Title Page

  • Road Rail Vehicle Controller (RRVC)

  • Supervisor Name:

  • Conducted on (Date and Time)

  • Location

Pre-Work Checklist

  • Wearing Full PPE? (Photograph of individual in PPE)

  • Specialist PPE required?

  • PTS Card present and in date with TSC, PTS, PO and RRVC competency? (Photograph of card)

  • Have they been briefed and signed the RAMS (Photograph of documents)

  • Are they fit and well and capable of carrying out the works?

  • Briefed and signed any tool box talks?

  • Are they carrying the relevant paperwork to carry out the SSOW?

  • Have they checked the RRVO's competency card (PTS, RRVO and ATW) and ensured they are fit to work?

Observations and Questions

  • Has the RRVC been briefed by the site manager and signed in (photograph of sign in and task briefing sheet)

  • Is the brief suitable, relevant to the worksite and contains all of the information required?

  • Has the RRVC been briefed by the ES and signed in to the worksite?

  • Has the RRVC completed the correct paperwork and has all the relevant documents to carry out their duties? PEMS, TSC, WON etc.?

  • Has the RRVC ensured that the RRVO has completed the vehicles daily checklist?

  • Do they have adequate communication method? Phone etc?

  • Have they checked the LOLER certificates for all lifting accessories?

  • Has the RRVC checked if there is a suitable tow bar available?

  • Has the RRVC checked to ensure a suitable and sufficient first aid kit is present on the RRV?

  • Has the RRVC been given permission from the ES to on track the RRV?

  • Has the RRVC briefed the RRVO - including access points, not to exceed possession limits and to work to the RRVC instructions?

  • Has the RRVC given a clear brief to the RRVO on the route to the worksite?

  • If dispatch and catch is required has the correct paperwork been completed?

  • Has the RRVC communicated professionally at all times with the RRVO?

  • Has the RRVC controlled the the speed of the RRV , in both working mode and travel mode and not exceeded the speed limits?

  • Has the RRVC ensured that any points have been set in the correct position prior to moving through them?

  • Has the RRVC ensured that all exclusion zones were adhered to by other workers when passing?

  • Has the RRVC safely managed all lifting operations, ensuring that all lifting equipment was used appropriately?

  • Has the RRVC ensured all attachments were removed from site after works were complete and the line is clear and safe for the passage of trains?

  • Has the PEM sheet been signed off correctly?

  • Did you have to step in or intervene at any point during the works to correct a safety critical aspect?


  • Reference Guide:
    • Look at the total score above and select the relevant overall rating:

    Pass: 75%-100%
    Further development required: >75%

  • Recommendations / Overall Competency Assessment Rating

  • Supervisor (Full Name and Signature)

  • Learner (Full Name and Signature)

Supervisor feedback and notes

  • undefined

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.