Store Name
Store No.
Completed By: Steve Neal
1. Securing our store perimeters
Are all entrances and exits locked and alarmed when the store is not trading ?
Is the back door and main gate secured at all times and only opened when there is an authorised delivery / vehicle ?
Are all areas outside of the store and in the back yard clear and tidy, to prevent any concealment of goods ?
Are all fire exits closed, door seals applied and where applicable locked and alarmed ?
Are all door seals checked and recorded daily ?
Are the RF gates working ? Check 10 lines with different tags/cases.
2. Using our secure lock ups
Are all high value stock deliveries moved to the designated area on arrival ?
Are authorised personnel / colleagues lists on display lock up doors ?
Are secure lock ups locked when not occupied ?
3. Controlling waste procedures
Are there clearly defined areas in the back rooms for returns / not for sales / damages ?
Is all waste recorded regularly and not left to build up ? Is the clipboard, 3 Times a day, process being used ?<br><br><br>
Is all booked waste checked by a manager against the waste print before being disposed of, and are the prints available to review ?
Is cleaners waste and damages being recorded daily, and is there a cleaners waste diary being used ?
Is the compactor / wheelie bins kept locked at all times, and access restricted to authorised personnel only ?
Are all PDAs and printers securely controlled, and not left unattended on the sales floor or back areas ?
4. Key control
Are all store keys signed in / out by authorised personnel only using the RP32 and audited weekly?
Are the key control cupboards / cabinets kept locked at all times ?
Are all critical keys kept in a separate secure cabinet ? ( ie. store keys, cash office keys )
5. Carrying out good cash controls
Are the weekly and periodic Store Manager Cash Checks being completed ?
Are all discrepancies on the weekly cash report understood, investigated if required, and have valid reasons ?
Are all self service checkout cash routines carried out under dual control ?
Are random till checks carried out daily as per company policy ?
Have all till check investigations been completed and interviews carried out in a timely manner ?
Is cash regularly deposited into the safe as per company policy ?
Have all old cash office usernames been deleted?
Has everyone that has access to the cash office system signed the password policy, and is there a copy of his in their personnel file ?
Review cash posting CCTV - is it duel controlled and posted straight away?
Review checkout back office - are all old cashier numbers deleted?
Are all void transactions kept as a record with valid reasons written on them?
Was the last external cash office audit green?
6. Controlling the most vulnerable areas of the store
Is CCTV prioritised on the high value / risk areas of the store ?
Is all CCTV working in the store ? if not, has it been reported to maintenance ?
Is all high value merchandise protected in line with the Product Protection guide ?
Is restricted fill used where needed on high shrink lines?
Is the daily product protection guide completed, and issues highlighted, communicated to the management team ?
Are the relevant "CCTV recording in progress" "thieves will be prosecuted" etc sel's visible on all high risk areas?
Are fitting rooms controlled, and garments checked in / out ?
Does the store schedules reflect colleagues presence on the shop floor at all times ?
Are there no signs of damaged packaging or grazing in any of the back areas ?
Are all back areas and offices clear of stock, and well presented demonstrating a culture of "a place for everything, and everything in its place" ?
Is chewing gum and high value confectionery stored securely ?
Are all redundant cupboards/rooms/areas locked and security sealed?
Are all lockers and cloak rooms tidy, with no signs of grazing ?
Is there no evidence of staff shopping being put by in chillers and offices ?
Is there a robust process in place for the transfer of goods to the canteen, and have all the goods in the canteen clearly been marked as canteen stock ?
There are no tesco cleaning products in cleaners rooms/bakery/under shelf draws/checkouts?
Is there evidence that uod numbers are checked on all deliveries?
Are all card and book deliveries being checked in, and Manager checks done randomly ?
Are saltly returns kept secure and sent back regularly?
7a. Checkouts
Are checkouts next to high value areas manned as a priority ?
Are all checkout gates / belts closed when not manned to prevent people walking through ?
Are all put backs actioned straight away?
Is team-leader visible and wearing headset?
Are all detaggers on unmanned tills locked?
