Employee Name
Take picture of employee (Headshot Only)
Conducted on
Auditors Name
Overall Job Performance To be completed by auditor(OHS Manager/Supervisor/Team Leader/ETC.)
Rate the employee's job knowledge.
Rate the employee's quality of work.
Rate the employee's teamwork/ peer contact. (How well they work with others)
Rate the employee's ability to work unsupervised.
Rate the employee's communication skills with management and others.
Rate the employee's adherence to company policy and procedure.
Rate the employee's attendance and lack of tardiness.
Rate the employee's adherence to safety policy and procedure. (PPE, safe work practices, policies, procedures and H&S awareness)
Rate the employee's respect for company property. (Company vehicle, company supplied tools, laptop, etc)
Employee Questionnaire (Questions to be asked by auditor to employee)
Has the employee received and signed the appropriate JSAs? (utility, current position, etc.)
1. Has the employee had OTJ training on How a proper lockout is performed? (Have employee explain the lockout, tagout, tryout process.)
- Yes
- No
- Yes but employee could not explain process
2. Have the employee explain the Emergency Evacuation process. (meeting location, etc.)
3. Have the employee explain the rules relating to Red, Yellow and Green Zones<br><br>(Intent-determine if the employee understands and can acknowledge the safety zones)
4. Have the employee explain rules relating to lift truck operation.
5. Have the employee explain what hot work is.
6. Have the employee explain the rules relating to Confined/Restricted spaces.
7. Give me an example of a time when you needed external assistance for a safety issue. How did you find someone to assist you? (Intent- To determine if candidate demonstrates an understanding of situations which may require outside assistance and the means of engaging suitably qualified people.)
- No Evidence of Safety Focus
- Some Evidence of Safety Focus
- Solid Evidence of Safety Focus
- Strong Evidence of Safety Focus
- Did Not Answer
Interviewer's Summary Comments:
Recommended for New Hire Release?
Why and what are the actions to be put in place to release the employee from new hire status?
Employee's Signature
Auditors Signature
Auditor's title?