
  • Room number

  • Conducted on

  • Conducted by



  • Door and frame paintwork both side 门和门框两侧的油漆

  • Maintenance request required 需要维修的要求

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Door security viewer door safety guard

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Key card operation and battery life 钥匙卡操作和电池寿命

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Automatic door closer, door hinges, secure, lubricate and clean, door seals and door stop 自动闭门器,门铰链,安全,润滑和清洁,门封条和门停止

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Fire exit plan and security instruction? 消防出口计划和安全指令


  • Door : paintwork, handles, hinges and general condition 门:油漆、把手、铰链和一般情况

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Coat rail, tie rack, shelves and drawers 大衣栏杆,领带架,货架和抽屉

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Safe operation, battery ok 保险箱管理,电池完好

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Ironing board and Iron 熨衣板和熨斗

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成


  • Ceiling finish and access panels. Wall finishes. 天花板,检修门,墙面光洁度

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Lights and switches 灯和开关

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Energy saving bulbs 节能灯泡

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Clean all ceiling access panels when work is completed 当工作结束后清洁天花板上的检修门

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Is the room free from any bad odour or smell? 房间里没有任何难闻的气味

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成


  • Temperature value CHW: 温度值

  • Temperature value HHW 温度值

  • Are the filter, grills and fan motor clean? 过滤网、烤架和风扇电机的干净吗?

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Is the fan motor working properly by operating the thermostat speed selector? 风扇马达在恒温器速度选择器的操作下是否工作正常?

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Clear FCU drip tray and check drain is clean and water is draining freely 中央空调的冷凝水容器是否干净,下水道是否干净,水流是否通畅

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成


  • Is the bathroom free from any bad odour or smell? 洗手间是否有异味

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Drain stoppers are present and work 地漏是否完好和工作情况

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Door and frame : Paintwork, lock, hinges and door stop 门和门框:油漆、锁、铰链、门挡

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Lights are in good condition, working & have correct energy saving bulbs installed 所以的灯具使用状态良好,正确安装使用节能灯

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Bulb type 灯泡类型

  • All grab bars, hooks, rails & racks, soap holders are securely mounted & in good condition 所有把手,挂钩,导轨和机架,肥皂架是否安全安装和良好的使用状态

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Shower and bath tub are clean and in good state. No scratches or chips 淋浴和浴缸干净,状态良好。没有划痕或缺口

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Test hairdryer and shaver outlet good working order 测试吹风机和剃须刀插座是否能正常使用

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Test earth leakage breaker operation 试验漏电断电保护装置是否正常使用

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Mini line operates correctly and locks in place 迷你线操作正确,锁到位

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • All taps and diverters are working properly. Verify the presence and cleanliness of flow regulators 所有的水龙头和转向器工作正常。验证流量调节器的性能和清洁度

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Check basin tap flow rate is 6 ltrs/mn 检查面盆龙头流量为6升/分钟

  • Tested flow rate

  • Strainers are clean and operate properly? 过滤器清洁和正常运转

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Domestic hot water temperature 生活热水温度

  • Temperature: 温度:

  • The water is too cold! Risk of legionella! 水太凉了,有军团菌的风险

  • Water temperature is too high! Risk of scald! 水温过高!烫伤风险!

  • Shower operates without blockage. Verify the presence and cleanliness of flow regulators. 淋浴不堵塞。验证流量调节器的存在和清洁度。

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Is the shower head free of limescale? 是无水垢的淋浴头

  • Please inform housekeeping 通知客房部

  • Check the flow rate at shower, must be10 ltrs/min 在淋浴检查流量,必须为10升/分钟

  • Rate: 打分

  • Please check there is a flow regulator and/or check the water pressure 请检查是否有流量调节器和/或检查水压

  • Please check there is a flow regulator and/or check the water pressure 请检查是否有流量调节器和/或检查水压

  • Condition of floor and wall tile & flexible grouting at bath/shower/vanity 地板和墙砖的状态和淋浴花洒,梳妆镜的灵活柔韧性

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Vanity mirror and frame 梳妆镜和框架

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Toilet pan, seat and cistern are secure. Toilet paper holder is OK 马桶、马桶座和水箱是安全的。卫生纸架是完好的

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Flush mechanism is working properly. Flush volume is of 6 ltrs. Is the cistern free from any leaks? 冲洗机构工作正常。冲水量是6升。这个水箱有没有漏水

