Title Page

  • Points Operator (PO)

  • Supervisor Name:

  • Conducted on (Date and Time)

  • Location

Pre-Work Checklist

  • Wearing Full PPE? (Photograph of individual in PPE)

  • Specialist PPE required?

  • PTS Card present and in date with TSC competency? (Photograph of card)

  • Have they been briefed and signed the RAMS (Photograph of documents)

  • Are they fit and well and capable of carrying out the works?

  • Briefed and signed any tool box talks?

  • Are they carrying the relevant tools such as crank handle, Allen keys, access keys etc?

  • Do they have a mobile phone with all the relevant numbers?

Observations and Questions T3 possession

  • Has the PO been briefed by the site manager and signed in (photograph of sign in and task briefing sheet)

  • Does the PO know the POS and aware of their own safety

  • Does the PO know what the normal position is and the reverse position?

  • Were the points required to be scotched and clipped?

  • Were all messages received repeated back in confirmation

  • Did the PO know what way the road was to be set?

  • Did the PO reset the roads back to the original position?

  • Was the button pushed back in after completion?

  • Time and dater recorded?

  • Was all equipment removed from track after use?

  • Was the access gate locked after use?

  • Did the PO contact the signaler before taking control? RED ZONE ONLY

  • Did they confirm with the signaler that all train movements had stopped? RED ZONE ONLY

  • Did the PO set out their red lights/flag to oncoming train movements after taking control? RED ZONE ONLY.

  • Was control handed back correctly? RED ZONE ONLY?

  • If any issues arose during the shift, did the PO follow the required protocols and procedures, e.g. incident reporting?

  • Did the PO ask any questions relevant to his/her duties? if so please list below and the answers you gave in return?

  • Did you have to correct any actions by the PO, or step in on any safety critical aspects during the supervised shift of the PO? If yes, please detail the actions taken and the results of the same.


  • Reference Guide:
    • Look at the total score above and select the relevant overall rating:

    Pass: 75%-100%
    Further development required: >75%

  • Recommendations / Overall Competency Assessment Rating

  • Supervisor (Full Name and Signature)

  • Learner (Full Name and Signature)

Supervisor feedback and notes

  • undefined

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.