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注射器 Sterile Syringe

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同类型请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different types to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

注塑 Injection Molding


针管 Needle Tube

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同针规的请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different model of needle to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

  • 5. 是否有收集COC?抽查3批来货,检查COC。Are COCs collected? Spot check 3 incoming batches and check COC.

  • 6. COC是否有核对?是否进行签字日期确认?Is the COC checked with date and signature signed?

  • 7. 检查针管标识,是否可识别追溯?提供至少3份证明。Check the needle tube label if it is identified and traceable? Provide at least 3 references.

  • 8. 是否有过退货现象?并描述退货流程。Have there been any returns? And describe the return process.

  • 9. 是否有检验记录?抽查3份检验记录,并核对是否有原始记录和COC。Are there inspection records? Spot check 3 inspection records and check for original records and COC.

  • 10. 随机抽检3个规格,包装是否完整且满足要求?表面是否光滑无毛刺等缺陷?Random sampling inspection of 3 models, is the package complete and in requirements? Is the surface smooth and free of burrs and other defects?

  • 11. 随机抽检3个规格,外径、内径、尺寸是否满足要求?斜面角度是否满足要求?Random sampling inspection of 3 specifications, outer diameter, inner diameter, size meet the requirements? Does the slope angle meet the requirements?

  • 12. 随机抽检3个规格,刚性、韧性、穿刺是否满足要求?Random sampling of 3 specifications, whether stiffness, toughness, puncture meet the requirements?

  • 13. 随机抽检3个规格,耐腐蚀性和酸碱度是否满足要求?Random sampling of 3 specifications, corrosion resistance and pH meet the requirements?

胶塞 Seal

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同规格的请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different model to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

  • 5. 是否有收集COC?抽查3批来货,检查COC。Are COCs collected? Spot check 3 incoming batches and check COC.

  • 6. COC是否有核对?是否进行签字日期确认?Is the COC checked with date and signature signed?

  • 7. 检查标识,是否可识别追溯?提供至少3份证明。Check the label if it is identified and traceable? Provide at least 3 references.

  • 8. 是否有过退货现象?并描述退货流程。Have there been any returns? And describe the return process.

  • 9. 是否有检验记录?抽查3份检验记录,并核对是否有原始记录和COC。Are there inspection records? Spot check 3 inspection records and check for original records and COC.

  • 10. 随机抽检3个规格,包装是否完整且满足要求?Random sampling inspection of 3 models, is the package complete and in requirements?

  • 11. 随机抽检3个规格,是否在有效期内?Random sampling of 3 specifications, whether within the validity period?

  • 12. 随机抽检3个规格,检查表面是否无胶丝、气泡、裂痕?末端是否有基准线?侧面是否有密封圈?修边线直径是否满足要求不大于胶塞密封圈直径?表面无润滑剂汇聚?Random sampling of 3 specifications, check the surface is no glue, bubbles, cracks? Is there a reference line at the end? Are there sealing rings on the sides? Is the diameter of trimming line not larger than the diameter of sel sealing ring? Surface without lubricant?

  • 13. 随机抽检3个规格,尺寸是否符合图纸要求?滑动性能是否满足要求?Random sampling inspection of 3 specifications, whether the size meets the requirements of the drawings? Does the sliding performance meet the requirements?

  • 14. 随机抽检3个规格,pH是否满足要求?Randomly check 3 specifications, whether pH meets the requirements?

吸塑纸 Blister Paper

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同规格的请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different models to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

  • 5. 是否有收集COC?抽查3批来货,检查COC。Are COCs collected? Spot check 3 incoming batches and check COC.

  • 6. COC是否有核对?是否进行签字日期确认?Is the COC checked with date and signature signed?

  • 7. 检查标识,是否可识别追溯?提供至少3份证明。Check the label if it is identified and traceable? Provide at least 3 references.

  • 8. 是否有过退货现象?并描述退货流程。Have there been any returns? And describe the return process.

  • 9. 是否有检验记录?抽查3份检验记录,并核对是否有原始记录和COC。Are there inspection records? Spot check 3 inspection records and check for original records and COC.

