Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Before Entering Site:
Is the site fenced off?
Is there signage reminding workers of the COVID-19 physical distancing and hygiene protocol at the site entrance?
Are you observing workers practicing the physical distancing protocol (currently 1m in controlled environments under Level 3).
Induction and Record Keeping
Is there a plan onsite detailing steps to mitigate risk by COVID-19 (i.e. a specific SWMS)?
Is there evidence of a COVID-19 specific induction process for the site?
Is there evidence of a daily register of workers and visitors entering & leaving the site? (incl. contact details)
Is there evidence of a register of workers and visitors providing a health declaration?
Does the Contractor confirm that they have communicated the Site Transportation Protocol to all workers who return daily to the site?
Is there evidence of sanitation facilities available onsite (incl. hand washing stations, provision of additional hand sanitizer, provision of disinfectant wiping products etc) in accordance with the Level 3 Cleaning Guide?
Has consideration been made where practical to split the site into zones to keep different trade team separateā?
Has any additional PPE been identified as required as a result of COVID-19?
If yes, is the PPE readily available to workers?
Does the Contractor confirm that the site is being cleaned at the end of each work day in accordance with the Level 3 Cleaning Guide?
Are you generally satisfied on the mitigation actions the Contractor has completed on this site? (Yes/No)