Document No.
Inspection Title
Department/Curriculum area.
Conducted on.
Completed by.
Present during inspection
Access & Egress.
Is access and egress free and clear of obstructions?
Are all designated walkways free and clear of obstructions?
Are access routes adequately lit?
Is general lighting adequate for the tasks being carried out?
Is all lighting in good working order?
Is all furniture suitable and fit for purpose?
Is there any damaged furniture that is unfit for use?
Housekeeping/waste management.
Is the working environment clean and tidy?
Is there a build up of any waste materials?
Are storage arrangement suitable and adequate?
Hygiene and welfare facilities.
Is there access to suitable washing and toilet facilities?
Is the washing and toilet facilities clean, tidy and well lit?
Is there access to a supply of clean drinking water?
Is there an easily accessible location for the consumption of food and drink during break?
Environmental controls.
Is there suitable heating within the area?
Is there adequate ventilation (opening windows, air conditioning or air handling system)?
Workplace structure.
Is the general workplace structure in a good state of repair?
Fire precautions.
Is there a suitable fire evacuation procedure in place?
Is the evacuation procedure communicated to all staff, learners, visitors..etc as appropriate?
Is there suitable and sufficient numbers of fire fighting equipment in the area, and is it stored in the correct location, and with the correct signage in place?
Is there evidence of suitable and sufficient fire safety related training? Examples of training are fire warden, fire extinguisher, and basic fire awareness training.
First aid.
Are there adequate numbers of first aiders for the area?
Is there a suitable number of first aid kits within the area?
Are the monthly checks completed and recorded for all departmental first aid kits?
Are there adequate signs identifying first aiders and the location of first aid kits?
Risk assessments
Are there suitable and sufficient risk assessments in place?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health.
Have COSHH assessments been carried out for all potentially hazardous materials and substances used?
Are material safety data sheets available to assist with COSHH assessments?
Are all dangerous/hazardous materials/substances clearly marked/identified and stored in a secure location appropriate to the substance?
Mechanical/manual handling
Have hazardous manual handling activities been risk assessed?
Are manual handling risk assessments suitable and sufficient?
Are mechanical handling aids suitable for the tasks?
Have users received appropriate training and has the training been recorded?
Special conditions.
Are suitable and sufficient personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEP's) in place and in date for persons identified?
Has a noise assessment been completed on any potentially damaging noise?
Is suitable and sufficient hearing defence available and worn if appropriate?
Information and Instruction.
Are there suitable and sufficient general and specific safety signs displayed in the area?
Health and Safety related training.
Is all health and safety related training recorded?
Is there evidence of any damaged or misused electrical equipment?
Is appropriate servicing, maintenance, and testing of portable electrical appliances (PAT) in date?
Is fixed installation testing in date?
Gases, oils and pressure systems.
Is appropriate servicing, maintenance and/or testing in place, in date and recorded for any gas, oil and/or pressure systems in use?
Plant/machinery/mechanical devices.
Are suitable and sufficient risk assessments in place for plant, machinery and /or mechanical devices?
Is appropriate servicing and/or maintenance in place, in date and recorded?
Is appropriate training provided to all users and records held?
Is suitable and sufficient guarding in place, in good working order and used?
Work equipment, power and hand tools.
Is the use of work equipment, power and/or hand tools appropriately risk assessed?
Is appropriate servicing, and/or maintenance in place, in date and recorded?
Are power and hand tools appropriately and safely stored?
Is appropriate training provided to all users and records held?
Safe Systems Of Work
Are there suitable and sufficient safe systems of work in place?
Are these displayed at the point of use?
Is there evidence of adequate training in safe systems of work?
Access equipment.
Are all access equipment (steps, ladders, scaffold towers etc) recorded on the access equipment register?
Is the annual inspection of access equipment being completed and recorded?
Is there any evidence of damage to access equipment?
Hazardous waste.
Are their suitable and sufficient arrangements in place for the storage and disposal of hazardous waste?
Personal protective equipment.
Is all identified PPE being used as appropriate?
Are their suitable and sufficient arrangements in place for the storage, maintenance and replacement of PPE?
Display screen equipment
Are DSE workstation risk assessments in place and recorded?
Are suitable and sufficient inductions carried out and recorded?
Learner supervision.
Is suitable supervision in place for the learner numbers, environment and activities been carried out?
Work placement health and safety.
Is the current work placement policy and procedures being followed?
Is there a suitable and sufficient departmental/area stress risk assessment in place?
Lone or home working.
Are suitable and sufficient risk assessments and procedures in place and recorded for lone or home working?
Educational trips and visits.
Is the guidance and procedures for visit and trips being followed?
safeguarding provision.
Are current GIG safeguarding procedures and arrangements followed and adhered to?
Group policies and procedures
Are staff aware of where and how to access group policies and procedures?
Are all departmental procedures communicated to staff at all levels?
Accident, Incident, and Near Miss Reporting
Are all accidents, incidents, and near misses being correctly recorded on the group form?
Are all forms being submitted to the Health and Safety team within 3 days of the accident as per policy?
Are Managers aware of the GIG transport policy?
Does the Estates transport team hold in date records for staff insurance and and drivers licence?
Are there suitable and sufficient risk assessments in place for travel?
Legionella Management
Are Managers aware of the risk of Legionella?
Are little used outlets being flushed on a weekly basis and is there evidence of this?
Outlets appear clean with no evidence of dirty sinks, shower heads, or tap outlets which have a build up of scale on them?
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4