  • 10. 随机抽检3个规格,包装是否完整且满足要求?Random sampling inspection of 3 models, is the package complete and in requirements?

  • 11. 随机抽检3个规格,表面是否无破损、无异物?印刷是否符合图纸规定且清晰无色差?Random sampling inspection of 3 specifications, whether the surface without damage, no foreign matter? Is the printing clear and colour-free in accordance with drawings?

  • 12. 随机抽检3个规格,尺寸是否符合图纸和公差?Random sampling inspection of 3 specifications, whether the size conforms to the drawing and tolerance?

  • 13. 随机抽检3个规格,克重是否满足要求?Random sampling of 3 specifications, gram weight meet the requirements?

吸塑膜 Blister Film

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同规格的请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different models to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

  • 5. 是否有收集COC?抽查3批来货,检查COC。Are COCs collected? Spot check 3 incoming batches and check COC.

  • 6. COC是否有核对?是否进行签字日期确认?Is the COC checked with date and signature signed?

  • 7. 检查标识,是否可识别追溯?提供至少3份证明。Check the label if it is identified and traceable? Provide at least 3 references.

  • 8. 是否有过退货现象?并描述退货流程。Have there been any returns? And describe the return process.

  • 9. 是否有检验记录?抽查3份检验记录,并核对是否有原始记录和COC。Are there inspection records? Spot check 3 inspection records and check for original records and COC.

  • 10. 随机抽检3个规格,包装是否完整且满足要求?Random sampling inspection of 3 models, is the package complete and in requirements?

  • 11. 随机抽检3个规格,是否无污点、无折叠或褶皱?Random sampling of 3 specifications, is there no stain, no fold or wrinkle?

  • 12. 随机抽检2个规格,厚度允差是否在0.01mm?Random sampling check 2 specifications, whether the thickness tolerance is 0.01mm?

标签 Label

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同规格的请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different models to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

  • 5. 是否有收集COC?抽查3批来货,检查COC。Are COCs collected? Spot check 3 incoming batches and check COC.

  • 6. COC是否有核对?是否进行签字日期确认?Is the COC checked with date and signature signed?

  • 7. 检查标识,是否可识别追溯?提供至少3份证明。Check the label if it is identified and traceable? Provide at least 3 references.

  • 8. 是否有过退货现象?并描述退货流程。Have there been any returns? And describe the return process.

  • 9. 是否有检验记录?抽查3份检验记录,并核对是否有原始记录和COC。Are there inspection records? Spot check 3 inspection records and check for original records and COC.

  • 10. 随机抽检3个规格,包装是否完整且满足要求?Random sampling inspection of 3 models, is the package complete and in requirements?

  • 11. 随机抽检3个规格,材质是否是不干胶?是否无破损?无油污?Random sampling inspection of 3 specifications, whether the material is self-adhesive? Is there no breakage? No oil?

  • 12. 随机抽检3个规格,尺寸是否符合图纸和公差?Random sampling inspection of 3 specifications, whether the size conforms to the drawing and tolerance?

  • 13. 随机抽检3个规格,颜色是否满足要求?Random check 3 specifications, whether the color meets the requirements?

  • 14. 随机抽检3个规格,条形码和二维码是否能识别?内容是否和图纸要求一致?Random sampling of 3 specifications, bar code and two-dimensional code can be recognized? Is the content consistent with the drawing requirements?

说明书 Instruction

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同规格的请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different models to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

  • 5. 是否有收集COC?抽查3批来货,检查COC。Are COCs collected? Spot check 3 incoming batches and check COC.

  • 6. COC是否有核对?是否进行签字日期确认?Is the COC checked with date and signature signed?

  • 7. 检查标识,是否可识别追溯?提供至少3份证明。Check the label if it is identified and traceable? Provide at least 3 references.

  • 8. 是否有过退货现象?并描述退货流程。Have there been any returns? And describe the return process.

  • 9. 是否有检验记录?抽查3份检验记录,并核对是否有原始记录和COC。Are there inspection records? Spot check 3 inspection records and check for original records and COC.

  • 10. 随机抽检2个规格,包装是否完整且满足要求?Random sampling inspection of 2 models, is the package complete and in requirements?

