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Personnel Grooming

  • Display a neat and clean appearance.展现整洁干净的外观

  • Wear a complete and tidy uniform.穿着完整、整洁的制服。

  • Exhibit good posture and body language展现良好的姿势和肢体语言

  • Staff are groomed to reflect brand image, with no obvious signs of illness.

Greeting Quality Service

  • Upon eye contact, staff greet the customer verbally with a smile immediately.员工与顾客眼神接触后,立即微笑地向顾客打招呼

  • Staff encourage a welcoming and friendly conversation.员工与顾客眼神接触后,立即微笑地向顾客打招呼

  • Staff at counter are facing the customer, arms not crossed, hands not in pockets, maintaining pleasant face, eye contact and using open hand gesture when appropriate or needed.柜台工作人员面向顾客,双臂不交叉,手不插在口袋里,保持愉快的面容和目光接触,并在适当或需要时使用张开的手势。

  • Staff speak clearly using understandable language with cheerful tone of voice and the right volume adjusting to customer‟s speed of speech.工作人员说话清晰,使用易懂的语言,语调愉快,音量适合顾客的语速。

  • Staff at floor or till are polite, using courteous words, addressing customer with proper titles, not using words like "No it's the policy" or interrupting when customer is speaking. 楼层或收银台的工作人员都很有礼貌,使用礼貌用语,用适当的头衔称呼顾客,不会使用“不,这是政策”这样的词语,也不会在顾客说话时打断他们。

  • Staff are also greet their colleagues and/or customers with respect and integrity.员工也以尊重和诚信的态度对待同事和/或客户。

  • Staff say out the Welcome slogan 工作人员高呼欢迎口号

  • Staff proactively greet customer when they pass by. 顾客路过时工作人员会主动打招呼。

  • How many staff members take the initiative to greet guests有多少工作人员主动迎接客人

Hosting Service Quality Check

  • Greet guests within 30 seconds of arrival.在客人抵达后 30 秒内迎接客人。

  • Order is prepared correctly, with presentable appearance as per customer's request.

  • Smile warmly and make eye contact.热情地微笑并进行目光接触。

  • Use a friendly and welcoming tone使用友好而热情的语气

  • Introduce themself by name.介绍自己的名字。

  • Ask for the guest’s name and reservation details询问客人姓名和预订详情

  • Engage in light conversation while escorting to the table.在护送至餐桌时进行轻松的交谈。

  • Pull out chairs if appropriate.如果合适,拉出椅子。

  • Inform guests of specials or promotions.告知客人特价或促销活动

  • Guide guests on the ordering process.指导客人完成点餐流程。

  • Inform them of the estimated time for their order to be ready.告知他们订单预计完成的时间。

  • Thank guests and excuse yourself politely.谢谢客人并礼貌地离开。

Farewell Service Quality

  • Do staff members proactively bid customers farewell when they are leaving顾客离开时,工作人员是否主动向顾客告别

  • Cashier to check with guests their dining experience.收银员向客人询问他们的用餐体验。”

  • Does the cashier bid customers farewell after completing the billing process收银员结账后有跟顾客告别吗?

  • Does the hosting also bid farewell to customer.门迎人员也送别客户。

  • Does the hosting Extend an invitation to return: “We look forward to seeing you again"门迎是否发出再次光临的邀请:“我们期待再次见到你”

Consistency and Improvement

  • Consistency in the greeting approach among different staff members不同工作人员的问候方式是否一致

  • Regular review and practice of greeting protocols.定期审查和练习问候礼仪。

  • Staff training on greeting procedures员工关于问候程序的培训。


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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.