Can colleagues get 5/5 with product recognition on bakery and produce?
No tills signed on without a cashier present?
7b. Assisted Service
Does the self service plu list have the correct lines on it?
Are all self service colleagues using the scannable barcode?
Is the gold key tagged and held in cash office?
Is the self service colleague keeping their eyes wide open for possible deception?
Is there the right ratio of colleagues per till? (Min 1 per 6 tills, ideally 1 per 4 tills at busy periods)
8. Ensuring all visitors sign in and wear a name badge
Have all visitors signed in / out, and non Tesco personnel been issued with a visitors badge / high vis jacket ?
Are drivers signing in when using store facilities and subject to random staff searches ?
Ensure no supplier reps. are working in our back rooms with their own handbags, etc. ?
9. Security guards
Are guards present at the front of the store, and do they greet customers in a friendly manner ?
Are the guards engaged in the Store activities ? Do they understand the store's key shrink lines and what is being done to protect them ? Are the top 50 lines highlighted at the shelf edge ?
Does the Store management team give regular feedback to the Guarding agency, and are aware of their time of visits to discuss the store Shinkage and other theft related KPIs ?
Is there an agreed way of communication between the guards and the store management team, and are they ready to support the Duty Manager to carry out an arrest once SCONE rule is adhered to ?
Does the store report all incidents on the system ? Have they been green for the past 4 weeks ?
Are the key holder details accurate on the incident reporting tool?
Does the store have a good relationship / contact no's for the local police / community support officers ?
10. Carrying out regular colleague and visitor searches
Has the Store achieved a minimum of 25% of it's head count in staff searches each week for the last 4 weeks?
Have all Managers completed staff searches, and have they been completed throughout the day / night ?
Have staff searches been carried out on cleaners / security / managers and visitors ?
Have staff searches been conducted on delivery vehicles, cars, lockers, dot com vans where applicable ?
Stock Control Routines
Is the gap report taken to the AM meeting and discussed?
Are all gaps 100% scanned every day?
Are any "missed dept gap scans" shown on weekly gaps report genuine?
Is the store below 15% stock record errors?
Are all mismatch folders up to date, and have all SRM reports been signed by a team leader/Manager ?
Is overstock investigation being completed on 4% or more of stocked lines each week?
Are all transfers to the colleague room signed off by the duty manager and filed?
Does the store have 0 outstanding/awaiting collection entertainment ARNs ?
Does the Store Manager (Deputy in absence of SM) sign of the weekly DSS checklist, including reviewing the mmx reports ?
Are bread and milk returns being completed weekly ?
Colleague engagement
Has the Store got a Lock Down protection plan by department on display, for all colleagues to see ?
Is there plenty of security POS displayed in the back areas of the store ? Eg. Eyes wide open POS.
Have all colleagues attended a winning with shrink engagement session and seen the latest DVD ? Check 10 random training records.
Ask 5 random colleagues about the Store Lock Down plan. Do they have a clear understanding of what is being done, and the part they play ?
Has every colleague signed a copy of the Store's shopping policy, and is it on display in the canteen and locker rooms ?
Has the Store. Manager written to their team to ask for their support and help ?
Does the Store Manager clearly understand the weekly shrinkage dashboard, and is it being used weekly, with next steps being recorded ?
Are the top 20 lines from last MST, and the top 10 from the previous week highlighted at the shelf edge, and are next steps in place to understand and prevent loss on these lines ?
Is a weekly loss meeting being held, with effective next steps in place ? Are these on display to everyone ?
Has the latest deep dive report been communicated to the team, and used as part of the stores shrinkage plan ?
Does each member of the management team understand the weekly dashboard, and review their own dept. reports ?
Does each member of the management team know what their top 10 losses from the previous week are ? Have these been reviewed and action taken to prevent further loss ?
Can each member of the management team explain what they are doing actively to prevent stock loss ? Eg. Delivery checks, daily counts, etc.
Has the PM carried out a colleague training audit to see how aware our colleagues are around stock loss ?
Have next steps been completed from the previous lockdown Healthcheck ?