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Clean exhaust duct and ensure operation. Air flow rate must be 60 m3/h 清洁排气管道并确保运行,空气流量必须为60立方米/小时

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Test if all drains are operating correctly and are clear. Check plugs seal drain 测试所有排水口是否正常运转,是否干净,检查防水条是否密封

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Music volume and control are ok 音乐音量和控制都符合标准

  • Last inspection date:最后检查日期

  • Paint, wallpaper and ceiling are in good condition 油漆,墙纸和天花板处于良好状态

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成


  • Lights and ventilation are in good condition and works properly 灯和通风状况良好,工作正常

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Mirror, frame and shelves are in good condition 镜子,框架和货架处于良好状态

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Doors, hinges, drawers, handles,woodwork and countertop are all in good condition and working properly 门、铰链、抽屉、把手、木工和台面都处于良好的状态和正常工作

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Refrigerator operation – free of ice build up 冰箱操作-无冰霜存在

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成


  • Remote control operation and all channels signals, TV and PPV control box all working properly. <br>Channels and radios are set according to guest list. Time setting is OK. 遥控器的操作,所有频道的信号,电视和PPV控制箱都正常工作。频道和收音机可根据客人名单来设置。时间设置正确。<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • TV and Cables are secure to wall. TV is secure to base and swivel is working correctly, ensure cables are not being damaged by swivel base 电视和电缆是安全的接在墙上。电视机底座安全,旋转头运转正常,确保电缆不受旋转底座损坏

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成


  • Are all telephones and cords in good condition and calls are clear? 所有电话和电线是否完好,电话是否清晰

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Internet connection through cable and/or WIFI are/ is working. 有线或无线网络连接正常

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Ensure there is a dial tone and speed call buttons are properly programmed 确保有拨号音和正确编程的快捷键

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Did message waiting light activate? Verify the tune quality. 信息等待灯激活了吗,确认音量和通话质量


  • Are the operation and security of all light switches and dimmers good? 所以灯的开光和亮度调节器都运作正常和安全吗?

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Are all power outlets and communication outlets in good condition? 所有电源插座和通讯插座是否完好

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Bedside light operation, security of fixings and lamp shade are ok 床头灯运作正常,固定件和灯罩是安全完好的

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Standing lamp and desk lamp are in good condition 立灯和台灯完好

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Check if energy saving bulbs are installed and it is the right model. 检查是否安装节能灯和是否是正确的模式

  • Bulb type

  • Switches and lamp shades, all power lead plugs; are in good condition, safe and secure 开关和灯罩,所有电源插头,处于良好状态,安全可靠

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Clean smoke detector and verify if it works properly 清洁烟雾探测器,并检查是否正常工作

  • When was the last inspection? 最后检查日期是什么时候

  • Last inspection date:最后检查日期:

  • Verify and clean fire sprinkler heads 验证和清洁消防喷淋头

  • When was the last inspection of sprinkler? 最后检查日期是什么时候?

  • Last inspection date: 最后检查日期:

  • Switch boards are in good condition, free of dust, connections tight and secure. Conduct a test for earth leakage breaker operation. 开关板处于良好状态,无灰尘,连接严密和安全。进行漏电断路器操作的试验。

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成


  • Is the furniture free from any smell or odour? 家具无异味

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Chairs – upholstery, finishes, stability, and glides 椅子–座垫、饰面、稳定性、滑轮

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Beds – wheels, base, and mattress 床-轮子,底座和床垫

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Headboard – secure, upholstery, finishes 床头–安全,装饰,饰面

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Night tables – drawers and runners and finishes 床头柜-抽屉,轮轴,饰面

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Desk and luggage rack– finishes, handles, drawers, remove splinters at apron 桌子和行李架–饰面,拉手,抽屉,清理表面碎片

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Mirrors and artwork – check condition, frames and secure fixings 镜子和艺术品–检查状态,框架和安装安全

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Ceilings and walls – repair and patch paint and wallpaper finishes 天花板和墙壁-修复和修补油漆和墙纸饰面

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Carpet, floor finishes and skirting 地毯、地板、踢脚线

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Window curtains condition, track operation and blackout 窗帘控制和轨道状态,停电的操作

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

  • Acoustic seals and closers on interconnect doors are in good condition 隔音条件

  • Maintenance request entered into FCS 维修请求已录入FCS系统

  • Maintenance complete 维修完成

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.