
  • Store / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • Is access available to the online Health & Safety Poicy Manual & are employees aware of how to access this manual?

  • Is the current Policy Satement correctly displayed on the noticeboard?

  • Is the current Employers Liability Insurance certificate displayed on the notice board?

  • Is the current Health & Safety Law poster displyed & correctly completed?

Risk Assessment

  • Is access available to the latest company issue of risk assessments & are employees aware of how to access these assessments?

  • Are employees aware of how to interpret and comply with the control measures identified?

  • Have supplementary site specific risk assessments been carried out when any new hazards have been identified?

  • Is the Manager aware of the requirements. for specific risk assessments for new or expectant mothers or young person's?

  • Have all statutory risk assessments been completed and are they available?

Contractor Management

  • Are all contractors used on the approved contractor database?

  • Is the contractor site access form completed by the locations responsible person for every visit prior to commencemnet and signed off following completion?

  • Are appropriate risk assessments and method statements seen for the required works prior to commencement ?

Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

  • Have all DSE users been identified?

  • Are self assessments completed annually or when there is a change in workstation or surrounding environment?

  • Where issues are identified is the company workstation assessment completed?

  • Are actions arising from self assessment and company assessments acted upon and implemented?

Manual Handling

  • Has observed manual handling operations been conducted in accordance with company policy and accompanying risk assessments. ?

  • Is manual handling equipment suitable for the task?

  • Does manual handling equipment have pre-use checks conducted and any statutory checks recorded?

Personnel Protective Equipment

  • Are employees consulted during the selection process to ensure they are provided suitable PPE for the task (Size, Comfort, fit)?

  • Do employees receive information, instruction and training on any PPE and is it made freely available?

  • Are employees aware of how to and when to request replacement PPE?

  • Does PPE meet the requirements of the risk assessment and was it observed in use?

Work at Height

  • Is all work at height equipment suitable for the access required of it?

  • Has any observed work at height operation been conducted in accordance with company policy and accompanying risk assessment?

  • Has all work at height equipment (including accessories) been clearly identified?

  • Is safe roof access/egress and fall prevention/protection equipment provided for works on any designated safe roof?


  • Is a site specific inventory available for all held hazardous items?

  • Are all COSHH/HAZCOM substances held on site recorded on the inventory?

  • Are hazardous substances suitably stored and segregated?

  • Is there evidence that all of the assessment controls are being adhered to?

Plant, Equipment & Maintenance

  • Are items of. work equipment identified within task specific risk assessments?

  • Is all plant and equipment including all installed guards/safety devices regularly maintained and inspected in line with company and statutory guidelines?

  • Are warnings signs/notices clear and easily understood?

  • Has an damaged plant or equipment ( including fixtures and fittings) been placed out of service and reported for repair by a competent person?

Incident Reporting

  • Are all employees able to report an accident, near miss or other incident via the remote on-line forms?

  • Are those with management responsibility conducting appropriate investigations?

  • Have remedial corrective actions been listed and actioned?

  • Is there evidence of near miss or other hazardous incidents being reported and actioned via the on-line reporting system?

Management of Asbestos

  • Is an up to date management plan and Asbestos survey available?

  • Are relevant warning labels in place on or near known Asbestos materials?

  • Have employees been made aware of the presence of Asbestos and its location and are they aware of the requirements to report any observed damage?

  • Has relevant Asbestos monitoring been completed within each 12 month period?

  • Was. any further. Asbestos damage observed during the audit that is not highlighted on the last. monitoring survey?

Fire and Emergencies

  • Have significant findings from the current FRA been progressed in line with the action plan provided?

  • Is the fire log book held and up to date with all sections completed including a copy of the original fire risk assessment and the latest review?

  • Have all designated. fire wardens and persons who assist during an evacuation been identified?

  • Do bi-annual fire drills include all persons ( including all shifts) & are they conducted at the required intervals?

  • Is there evidence that fire and emergency equipment have received recorded inspections at the required intervals?

  • Are personnel emergency evacuation plans completed for all persons requiring them?

  • Are walkways stairways and escape routes kept clear of obstructions?

Workplace Inspections

  • Are required monthly workplace inspections conducted and recorded via on-line reporting?

  • Is there evidence that issues raised from the workplace inspections are being actioned appropiately?

Permit to Work

  • Are permit forms issued to & by competent persons for all works requiring them including roof working, hot works, live electrical works and confined space works?

  • Are permit forms prepared, issued and cancelled following procedures?

  • Are controls listed on sampled permits suitable and sufficient for the works being undertaken ?

Electrical Safety

  • Has the electrical installation been inspected in the last 5 years and are records held with labels affixed to electrical panels?

  • Is a register of all portable electrical equipment held and affixed with an in date label?

  • Has any observed electrical task been conducted in accordance with company policy and accompanying risk assessments?

  • Are faulty items removed from service and labelled as such prior to repair by a competent person?

  • Are any trailing leads kept to a minimum, unrolled, not plugged into another lead to gain length and not overloaded?