  • 11. 随机抽检2个规格,印刷是否清晰?文字是否可读?颜色是否满足要求?是否和图纸一致?Check 2 specifications randomly. Is the printing clear? Is the text readable? Does the color meet the requirements? Is it consistent with the drawing?

  • 12. 随机抽检2个规格,是否无破损、污渍?Random sampling inspection of 2 specifications, whether no damage, stains?

  • 13. 随机抽检2个规格,尺寸是否和图纸一致?Check 2 specifications randomly. Is the size consistent with the drawing?

  • 14. 随机抽检2个规格,是否有材质证明?是否和图纸一致?Random sampling inspection of 2 specifications, is there material proof? Is it consistent with the drawing?

中盒 Box

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同规格的请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different models to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

  • 5. 是否有收集COC?抽查3批来货,检查COC。Are COCs collected? Spot check 3 incoming batches and check COC.

  • 6. COC是否有核对?是否进行签字日期确认?Is the COC checked with date and signature signed?

  • 7. 检查标识,是否可识别追溯?提供至少3份证明。Check the label if it is identified and traceable? Provide at least 3 references.

  • 8. 是否有过退货现象?并描述退货流程。Have there been any returns? And describe the return process.

  • 9. 是否有检验记录?抽查3份检验记录,并核对是否有原始记录和COC。Are there inspection records? Spot check 3 inspection records and check for original records and COC.

  • 10. 随机抽检3个规格,包装是否完整且满足要求?Random sampling inspection of 3 models, is the package complete and in requirements?

  • 11. 随机抽检3个规格,是否无破损、压痕线?Random sampling inspection of 3 specifications, whether there is no damage, indentation line?

  • 12. 随机抽检3个规格,印刷是否清晰?图案、文字是否正确?颜色是否和图纸要求一致?Check 3 specifications randomly. Is the printing clear? Are the patterns and characters correct? Is the color consistent with the drawing requirements?

  • 13. 随机抽检3个规格,油墨是否清晰?Random sampling of 3 specifications, ink is clear?

  • 14. 随机抽检3个规格,结合部位是否无胶水痕迹?是否牢固且完整?Check 3 specifications randomly. Is there no trace of glue at the binding part? Is it solid and complete?

  • 15. 随机抽检3个规格,当折成使用状态后,反复3次开合盖子360°是否无裂缝?Randomly check 3 specifications, when folded into use, repeatedly open and close the lid 360° 3 times, is there no crack?

  • 16. 随机抽检3个规格,当折成使用状态时,是否无畸形?边角是否无不齐和漏洞?Random sampling of 3 specifications, when folded into the use of the state, is there no deformity? Are edges and corners uniform and leaky?

  • 17. 随机抽检3个规格,尺寸允差是否在2mm?Check 3 specifications randomly. Is the tolerance 5mm?

外箱 Case

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同规格的请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different models to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

  • 5. 是否有收集COC?抽查3批来货,检查COC。Are COCs collected? Spot check 3 incoming batches and check COC.

  • 6. COC是否有核对?是否进行签字日期确认?Is the COC checked with date and signature signed?

  • 7. 检查标识,是否可识别追溯?提供至少3份证明。Check the label if it is identified and traceable? Provide at least 3 references.

  • 8. 是否有过退货现象?并描述退货流程。Have there been any returns? And describe the return process.

  • 9. 是否有检验记录?抽查3份检验记录,并核对是否有原始记录和COC。Are there inspection records? Spot check 3 inspection records and check for original records and COC.

  • 10. 随机抽检3个规格,包装是否完整且满足要求?Random sampling inspection of 3 models, is the package complete and in requirements?

  • 11. 随机抽检3个规格,是否无破损、压痕线?Random sampling inspection of 3 specifications, whether there is no damage, indentation line?

  • 12. 随机抽检3个规格,印刷是否清晰?图案、文字是否正确?颜色是否和图纸要求一致?Check 3 specifications randomly. Is the printing clear? Are the patterns and characters correct? Is the color consistent with the drawing requirements?

