Building Name and Address:
Brief description of building:
Property Occupied by:
Building Use
Building Services:
Review Date:
Building Inspection Attendees:
Add signature
Security Inspection
1. Entering a property
1.1 On entering the building, were you challenged or asked who you were?
1.2 Did you show your ID?
1.3a Was there security personnel on site?
1.3b If yes, who provides this?
2.1 Is there CCTV on site?
2.2 Does it cover internal/external or both?
2.3 Who controls the CCTV?
2.4 Is the screen away from public view?
2.5 How many cameras are there on site?
2.6 Do they all work?
2.7 Is the correct signage in place? <br>
3. General Security
3.1 Are the outside areas (car park) adequately lit?
3.2 Is the boundary fencing in good repair?
3.3 Is the property gated and secured at night?
3.4 Are garden areas well maintained and not overgrown? (This allows clear visibility)
3.5 Can the roof be easily accessed? (Is it flat / can bins or other structure be used to gain access?)
3.6 Are there any unsecured external areas? (Rear parking / Waste stores etc)
3.7 Are there any reported security issues by building users?
State issues:
3.8 Is Proximity Access in use?
3.9 Are there any other Security Devices used within the building? (E.g Trellis-Guarding at windows)
3.10a Is an intruder alarm fitted?
3.10b If so, is it operational?
Additional Information:
Health & Safety Inspection
4. Asbestos
4.1 Is there an Asbestos Survey on site?
Select date
4.2 Is there ACM in the building?
4.3 Has ACM been re-inspected?
Select date
4.4 Is there a local Asbestos Management Plan?
5. Legionella
5.1 Is there a Water Risk Assessment on site?
Select date
5.2 Is there a Water Log Book on site?
5.3 Is the Water Log Book up to date?
5.4 Is there a flushing programme?
By who?
5.5 Is there a temperature monitoring programme?
6. Gas
6.1 Is there Gas on site?
6.2 Is there a Gas Safe Inspection?
Select date
6.3 Has all gas catering equipment been inspected within the last 12 months?
Select date
7. Electrical Safety
7.1 Is there a Periodical Fixed Test on site?
Select date
7.2 Is there a PAT Testing regime in place?
7.3 Are electrical sockets being used correctly? (I.e not overloaded)
7.4 Is NHS PS electrical equipment in good working order? (No damage)
7.5 Is access to live high/low voltage equipment restricted to authorised people only?
8. Lifts
8.1 Are there any lifts?
8.2 Is there evidence if inspection/maintenance?
Select date
9. Pressure Vessels
9.1 Are there pressure vessels within the building?
10. Medical Gas
10.1 Is there piped medical gas on site?
10.2 Is there a MGPS Operating Procedure on site?
10.3 Has the system been inspected in the last 6 months under the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations?
10.4 Is there bottled gas on site?
10.5 Is the bottled gases store as per HTM?
10.6 Has a designated nursing officer been named?
11. Generators
11.1 Are generators used at this building?
11.2 Is there evidence of maintenance on site?
Select date
12. Windows
12.1 Has the building had a window restrictor survey undertaken?
Select date
12.2 Has Clinical Provider undertaken a Risk Assessment for falls from windows?
Select date
12.3 Are windows and frames in good condition?
12.4 Are windows functioning and fully operational?
12.5 Are blinds in a safe condition?
12.6 Fully open window gap less than 100mm?
12.7 Tamper proof fixings?
12.8 Fittings could withstand excessive force?
12.9 Additional control measures required (if any):
13. Automatic Doors
13.1 Has the property got automatic doors?
13.2 Is there evidence of maintenance on site?
14. Chemicals
14.1 Are Hazardous Substances used on site?
14.2 Are they securely stored?
14.3 Are COSHH Risk Assessments available for substances used by NHS PS?
15. Housekeeping
15.1 Is the standard of cleaning good?
15.2 Is the building clear of rubbish?
16. Waste
16.1 Is there any issues with Clinical Waste?
16.2 Are there any issues with Domestic Waste?
17. Lighting
17.1 Are there any obvious issues with internal lighting levels?
17.2 Are internal light fittings operable?
17.3 Are there any obvious issues with external lighting?
17.4 Are external light fittings operable?
18. Environment (Internal)
18.1 Is there adequate space for staff to work safely?
18.2 Are there any slip, trip, fall hazards?
18.3 Are handrails secured?
18.4 Is floor covering in good condition? (Not worn or damaged)
19. Environment (External)
19.1 Are grit bins provided?
19.2 Are there any smoking related issues?
19.3 Are there any slip, trip or fall hazards?
19.4 Any significant deterioration of the building fabric?
19.5 Are external waste bin storage solutions suitable?
19.6 Is there adequate separation of vehicles and pedestrians?
19.7 Is there any vehicle traffic related issues?
20. Welfare
20.1 Is a staff room provided?
20.2 Are the appropriate toilets in good repair?
20.3 Is hot water available?
20.4 Are staff changing rooms available?
20.5 Is drinking water provided?
21. Radiators
21.1 Are radiators covered in public areas?
21.2 Is there covering to exposed pipe work?
22. Contractor Management
22.1 Is the Health and Safety file available?
22.2 Have the contractors been inducted to site?
22.3 Is there a contractors signing sheet to say they will abide to NHS PS procedures?
23. First Aid
23.1 Do NHS PS staff have access to a first aid box?
23.2 Do NHS PS staff have access to a first aider?
23.3 Are first aid notices present and up to date?
24. DDA
24.1 Access / Egress suitable?
24.2 Adequate disabled spaces available?
24.3 Any other DDA specific issues present?
25. Signage
25.1 Appropriate signage in place for specific hazards?
25.2 Any issues with way-marking signage?
26. Pest Control
26.1a Any obvious Pest issues?
26.1b Controls in place?
26.2 Any situations identified that could cause Pest issues?