  • Are electrical cupboards kept clear off combustibles and is there at least 1 metre between combustibles and all mains boards?

  • Does all operational lighting have bulbs in place?

Workplace Transport

  • Are appropriate traffic circulation signs and signals for vehicles and pedestrians in place?

  • Are all vehicles fit for purpose and maintained in a satisfactory condition with daily checks, pre-use and statutory inspections completed and recorded?

  • Is pedestian access restricted to authorised personnel in areas where workplace transport is in operation?

  • Do all operators of workplace transport hold an appropriate and in date operator license for the class of vehicle being used?

  • Are vehicle speeds appropriate for the area of operation?


  • Are broken and damaged items labelled and quarantined prior to safe disposal?

  • Is stock positioned, stored, stacked and displayed safely?

  • Flooring or items placed upon it are unlikely to cause a potential slipping or tripping hazard?

Noise at Work

  • Are required warning signs and noise protection equipment sited at the entrances to noisy areas?

  • Have all workers within a noisy area been provided with appropriate hearing personal protective equipment?

  • Has any observed work within a designated area been conducted in accordance with company policy and accompanying risk assessments?


  • Has any observed work involving vibration equipment been conducted in accordance with company policy and accompanying risk assessments?

Health Surveillance

  • Are employees aware of the need to report any instance of occupational ill health?

  • Are medical examinations and I'll health screening being undertaken as required?

  • Is there a managed programme of routine occupational health screening and medical assessment?

  • Are records of occupational screening and medicals passed to the relevant HR department?

Pressure Systems

  • Are design, specification and manuals available for installed systems?

  • Has any observed work involving pressure systems been conducted in accordance with company policy and accompanying risk assessments?

Violence and Aggression

  • Are workplace threats, abuse or violence investigated when reported ?

Drug and Alcohol Policy

  • Are employees informed of the policy and do they understand their responsibilities within the scope of the policy ?

  • Are employees aware of their responsibility to report any suspected drug or alchoholmisuse within the workplace to their line manager?

First Aid

  • Are there sufficient first aiders or appointed persons available for the premises accounting for size and type of injuries that may occur?

  • Do all first aiders hold current certification from a recognised training provider and completed a refresher training as required?

  • Are the names and if required locations of any first aiders or appointed persons posted?

  • Do first aid boxes, rooms, eye washes, vehicle kits or first aider bags contain sufficient in date equipment and consumables?

Health and Safety Training

  • Have all employees including temporary or agency employees completed the company E-learning induction and relevant site induction?

  • Have all employees received recorded training relevant for the tasks they will be undertaking prior to commencing that task within the past 3 years?

  • Have all employees completed relevant annual risk assessment and take 5 refresher training?

  • Have all employees with Manager responsibility received training?

  • Are relevant training records available for all employees?


  • Is a management system in place for the site?

  • Are scheduled inspections carried out and recorded?

Driving for Work

  • Are vehicles chosen for the task suitability and are vehicle safety features and records taken into consideration?

  • Are driver checks completed prior to vehicle allocation and periodically?

  • Are all commercial vehicle road traffic accidents investigated?

Lone Worker

  • Have lone worker situations been identified with measures taken to remove the requirement for lone working?

  • Are control measures and emergency procedures for lone workers suitable and sufficient for the lone works being undertaken?

  • Are potential lone workers aware of current available control measures and procedures ?

Employee Welfare

  • Are changing facilities readily available with provision to store items?

  • Are there adequate safe sanitary and washing facilities available with hot and cold water, soap and a means of hand drying?

  • Is wholesome drinking water and adequate drinking vessels available?

  • Are adequate, suitable and sufficient facilities available for rest breaks?

Temporary and Agency Workers

  • Have all temporary and agency worker requirements as required in other audit sections been met?


  • Are all visitors required to sign in to and off site?

  • Are all visitors shown a copy or instructed on the site rules and emergency procedures?

  • Are external visitors escorted at all times whilst on the premises?

Waste Handling

  • Is all waste segregated as required for the site.?

  • Is all waste managed to maximise available storage space?

  • Where available is waste held in suitable receptacles kept away from the building and locked?

Young Persons

  • Have all young persons under 18 had a specific risk assessment completed and communicated prior to placement or start of their employment.?

  • Is training, instruction and appropriate supervision provided and where relevant observed.?

  • Are additional requirements of the young persons rest breaks met (30 minutes when working 4.5 hours or more with 12 hours uninterrupted rest in every 24 hours)?

  • Young persons are not exposed to any hazard that they may not recognise due to their age, lack of training or experience?

Women in the Workplace

  • Are individual risk assessments conducted for all expectant and new mothers in order to account for any physical, biological or chemical risk?

  • Do existing risk assessments account for any physical, biological or chemical risk that could potentially expose an employee or a visitor who is of child-bearing age?

  • Are these assessments regularly updated as required?

  • Are control measures identified, implemented, regularly reviewed and revised as required?

  • Are sufficient welfare provisions and support available?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.