  • 13. 随机抽检3个规格,油墨是否清晰?Random sampling of 3 specifications, ink is clear?

  • 14. 随机抽检3个规格,结合部位是否无胶水痕迹?是否牢固且完整?Check 3 specifications randomly. Is there no trace of glue at the binding part? Is it solid and complete?

  • 15. 随机抽检3个规格,当折成使用状态后,反复3次开合盖子360°是否无裂缝?Randomly check 3 specifications, when folded into use, repeatedly open and close the lid 360° 3 times, is there no crack?

  • 16. 随机抽检3个规格,当折成使用状态时,是否无畸形?边角是否无不齐和漏洞?Random sampling of 3 specifications, when folded into the use of the state, is there no deformity? Are edges and corners uniform and leaky?

  • 17. 随机抽检3个规格,尺寸允差是否在5mm?Check 3 specifications randomly. Is the tolerance 5mm?

油墨 Ink

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同规格的请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different models to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

  • 5. 是否有收集COC?抽查3批来货,检查COC。Are COCs collected? Spot check 3 incoming batches and check COC.

  • 6. COC是否有核对?是否进行签字日期确认?Is the COC checked with date and signature signed?

  • 7. 检查标识,是否可识别追溯?提供至少3份证明。Check the label if it is identified and traceable? Provide at least 3 references.

  • 8. 是否有过退货现象?并描述退货流程。Have there been any returns? And describe the return process.

  • 9. 是否有检验记录?抽查3份检验记录,并核对是否有原始记录和COC。Are there inspection records? Spot check 3 inspection records and check for original records and COC.

  • 10. 随机抽检3个规格,包装是否完整且满足要求?是否无漏液?Random sampling inspection of 3 models, is the package complete and in requirements? Is there no leakage?

  • 11. 随机抽检3个规格,是否是医用级别?若不是,COC或MSDS中是否表明无毒?Random sampling of 3 specifications, whether medical grade? If not, is toxicity indicated in COC or MSDS?

  • 12. 随机抽检3个规格,是否在有效期内?Random sampling of 3 specifications, whether within the validity period?

硅油 Silicone Oil

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同规格的请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different models to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

  • 5. 是否有收集COC?抽查3批来货,检查COC。Are COCs collected? Spot check 3 incoming batches and check COC.

  • 6. COC是否有核对?是否进行签字日期确认?Is the COC checked with date and signature signed?

  • 7. 检查标识,是否可识别追溯?提供至少3份证明。Check the label if it is identified and traceable? Provide at least 3 references.

  • 8. 是否有过退货现象?并描述退货流程。Have there been any returns? And describe the return process.

  • 9. 是否有检验记录?抽查3份检验记录,并核对是否有原始记录和COC。Are there inspection records? Spot check 3 inspection records and check for original records and COC.

  • 10. 随机抽检3个规格,包装是否完整且满足要求?是否无漏液?Random sampling inspection of 3 models, is the package complete and in requirements? Is there no leakage?

  • 11. 随机抽检3个规格,是否是医用级别?若不是,COC或MSDS中是否表明无毒?Random sampling of 3 specifications, whether medical grade? If not, is toxicity indicated in COC or MSDS?

  • 12. 随机抽检3个规格,是否在有效期内?Random sampling of 3 specifications, whether within the validity period?

酒精 Alcohol

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同规格的请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different models to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

  • 5. 是否有收集COC?抽查3批来货,检查COC。Are COCs collected? Spot check 3 incoming batches and check COC.

  • 6. COC是否有核对?是否进行签字日期确认?Is the COC checked with date and signature signed?

  • 7. 检查标识,是否可识别追溯?提供至少3份证明。Check the label if it is identified and traceable? Provide at least 3 references.

  • 8. 是否有过退货现象?并描述退货流程。Have there been any returns? And describe the return process.

  • 9. 是否有检验记录?抽查3份检验记录,并核对是否有原始记录和COC。Are there inspection records? Spot check 3 inspection records and check for original records and COC.

  • 10. 随机抽检2瓶,包装是否完整且满足要求?是否无漏液?Random sampling inspection of 2 bottles, is the package complete and in requirements? Is there no leakage?

