Project Details
Project Title
Job Number
Prepared By
Phone Number
Supervisor/Team Leader
- Tomasz Borgul
- Keith Chapman
- David Grundy
- Wayne Holt
- Paul Jones
- Lenny Jones
- Peter Rigby
- Dan Smith
- Luke Tapper
Site Start Time
Site Finish Time
Possession Start Time
Possession Finish Time
Team Members
Are there relevant RAMS available?
Has these been read, understood and signed by all operatives?
Temperature Morning
- N/A
- 0-5°C
- 6-10°C
- 11-15°C
- 16-20°C
- 21-25°C
- 26-30°C
- 31-35°C
- 36-40°C
Temperature Afternoon
- N/A
- 0-5°C
- 6-10°C
- 11-15°C
- 16-20°C
- 21-25°C
- 26-30°C
- 31-35°C
- 36-40°C
Weather Conditions
- Wind
- Snow
- Rain
- Fog
- Sleet
- Hail
- Clear
- Sunny
- Warm
- Dry
Hazards & Site Conditions
Identify Key Hazards
- Slips;Trips;Falls
- Falls from Height
- Falling/Flying Objects
- Chemicals/Harmful Substances
- Heat/Fire/Explosions
- Asphyxiation/Drowning
- Contact Moving Parts
- Contact Stationary Objects
- Object Overturning/Collapse
- Manual Handling
- Vehicles
- Dust/Fumes
- Noise
- Vibration
- Electricity
- Radiation
- Poor Lighting
- Temperature (High/Low)
- Adverse Weather
How are the site conditions, ground conditions, house keeping, welfare facilities, access/egress etc?
Explain why?
Over Night Stay?
Distance to Accommodation?
Work Permits
Have you been issued any GENERAL WORK permits?
Permit Number?
Have you been issued a HOT WORK permits?
Permit Number?
Have you been issued a CONFINED SPACES permit?
Permit Number?
Have you been issued any other type of permit?
Type of Permit? Permit Number?
Please give a full description of any Harrison's equipment used on site...
Identify any equipment on site that is hired...
Are there any additional equipment requirements for this project?
Duties Performed/Health and Safety
Give a detailed description of all works carried out on this day and the stage of completion against the program. Clearly identify each operatives tasks.
Has there been any issues that have prevented works being carried out?
Describe issues?
Have there been any issues raised by operatives?
Describe issues?
Have there been any issues raised by the client?
Describe issues?
Have there been any accidents on site today?
Briefly describe the accident?
Have there been any near misses on site today?
Briefly describe the near misses?
Photographs & Sign Off
Add daily photographs to report
Sign off