Welfare
Sufficient Toilets, washing and welfare facilities are provided which are operational, maintained and safe to access.
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Toilet facilities are provided on safe locations out on the project
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Compliant and sufficient first aid arrangements are in place
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Canteen facility is provided
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Designated smoking areas are provided
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20. Storage, Containers, Fuels and Gases
Designated storage areas are in place for all materials, waste, equipment , fuels and gas supplies
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Fuel storage arrangements and dispensing are compliant and safe.
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Storage facilities and laydown areas are safe to access at all times.
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Information on hazardous substances is available and being used
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Daily arrangements for managing the safe use of fuels and gases is robust and adequate
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Sign Off