Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Number of staff employed

  • What is the maximum capacity for persons. Sleeping

  • What is the maximum capacity for persons. Bar-Restaurant

01. Fire Safety

  • 01.1 Have you received an enforcement notice in the last 2 years?

  • 01.2 Do you have an up to date Fire Risk Assessment?

  • When was last Fire Risk Assessment?

  • 01.3 Have Action Points been completed since last FRA?

  • 01.4 Has the Fire Alarm system been serviced?

  • 01.5 Can the fire alarm be raised without placing anyone in danger?

  • 01.6 Are call points unobstructed and clearly visible?

  • 01.7 Has a fire drill been completed in last 12 months?

  • 01.8 Have ALL fire extinguishers been serviced?

  • 01.9 Are fire extinguishers checked monthly?

  • 01.10 Is fire Alarm tested weekly?

  • 01. 11 Are sprinklers serviced and maintained?

  • 01.12 Is the kitchen fire suppression serviced and maintained?

  • 01.13 Are means of escape (fire exits and exit doors) unobstructed and lead to safe area?

  • 01.14 Are fire exits signs in place?

  • 01.15 Is the emergency lighting maintained?

  • Last and next test date

  • 01. 16 Is the fire shutter maintained and serviced?

  • Is one required?

  • 01.17 Is the smoke vent serviced and maintained?

  • Is one required?

  • 01. 18 Are fire exit doors and routes inspected weekly?

  • 01.19. Are fire safety signs clearly visible throughout the property?

  • 01.20 Is there a safe and effective system - management for storing flammable substances?

  • 01.21 Is there a safe and effective - management for storing combustible items?

  • 01.22 Is the fixed wire testing up to date?

  • 01.23 Is the Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) up to date?

  • 01.24 Is there a "Hot Works" Permit system in place for contractors?

  • 01.25 Do ALL fire doors have smoke seals - Intumescent Strips

  • 01.26 Are cooking appliances isolated easily in event of emergency?

  • 01.27 Are floor and stairway surfaces in good condition and free from tripping-slipping hazards?

  • 01.28 Are ALL fire doors and associated components in a good condition?

  • 01.29 Have all employees been trained in fire safety AND fire safety procedures?

  • 01.30 Is combustible waste stored and disposed of correctly (away from main premises)?

  • 01.31 Have staff been trained in the safe use of flammable items (equipment and chemicals)?

  • 01.32 Is a suitable and up to date fire evacuation plan available to ALL staff and guests?

02. Health & Safety

  • 02.39 Is health and safety poster accessible and visible to ALL staff?

  • 02.38 Is employers liability and public liability insurance in date and visibly displayed?

  • 02.37 Asbestos register in place?

  • Have staff received asbestos awareness training?

  • Why is this question n/a?

  • 02.1 Have you received and enforcement notice in the past 2 years?

  • 02.2 Is there a current health and safety policy in place?

  • 02.3 Has a gas safety inspection been completed in the past 12 months?

  • 02.4 Has air conditioning sterilisation been completed in the past 6 months?

  • 02.5 Has a lift inspection been completed in the past 6 months?

  • 02.6 Have height safe systems been inspected quarterly as a minimum?

  • 02.7 Has the compactor / baler been serviced and maintained?

  • 02.8 Is there a pest control programme in place?

  • Are there COSHH controls in line with programme?

  • Are pest control boxes and locations mirrored to management plan?

  • 02.9 Are kitchen appliances serviced annually as a minimum?

  • 02.10 Refrigeration equipment serviced annually as a minimum?

  • 02.11 Refrigeration logs are CONSISTENTLY recorded in the last 96 hours?

  • How far back to records go back without a "gap"?

  • 02.12 Kitchen extract cleaned regularly?

  • 02.13 Legionella Risk assessment and written scheme in up to date?

  • Action points completed?

  • 02.14 Legionella prevention records in date? Shower head cleaning

  • 02.15 Legionella prevention records in date? Temperature control

  • 02.16 Legionella prevention records in date? Little used outlets / run offs

  • 02.17 Legionella prevention records in date? Storage tanks inspected

  • 02.18 Water boilers serviced and maintained?

  • 02.19 Roof and roof void inspections completed?

  • 02.20 Perimeter checks of premises and associated buildings completed?

  • 02.21 Window restrictors / fall prevention in place in rooms?

  • 02.22 ALL staff have read and signed health and safety file?

  • 02.23 Risk assessments are inline with current hazards and up to date?

