
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Previous Auditing

  • Is there evidence of previous auditing on site? (E.g. Weekly checks sheets, external auditing)

  • Have actions from previous audits been carried out within the timescale given?

  • Are records of previous audits kept on file and hard copies?


  • Is there a copy of the Health and Safety policy available on site?

  • Is the Health and Safety statement displayed prominently on the notice boards?

  • Is the Health and safety at work poster complete with up to date information and displayed prominently?

  • Is there an organisation plan on site, detailing Health and Safety responsibilities of key members of staff?

  • Have members of staff who have Health and Safety responsibilities fully aware of these? Are they competent? Has training been given? Has this been recorded?

Asbestos Procedure

  • Are there Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) present on site? (If no move onto next section)

  • If so, has a survey been completed and is a copy of the Asbestos register on site?

  • Have affected staff received Asbestos awareness training? Are copies of certificates held on site?

  • Have checks been carried out by a competent contractor within timescales defined in the Asbestos management plan?

  • Have routine visual checks been carried out as per the asbestos management plan? Have these been recorded?

  • What information is provided to subcontractors planning work on site?

  • Has any ACM been removed from site? If so have copies of licenses and transfer notes been provided by the contractor to prove competence and correct disposal?

Accident / Incident Procedure

  • Is there a reporting procedure in place to ensure all accidents/incidents are reported to site management immediately?

  • Have all accidents / incidents reported been thoroughly investigated and timely actions taken to prevent re-occurrence?

  • Where an accident has the potential to become RIDDOR reportable, has the site designated somebody to monitor absence and report to the HSE?

  • Choose two random accidents from the last three months, can the completed paperwork be found quickly and efficiently? Have the actions required been completed and signed off?

Risk Assessment

  • Is there a scheme of generic risk assessments available on site? How often are they reviewed? Have they been reviewed in the last year?

  • How are these made specific to the task? (Eg: Site Specific Risk Assessment, Point of Work Assessment)

  • How are tasks outside the normal scope of works managed? (Eg: Specific Risk Assessment, Method Statements etc)

  • Choose two random tasks that are ongoing, ask for Risk Assessments and Specific Assessments is it sufficient? Are control measures listed in place?

  • Is there a Permit to Work system in use for hazardous work such as hot work, confined spaces etc?

Lone Working

  • Do employees on site work lone work at any time?

  • If so, is there a lone working procedure and Risk Assessment in place?

  • Is there a suitable system in place for contacting lone workers (eg: phone call every 30 minutes etc)

  • Is there a system in place for checking the suitability of lone workers? (Eg: existing health problems)

Management of Subcontractors

  • Identify the process of managing subcontractors works, from planning to completion is this suitable and efficient?

  • Are subcontractor Risk Assessments and method statements reviewed prior to works commencing? Is there a set criteria that must be achieved? Is the person responsible for reviewing these competent to do so?

  • Is the process whereby site rules and site information can be provided to subcontractor employees?(eg: site induction, toolbox talks)

  • Are audits, spot checks or safety inspections carried out on subcontractors works? If so are they recorded sufficiently?

  • Where subcontractor works and our own are likely to interface is there a procedure in place to ensure communication between all parties? (Eg: regular meetings, on site discussions etc)


  • Is there a list of chemicals being used/held on site?

  • Are there completed COSHH assessments available for all chemicals on the list?

  • Have these assessments been communicated to the workforce? Is the procedure for this sufficient?

  • How is COSHH awareness promoted on site? Is the level of information sufficient? (Eg: training, posters, leaflets)

  • Is there occupational health arrangement in place? (Eg: per employment screening, medicals etc)

  • Choose an ongoing task where a chemical is in use, ask to see the COSHH assessment, check the correct PPE is being worn, ask the user some basic questions about the chemical they are using. Was this sufficient?

Training and Competence

  • Have all staff been inducted?

  • Is there a training matrix on site? Has gap analysis been carried out and training issues addressed?

  • Are there minimum training and certification requirements set out for each job role?

  • Does the site employ anyone under the age of 18? If so has a Young Person's Risk Assessment been carried out?

  • How does the site management team ensure that safety information and training is provided to all members of the workforce? (Eg: safety briefings, toolbox talk etc)

  • Choose two random employees, compare a copy of their job description with their current qualifications, training and experience. Are they competent? Are any training needs identified on the training matrix?