  • 11. 随机抽检2瓶,是否在有效期内?Random sampling of 2 bottles, whether within the validity period?

  • 12. 随机抽检2瓶,是否为物色透明液体?是否有细微臭味?Random sampling of 2 bottles, whether to look for transparent liquid? Is there a slight odor?

  • 13. 随机抽检2瓶,酒精含量是否≥75%?Random sampling of 2 bottles, alcohol content ≥75%?

气体 Gas

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同规格的请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different models to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

  • 5. 是否有收集COC?抽查3批来货,检查COC。Are COCs collected? Spot check 3 incoming batches and check COC.

  • 6. COC是否有核对?是否进行签字日期确认?Is the COC checked with date and signature signed?

  • 7. 检查标识,是否可识别追溯?提供至少3份证明。Check the label if it is identified and traceable? Provide at least 3 references.

  • 8. 是否有过退货现象?并描述退货流程。Have there been any returns? And describe the return process.

  • 9. 是否有检验记录?抽查3份检验记录,并核对是否有原始记录和COC。Are there inspection records? Spot check 3 inspection records and check for original records and COC.

  • 10. 随机抽检3瓶,是否无破损?无漏气?Random sampling of 3 bottles, is there no damage? No air leakage?

  • 11. 随机抽检3瓶,是否有合格证?合格证是否包含生产批号、日期、气体规格、有效期?Random sampling of 3 bottles, whether there is a certificate? Does the certificate contain production lot number, date, gas specification and expiration date?

生物指示剂 Biological Indicator

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同规格的请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different models to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

  • 5. 是否有收集COC?抽查3批来货,检查COC。Are COCs collected? Spot check 3 incoming batches and check COC.

  • 6. COC是否有核对?是否进行签字日期确认?Is the COC checked with date and signature signed?

  • 7. 检查标识,是否可识别追溯?提供至少3份证明。Check the label if it is identified and traceable? Provide at least 3 references.

  • 8. 是否有过退货现象?并描述退货流程。Have there been any returns? And describe the return process.

  • 9. 是否有检验记录?抽查3份检验记录,并核对是否有原始记录和COC。Are there inspection records? Spot check 3 inspection records and check for original records and COC.

  • 10. 随机抽检,包装是否完整且满足要求?Random sampling inspection, is the package complete and in requirements?

  • 11. 随机抽查,外箱中盒以及单支指示剂规格、品牌、数量、批号、有效期是否满足要求?Random sampling inspection, do the specifications, brand, quantity, batch number and expiration date of each indicator meet the requirements?

  • 12. 随机抽查,COC中初始含菌量是否大于1*10 6?Random sampling inspection, is the initial bacteria content in COC greater than 1*10 6?

化学指示剂 Chemical Indicator

  • 1. 是否有检验规范?文件编号是什么? Are there inspection specifications? What is the file number?

  • 2. 是否有受控版本的规范分发到检验员处?请提供照片。Are controlled versions of the specification distributed to inspectors? Please provide photo as evidence.

  • 3. 是否有请检单?检查不同规格的请检单,查看填写是否能满足可识别追溯。Are there application for testing form? Please check the form for different models to see whether the filling can meet the identification and traceability.

  • 4. 检验员是否知道抽样引用标准、公司使用的抽样方案和控制水平要求?Are inspectors aware of sampling reference standards, sampling plans and control level requirements used by the company?

  • 5. 是否有收集COC?抽查3批来货,检查COC。Are COCs collected? Spot check 3 incoming batches and check COC.

  • 6. COC是否有核对?是否进行签字日期确认?Is the COC checked with date and signature signed?

  • 7. 检查标识,是否可识别追溯?提供至少3份证明。Check the label if it is identified and traceable? Provide at least 3 references.

  • 8. 是否有过退货现象?并描述退货流程。Have there been any returns? And describe the return process.

  • 9. 是否有检验记录?抽查3份检验记录,并核对是否有原始记录和COC。Are there inspection records? Spot check 3 inspection records and check for original records and COC.

  • 10. 随机抽检,包装是否完整且满足要求?Random sampling inspection, is the package complete and in requirements?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.