  • 02.24 Staff training for manual handling completed?

  • 02.24 Staff training for slips, trips, falls completed?

  • 02.25 Staff training for blood borne pathogens and airborne viruses completed?

  • 02.26 Staff training for COSHH completed?

  • 02.26 COSHH (Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health) management in place?

  • COSHH register up to date?

  • COSHH data sheets available for ALL chemicals?

  • Training for safe use of chemicals evidenced?

  • COSHH risk assessments available?

  • Copies available to be taken off site in case of emergency?

  • 02.27 Chemicals stored correctly in identifiable area / locker / cupboard?

  • 02.28 Regular-routine staff training relevant to industry completed monthly as a minimum?

  • 02.29 Health and safety meetings take place every 2 months as a minimum?

  • 02.30 Staff training matrix in place?

  • 02.31 Sufficient number of staff trained in first aid?

  • 02.32 Staff have received safety induction?

  • 02.33 Pressure Plant-Equipment serviced and maintained?

  • 02.34 Ice machines are serviced and maintained?

  • 02.35 Ice machines are regularly-routinely emptied and cleaned-sterilised?

  • 02.36 Lightning conductor survey completed?

  • 02.40 Is food hygiene certificate in date?

  • 02.41 Are coloured chopping boards in place?

  • 02.42 Are date stickers in use for produce?

  • 02.43 Are temperature checks carried out when cooking?

  • 02.44 Is Allergen awareness and controls in place?

  • 02.57 Food stored items stored correctly and not on floor

  • 02.45 Is kitchen deep clean regime in place?

  • What is the frequency of deep clean?

  • 02.46 Is there a bar deep clean regime in place - including "beer lines"?

  • What is the frequency of the deep clean?

  • 02.47 Does the temperature for dish washing achieve temperature?

  • 02.48 Is food waste clear of preparation areas - removed regularly?

  • 02.49 Is cross contamination procedure adhered to?

  • When was last training of cross contamination?

  • 02.54 Temperature probe cleaning wipes in use?

  • 02.50 Is there log of dangerous equipment?

  • When was training last delivered?

  • reason for n/a answer

  • 02.51 Are there ladders in use at the property?

  • 02.52 Is there a control of contractors at the premises?

  • Is there a contractor vetting process?

  • 02.53 How often are first aid boxes/kits inspected?

  • 02.55 DSE Assessments completed for staff?

  • 02.56 Accident - Incident book available?

  • Are near misses recorded too?

  • Where and how?

  • 02.58 List of emergency contacts - information available?

  • 02.59 Is PPE provided to staff and suitable for their role?

  • What PPE is issued for specific roles?

  • Has training been provided for the use, care, responsibility of PPE?

  • 02.60 Is there a lone workers policy?

  • What safety provisions are in place for lone workers?

03. Maintenance

  • 03.1 Boilers - Hot water in good condition?

  • 03.2 Boilers - Heating in good condition?

  • 03.3 Catering equipment in good condition?

  • 03.4 Generator serviced and maintained?

  • 03.5 Automatic doors serviced and maintained?

  • 03.6 Walk ways and footpaths within property responsibility free from clutter and trip hazards?

  • 03.7 Car park surface in suitable condition not to cause damage or injury?

  • 03.8 Plant rooms are inspected regularly?

  • 03.9 Hygiene and Standard checks completed in "washrooms" Toilets regularly?

  • 03.10 Evidence that contractors and service providers MUST have electrical equipment PAT tested?

  • 03.11 Grease trap serviced and maintained?

  • Why annually

  • 03.12 Building structure - services checks?

  • 03.13 PPM Process in place?

  • 03.14 Repairs are completed by competent persons?

04. Environment - Sustainability

  • 04.1 Thermostatic control valves on heating?

  • 04.2 Insulation in void spaces?

  • 04.3 Lighting activated by Motion sensor PIR?

  • 04.4 Hot water and heating pipework lagged where possible?

  • 04.5 Environment and Sustainability policy in place?

  • 04.6 Green tourism award?

  • 04.7 Hazardous waste disposed of responsibly?

  • 04.8 Locally sourced ingredients?

  • 04.9 Waste oil recycled?

  • 04.10 Zero to landfill?

  • 04.11 Water based paints used on site only?

  • 04.12 Conscious effort to recuse carbon footprint?

  • Provide details

Additional Observations

  • Additional Observation

  • Have you been able to access all areas with out hindrance - impediment?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.