Plant, Equipment and Maintenance

  • Is there an asset register in place on site? Is it up to date? And does it list required inspection dates?

  • Are daily visual checks being completed? Is there a programme of written inspections being carried out and recorded?

  • Are employees using access equipment for work at height (scaffold, razor decks etc) competent in use? (Eg: PASMA trained when erecting and dismantling scaffold)

  • Are harnesses, lanyards and man safe systems in use? If so, have they been inspected and are users trained and competent?

  • Are there ladders in use on site? If so, are they only used for a short duration work and subject to a routine inspection?

  • Are items of plant and equipment stored in line with the manufacturers' recommendations?

  • Are all electrical items PAT tested?

  • Are all items of plant and equipment with accessible moving parts fitted with suitable guards?

  • Is there a system in place to control the issue of plant and equipment to prevent unauthorised use? (Eg: a sign out sheet)

  • Are regimes for statutory inspections managed effectively? (Eg: 6 monthly inspections on lifts) Are records kept on file and hard copy?

  • Choose two item of plant and equipment, are they listed on the asset register? Are they in good condition? Consider storage, how it's used, maintenance schedule, training required for its use etc.

Noise and Vibration

  • Is there a noise and / or vibration procedure on site?

  • Does noise and vibration form part of the Risk Assessment process?

  • Where noise is above the legal limits, is there a procedure in place to eliminate, reduce it and protect employees?

  • Where vibration is present, is there a procedure in place to prevent employees exceeding the maximum daily exposure limit and inform them of the 'trigger times' for the equipment?

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Does the site have mandatory PPE requirement?

  • Is PPE readily available? (Eg: kept in stock)

  • How is the issue of PPE recorded? Is it sufficient?

  • Have any safety briefings, toolbox talks etc been delivered on the use of PPE and its maintenance?

Fire Safety and First Aid

  • Is there a fire evacuation plan in place? Has a fire drill been carried out? What was the date of the last drill and alarm test?

  • Is there a fire risk assessment on site? Has it been reviewed regularly?

  • Are there suitable means to alert people in the event of fire? (Eg: speaker system, alarm system, visual alarm for people with hearing difficulties)

  • Are fire extinguishers available? Have they been inspected in the last year? Are they suitably positioned and the correct type for the area and its contents?

  • Do fire exits lead to a place of safety? Consider lighting, space etc

  • Are fire doors to the correct specification?

  • Are fire exit direction signs correctly positioned, lit and easy to understand / follow?

  • Are there trained fire marshals / wardens? Are they sufficient in number for the amount of people in site?

  • Are there sufficient first aiders available on site?

  • Are there sufficient first aid boxes and eye wash stations and are they kept stocked?

  • Is there a suitable system available for getting first aid assistance when required?

General Site Safety

  • Possible slips, trips and falls hazards?

  • Work at height?

  • Electrical issues?

  • Man handling issues?

  • Traffic management?

  • Display screen equipment?


  • Does the site have a current environmental policy, is it displayed on notice board?

  • Have all relevant staff received Environmental Awareness training?

  • Are any chemicals in use dangerous to the environment? If so are control measures in place?

  • Are all stored chemicals on drip trays or bundled to 110% capacity?

  • Do COSHH assessments clearly state what environmental controls are required in event of a spill and are these COSHH assessments kept near the chemical stores?

  • Are there spill kits readily available?

  • Is there a procedure in place to prevent spillages entering the drains or watercourses? Have all spillages been reported and investigated thoroughly?


  • Is the up to date Quality policy displayed on the notice boards?

  • Have all employees received Quality awareness training?

  • Is there evidence of quality checks being carried out during and after works?

  • Are materials being stored in line with the manufacturers' guidelines?

  • Is a suitable system in place for communicating quality requirements to subcontractors?

  • Are standardised forms in use the most current version?

  • Are all items of monitoring equipment calibrated and have a certificate of calibration dated within the last year?

  • Are Quality issues discussed at site meetings? Are the minutes available?

  • Have all non-conformance raised, been closed out with suitable actions in place to prevent re-occurence?

  • Has the site team put in place a process to achieve targets and objectives set for quality performance? Is there a sufficient process for discussing process and performance on site?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.