
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Previous audit actions

  • Has the previous audit been reviewed

  • Have previous audit actions been completed to a satisfactory standard


  • Are PFS statutory documents current and displayed in a prominent place? <br>¨ PFS EL Insurance Certificate <br>¨ H&S Law poster <br>¨ Wincanton Policy statement

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  • PFS notice boards up to date and include relevant site information?

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  • Is the companies smoking, whistleblowing and disciplinary & grievance procedures displayed in a prominent place?

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  • Are all Colleagues/Visitors in the depot signing in to site, wearing the appropriate PPE & safety footwear?

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  • Is the Accident Report Book in its location?

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  • Are there any completed forms in the accident book?

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  • Review last reportable accident for evidence of implementation of remedial action?

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  • Are Near Miss forms available?

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  • Are Near Misses investigated and findings communicated to colleagues?

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  • Discuss with colleagues roll out of recent SSOW documentation and feedback comments in comments section. Check personnel files for evidence of signed SSOW?

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  • Quarterly H&S reviews are carried out and evidence of meeting minutes?

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House Keeping

  • Are all slips and trips, hazards in the VMU dealt with?

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  • Are the floors clean tidy and swept. Clear of spills, oil and grease?

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  • Are tools and equipment which are not in use stored correctly and not introducing other hazards?

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  • Are spill kits and or soak up granules of sufficient levels and available to use?

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  • Are walkways both internally and externally clear, free of trip hazards, trailing cables, tools and equipment etc?

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  • Are cleaning standards to agreed specification and schedule in areas maintained by contract cleaners?

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Welfare Facilities

  • Are canteen areas kept to hygiene standards including microwave, fridge and sink etc?

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  • Are bins emptied?

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  • There is no offensive material displayed?

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  • Are welfare facilities clean and tidy including showers?

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  • Is hand soap and barrier cream available and to sufficient levels?

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  • Are toiletries readily available?

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  • Are hand driers or towels available?

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  • Personal lockers and wash facilities are fit for purpose?

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  • Is the locker room tidy?

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  • Are all waste bins emptied?

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  • VMU team members, VMU contractors and VMU visitors are all wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment or clothing?

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  • Are colleagues adequately segregated from vehicles when entering / exiting the building? (i.e barrier or separate doorway).

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  • Permits to work are issued as required to contractors working in the VMU?

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  • Any building / equipment defects, including lighting, are reported and actioned using the Other than Road Vehicles Defect Book

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  • Are maintenance pit floors and access clear and tidy?

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  • All chemicals stored correctly e.g no sprays / paints left unattended on workshop floor?

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  • All gas cylinders ( oxygen, acetylene, argon ) have pressure regulators, flash back arresters ( if required ) and pipe work that are fit for purpose?

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  • All oxygen acetylene equipment weekly inspections performed and filed?

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  • All oxygen acetylene and mig welding equipment are serviced within the CP7 and GN7 inspection period?

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  • Welding screens are available and in good condition. Staff and contractors are using eye protection and ear defenders where necessary and these are in good working order?

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  • Abrasive wheels show no sign of visible damage or excess wear, rests are correctly adjusted and guards are fitted and in good condition?

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  • All pillar drills are fitted with guards and chuck key is available?

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  • All air lines are fit for purpose and tyre inflation gauge has at least 3 metres of air line attached?

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  • The brake tester is currently calibrated and is working and defect free?

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  • Axle stands show no visible signs of damage and pin is permanently attached by chain. Pit jacks show no signs of leakage or visible damage?

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  • Is lifting equipment i.e axle stands, trolley jacks displaying a current in date certification?

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  • Is access equipment being used correctly?

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  • Has the monthly access equipment inspection been performed?

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  • Is electrical equipment in good condition and within the PAT test date? ( annually office / canteen, 6 monthly for VMU including 110v, 240v and 3 phase 415v equipment )

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  • Has the daily pre shift inspection been performed on FLT? ( fork lift truck )

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  • Are doors locked and keys removed from all vehicles being worked on or not in use (inc. Forklifts, vans and shunt vehicles)?

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  • Are keys for the above vehicles retained in a secure location?

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  • Have service vans been subject to documented pre-use checks? (check a min of 2 vans) <br>

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VMU loading and bay procedures

  • Are open VMU roller doors protected by safety chains and signage to prevent unauthorised entry?

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  • Are VMU bay chains and signage in place to prevent unauthorised access?

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  • Are chains / barriers in place around vehicle lifts to prevent unauthorised access under raised vehicles / trailers?

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  • Are open pits protected by barriers?

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  • Are chains / barriers in place around brake tester rollers to prevent unauthorised access?

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  • Are axle stands in use where vehicles/trailers are raised?

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  • Is the presentation, aesthetics and house keeping maintained to an acceptable standard?

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  • Are personnel routes clear of obstructions and trip hazards?

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  • Is the adequate lighting with no defects?

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  • Are desk areas tidy?

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  • Are VDU assessments in place and all actions acted upon?

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Yard areas

  • Is external and internal PFS signage current clear and visible?

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  • All vehicles / trailers and vor'd tractors / trailers parked in a designated or appropriate area ( not blocking walkways, fire equipment, fire assembly points or obstructing yard activities ) and are locked off where required, with VOR boards fitted?

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  • Tyres, pallets, skips and combustible materials are stored correctly and a minimum of 6 metres from the exterior facia of the workshop?

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  • Are compressed cylinders stored 3 metres from the building and segregated by 3 metres ( fuel gases - oxygen & argon / empty full )

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  • Is gas bottle cage locked signage in place for compressed gas bottles and flammable gases, no naked flames?

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  • Do waste skips require emptying?

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  • Is access to waste skips clear?

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  • Are batteries stored correctly and in the appropriate bins?

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  • Are oil tank levels appropriate?

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  • Are the correct Coshh labels fitted to oil tanks or drums?

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Stores area

  • Are isles clear of obstructions and stock items?

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  • Are there items protruding from racking?

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  • Is racking in good order with no signs of overloading or distortion?

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  • Are heavier items stored at lower levels?

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  • Is a Coshh cupboard available with signage in place and doors locked?

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First aid

  • Are all first aid kits and eye wash available in the correct areas?

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  • Are first aid administrators names displayed at each first aid station?

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  • Has the monthly inspection been performed and filed away?


  • Are all fire exits and routes in the VMU workshop are clear and not blocked?

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  • All fire extinguishers in place?

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  • Are all break glass call points clear of obstructions?

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  • Has the monthly fire equipment inspection been performed?

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Additional Comments / Observations.

  • Report discussed with

  • Add signature

  • Name of senior Manager carrying out the audit

  • Add signature

  • Senior managers overall rating. 1 good 3 average 5 requires immediate support from senior management.

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