
  • Prepared by

  • Conducted on

  • Enter the name of the offsite provider...

  • Audit Title

  • Enter the site being visited...

  • Client / Site

  • The report was completed with the assistance of the following venue staff...

  • Personnel

  • The venue would like to receive a copy of the report...

  • Venue e-mail address

General Safety

  • Is a Health and Safety Law poster displayed in a prominent location?

  • Is a copy of the providers Public Liability Insurance available to view? And, ideally displayed in a public locale?

  • Is a copy of the providers Employees Liability Insurance available to view?

  • Risk assessments, or room checks, are completed at least annually?

  • The action plan has been checked, and is updated to reflect progress.

  • All high risk action points have been completed?

  • Housekeeping around the site is generally good?

  • Pedestrian and vehicular traffic are segregated, as far as is practicable, on approach to the site entrance?

  • Was the site built before or after 1990?

  • Has an asbestos survey been completed?

  • Is the asbestos survey available to view?

  • Where asbestos is present, is it being monitored quarterly?


  • The provider has confirmed that all their staff are CRB checked?

  • The Single Central Record was available to view?

  • The provider has a nominated Child Protection Officer, and knows who to contact in the school in relation to child protection matters?

  • Non attendance is reported on the day?

  • Access to the site is controlled?

First Aid

  • Trained first aid support is available on site?

  • There are adequate first aid receptacles located throughout the site?

  • First aid receptacles are checked on a regular basis (and at least quarterly)?

  • The venue has an accident book?

  • The venue reports accidents to the LEA or HSE as required, and has a ready supply of report forms.

Fire Precautions

  • The site has a fire risk assessment, that has been reviewed within the past year?

  • All high risk actions from the fire risk assessment have been completed?

  • There is sufficient provision of fire fighting equipment (i.e. at least one water extinguisher per 200 sq meters or floor)?

  • Fire action notices are provided at relevant locations?

Water Hygiene

  • The venue has a regime in place to check the hygiene of hot water cylinders (by at least quarterly temperature monitoring)?

  • The site uses potable (tanked) cold water?

  • Potable water used for...

  • All outlets are marked as non-drinking water?

  • A flushing regime is in place that covers periods of non use (Christmas, Easter, Summer), and also if the source tank goes above temperature?

  • Water temperatures from the source tank are monitored at least monthly?

  • The source tank is checked for cleanliness / bacteria by a competent person at least every six months?

Electrical Safety

  • Portable appliances are PAT checked on a regular basis?

  • Portable appliances seen are generally in good condition?

  • Fixed electrical systems are checked every five years?

  • Woodworking, kitchen, or metalworking equipment is used?

  • Workshop machinery is checked annually by a competent person?

  • Workshop machinery is subject to at least quarterly recorded checks?

  • Gas appliances are inspected annually by a competent person?

  • LEV testing is competed every 14 months by a competent person?

Offsite Activities & Trips

  • The venue co-ordinates it's trips and visits through one person/system?

  • Parents are informed of visits taking place, and written consent obtained?

  • The provider is aware of the need to inform the school of any offsite visits, and knows who to report them to.


  • The kind of activities being completed are generally...

  • What kind of activities take place?

  • Risk assessments for any high risk activities have been seen?

  • The working are for these activities has been specifically checked, and is suitable?

  • Does manual handling form part of the activities planned?

  • Have manual handling risk assessments been completed?

  • Does working at height form part of the activities planned?

  • Has a working at height risk assessment been completed?

  • The provider is aware of any special educational needs or medical needs that pupils may have?


  • A tour of the venue was completed?

  • Please confirm all areas were viewed...

  • A tour of the venue should be competed to provide reassurance that the area of work is safe. A follow up visit should be arranged within 14 days.

  • This content of this audit was discussed with venue staff?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.