Title Page
All staff follow uniform standard. wear apron, shoes, headgear, no jewelry & accessory while on duty.
Personal Hygiene: Clean and neat fingernails without any nail colour, clean shave, hair grooming (tie back/hair cover for long hair). Free from open cuts or any illness. No offensive odour.
Outside food not bought into the kitchen area and no eating in processing area/kitchen. (storage for personal belongings provided)
Pest activity present in the restaurants
Practice washing hand regularly and using disposable glove while direct contact with the foods.
Handwashing area and sink is clean, equipped with antibacterial soap, paper towel, handwashing poster.
Drain and grease trap is cleaned and well maintained.
Garbage disposal and dustbins is sufficient, Hand-free and foot pedal operated.
Floor is dry and clean
Exhaust hood/fan surface filtered clean.
No unpleasant smells at the production area and storage.
Strictly NO product to place directly on the floor.
External packaging been removed before storage.
All goods received must be stored at the right temperature and well arrange at the dedicated area.
Labelling of raw materials and finished products have enough information (external raw materials: product’s name, expiry date, manufacturer details)
Clear segregation between raw materials and non-food items (equipment, chemical). All frozen food must be thawed according to SOP on food safety.
Suitable cleaning tools and approved chemical.
All goods are compulsory to practise FIFO.
All food items stored in food container and always covered and in good condition.
Comply to all shelf life and tagging label.
Rejected and expired products and raw materials are removed to avoid any cross contamination risk
Product serving presentation in compliance with SOP.
Valid Fire Extinguisher at the designated area.
7 steps of hand washing poster and no smoking signage displayed in the kitchen.
Equipment are well maintained, clean and in good condition
Equipment are operated at the right temperature<br>- Fryer and Griddle: 177°C<br>- Bain Marie: 63°C - 75°C<br>- Chiller: 0’c to 4’c<br>Freezer: -12’c to -18’c<br>- Strip heater: turned on (no heat adjuster) / twist to level 7 (with heat adjuster)
Maintenance and calibration are carried out according to the schedule.
All lightings are well function and in good conditions.
Floor have no broken tiles. Ceiling, lights, and ventilation grids/ducting is in good condition.
Food premises registration (FOSIM), Business License, SSM, are available and updated.
Typhoid Injection and Food Handling Certificate is valid and well-kept in file.
QR Directory is maintain in filing system (Water Filter, Pest Control MSDS, Chemical MSDS, Halal Raw Materials)
Monthly pest control record available
Invoices for purchasing of raw materials record is available and well-kept in file.
Daily checklist has been recorded
All SOP updated and available in outlet for staff references.
The Approved Supplier List is available and updated.
Customer complaints are handled properly, and records are well-maintained.
Updated HACCP Profile
Meetings are conducted and meeting minutes are kept properly
The HACCP Manual is updated as shown on the front page
All information in Manual is updated
Well-Updated reviews and revisions.
Food Safety Policies and Objectives are appropriate and up-to-date
All records are updated and filed
CCP monitoring is carried out and records are kept properly
Problems in monitoring are identified and corrective actions are taken and records are kept properly
Employees understand CCPs, Critical Limits and Corrective Actions for each CCP
By signing below, you acknowledge that the above findings have been discussed with you and corrective actions are being taken to immediately resolve any findings.
Signature Auditee
Signature Audit Team Leader
Signature Audit Team
Signature Audit Team