Location/Jack #
Prepared by
Certification for
Management Signature
Conducted on
No bare/gloved hands used to place raw product into fryer baskets (I.e. Fish)
Patties are placed on the grill correctly.
Patties properly seasoned with correct amount of seasoning.
Products are appropriate color and do not appear undercooked or burnt
ASK: What is the importance of scraping the grill/spatula/presses?
Performs final flip and visual check for patties.
ASK: What is the importance of the final flip and visual check?
Uses timers correctly
Uses grill tools properly (stored, labeled, rotated)
Uses meat tongs to place patties on grill
Sears patties immediately after setting timer
Grill tools stored properly
Rotates presses
Ensure food quality standards are met for all products
ASK: Why can't timers be reset?
ASK: Why do you discard expired products? -
ASK: Why do you discard expired products?