Safety Audit Details

  • Site conducted / Location
  • Conducted on

  • Conducted by

  • Number of personnel present

  • Brief description of works being carried out

  • Is there any high risk works being carried out, e.g. confined space, working at height, hot works etc

Safety Audit Questions

Safety briefings and safety documentation

  • Have all key personnel attended the site management briefing and signed the briefing document?

  • Has the TSC ensured they have signed into the ES worksite?

  • Is there suitable means of communication between the TSC/ES/PICOP etc.

  • Has the site managers safety briefing details been cascaded to all those within the work group?

  • Have all personnel signed into the worksite (SAC)

  • Is all of the relevant documentation available and correct? Risk assessments, Method statements, safety briefing sheets, TSC book, and PEMS forms etc?

  • Are all personnel carrying their competency cards, in date and relevant to the works

  • Are all personnel fit and well to carry out their duties? (Oral yes or no required)

Worksite - general setup and control

  • Is the worksite set up in accordance with the works package plan and as per rule book?

  • Is there a TSC present overseeing the work group?

  • Are they easily identifiable wearing the correct armband?

  • Did they approach you on arrival at the worksite to deliver a safety briefing and sign you in?

  • Is all of the TSC paperwork complete and correctly annotated?

  • Are all personnel wearing the appropriate PPE according to their task?

  • Is the worksite suitably illuminated either from ambient lighting or portable lighting?

  • Is the worksite clean and tidy with good housekeeping?

  • Have all the tools and equipment been inspected prior to use?

  • Have all of the tools and equipment brought onto site been well stored so as to not cause any slips trips or falls?

  • Are all tools and equipment being used correctly and as per manufacturers instructions?

  • If hot works are being carried out (cutting, grinding etc.) is there a suitable exclusion zone implemented with signage to indicate this?

  • Is fuel/oils stored correctly?

  • Is all plant and combustion equipment being used in conjunction with a plant nappy/spill kit?

  • If working in and around plant and machinery is there a suitable exclusion zone implemented?

  • Are all personnel ensuring that they work safely and maintain a good overall safety attitude?

  • Is there any other safety issue identified during the visit to site? if yes, please detail.

Post work completion

  • Has the worksite been cleared of all tools and equipment and left safe an clear for the passage of trains?

  • Has the PEMS form been completed and signed off correctly?

  • Has the TSC ensured all personnel are safely removed from trackside?

  • Has the TSC ensured that all the relevant documentation has been handed into the site managers office, signed off and complete?

  • Has the TSC ensured that he/she has contacted the ES and communicated everyone is off track?

  • Have all personnel signed out of the worksite (SAC)

  • Were there any incidents reported during the shift? if yes, please detail.

  • Result of audit overall

Names and Signature person carrying out the safety audit

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Date and time

  • Location
  • Copy of audit emailed to management on completion?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.