Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
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Untitled Page
What type of vibrating equipment or tool/s are being used?
Manufacturer of Item/s
Serial number of item/s
Do the item/s have a tag
Is use of the item controlled by a sign in/out system, or anything to that affect?
Is it possible to gain access to vibration tools, without the knowledge of the responsible person?
Is a permit to work required for this particular task?
Are all details on the permit to work sufficient for the task?
Has the tool been inspected as per manufacturers guidance?
Is there a suitable and sufficient risk assessment in place for the task?
Is the risk assessment available at the work site?
Are any of the personnel involved in the task, suffering from any health condition, which would put them at particular risk from carrying out vibration related tasks?
Is the item complete with relevant information from the manufacturer, on the probable magnitude of vibration?
Has the daily exposure limit value (ELV) been calculated, using a HAVS calculator?
Has the daily exposure limit been communicated and documented, to personnel carrying out the task?
How is the time of exposure being monitored and logged?
Has a toolbox talk been carried out for the task?
Does the toolbox talk communicate all relevant risks and mitigations?